Business: M&L 757

International Marketing

Autumn 2009

T-H: 5:30 – 7:15 PM

SB 305

Jonathan Taylor

Office Hours: Fisher Hall 250 (By appt.)


Text: International Marketing. Cateora & Graham

Case Packet: Cop-Ez

Daily Schedule & Assignments (Subject to change)

9/24 (H): Course Introduction

1)  Syllabus

a)  Building the foundation for a global marketing mindset

b)  Developing global marketing skill sets

2)  Assignments

a)  Text Reading

b)  Case Discussion

c)  Class Participation

9/29 (T): Topic: International Marketing

Objective: To introduce the forces behind international marketing

Text: Chapters 1 & 2

Packet: Lincoln Electric: Lessons From International Expansion

10/1 (H): Topic: Culture and Markets

Objective: To study the concepts associated with culture in global marketing

Text: Chapters 3, 4 & 8

10/6 (T): Topic: Culture and Markets (Case)

Objective: To discuss culture’s impact on marketing in a business setting

Packet: Case Discussion: L’Oreal of Paris – “Class to Mass”

10/8 (H): Topic: Global Marketing and Local Sales Segmentation

Objective: To study the concepts associated with global businesses that have distinct, local markets

Text: Chapters 5, 14 & 17

10/13 (T): Topic: Global Marketing and Local Sales Segmentation (Case)

Objective: To discuss how marketers combine global marketing with local market needs and brands in a business setting

Packet: Case Discussion: Aladdin Knowledge Systems

10/15 (H): Topic: International Advertising

Objective: To study the concepts associated with international advertising and positioning strategies

Text: Chapter 16

10/20 (T): Topic: International Advertising (Case)

Objective: To discuss international advertising and communications

Packet: Case Discussion: IKEA Invades America

10/22 (H): Exam Review

10/27 (T): EXAM 1

Additional details will be communicated

10/29 (H): Topic: Product Brands in International Markets

Topic: International Pricing

Objective: To study the concepts associated global product branding & Pricing

Text: Chapters 12, 13 & 18

11/3 (T): Topic: Product Brands in International Markets (Case)

Objective: To discuss the benefits and challenges associated with global brands in a business setting

Packet: Lenovo: Building a Global Brand

11/5 (H): Topic: International Market Planning

Objective: To study the concepts associated with planning for global markets

Text: Chapter 11, Appendix: pg. 586

11/10 (T): Topic: International Market Planning (Case)

Objective: To discuss the importance of global planning in a business setting

Packet: Silvio Napoli at Schindler India

11/12 (H): Topic: Emerging Markets

Objective: To study the concepts associated with marketing for emerging markets

Text: Chapter 6 & 9

11/17 (T): Topic: Emerging Markets (Case)

Objective: To study the concepts associated with marketing for emerging markets

Packet: Gillette Indonesia

11/19 (H): No Class – Case Preparation (Professor available for team meetings)

11/24 (T): Case Presentations

11/26 (H): No Class - Holiday

12/1 (M): Case Presentations

12/3 (W): Exam Review

12/8 (M): FINAL EXAM


Class Participation (20% of grade)

Students are expected to participate in classroom learning through comments, active listening and discussion with other students. Class participation is an important part of this course’s learning experience and I will actively monitor attendance, preparation and contribution to the classroom environment as components of your participation grade.

During class time, you may be asked questions about the day’s reading or case assignments. Case discussions may require you to take a position and defend a point of view. Additional note will be made of those students who add the introduction of timely, outside topics to classroom discussion. Finally, courtesy is to be shown at all times during class discussion.

Please Read Carefully – To reduce subjectivity as much as possible, I grade participation along the following guidelines:

A Level (A, A-) contributors attend every class or specifically clear an absence beforehand. These students are consistent, valuable contributors to the class discussion - not just by asking questions or restating comments, but by actively forwarding the discussion along with experiences and insight. They are aggressive in engaging in the class debate and eagerto shape the discussion.

B-Level (B+,B,B-) contributors are those who attend regularly and who are active contributors to the class. These students pay good attention, ask questions, and make consistent comments/insights.

C-Level (C+,C,C-) contributors are those who attend class regularly, but rarelyinvolve themselves in the discussions. At times they might comment or ask a question to clarify a point, but that is generally the extent of their involvement. I'm not saying everyone in this group doesn’t pay attention in class (some of the people in this category will do fine on exams and in the class project), but they do notreally "participate" in class.

D and E Level contributors miss class frequently and/or do not involve themselves in class discussion.

In order to facilitate everyone getting to know one another, please bring a name tent to class. Please note that assigned seating may be necessary.

Case Presentation (20% of grade)

Near the middle of the term, students will be divided into teams and asked to prepare a presentation and supporting write-up for class. Cases will be provides to students and grades will be awarded based on team performance with an option to recognize notable individual effort. Additional details (e.g., document / presentation length, focus, etc.) will be communicated; however, student should be aware that the case assignment is an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and mastery of course learnings – direction will be given by guidance is limited by design. Students are encouraged to be creative and demonstrate leadership skills.

Case assignments will be due the Wednesday prior to the first class presentation. Both the presentation and word file must be submitted by no later than 3pm; there are no changes allowed to either document after the submission deadline. No changes in team membership are allowed once the project has begun. Team members are expected to treat one another with respect and handle any differences of opinion professionally within your team structure.

Exams (60% of grade: 30% each)

You will have two exams that will cover class discussion and readings. Exams may consist of multiple choice and essay questions. Cases may also be used to test practical knowledge. The final exam will focus primarily on those topics presented after the first exam – although I reserve the right to include core topics from any early discussions in the final exam. Additional details on exams will be provided.

Additional Comment

Please note that I will use the OSU standard grading scheme. Please note that in order to achieve a particular grade you must reach the associated percentage threshold outlined by the grading scheme without rounding.

Honor Code: All students are expected to uphold the principles and guidelines of the OSU code of student conduct.