DateThursday, 14 May 2015

Dear Governor

There will be a meeting of the Local Governing Body of South Brent Primary School, on Thursday 4 June 215, at 6.30pm, heldin The Learning Den of the school.

Item No / Item / Information on Item incl. any documents / Led By / Time
2.15.1 / Welcome and Introduction /
  1. To welcome Kate Hamilton, Company Secretary of PAT.
  2. To welcome the newly appointed school and Parish Councillor Link.
  3. To receive the Head of School Link Report to South Brent Parish Council.
/ Chair / 6.30
2.15.2 / Apologies /
  1. To receive apologies for, with reasons, and sanction of absence.
  2. To sign the attendance sheet.
/ Chair / 6.40
2.15.3 / Declaration of interests /
  1. Make declaration of business interest regarding any item on this agenda, and complete/update PAT forms.
  2. Make declaration of any interest in property belonging to the academy.
  3. Make declaration of any remuneration in respect of any contract to which the governor is a party.

2.15.4 / Minutes of the previous meeting /
  1. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 4 February 2015.
  2. There were no Part 2 minutes relating to the meeting held on 4 February 2015.
/ Chair / 6.45
2.15.5 / Matters arising from previous minutes /
  1. Update on solar panels (end of LGB 1.15.7)
  2. Update on arrangements for Christine Johns and Rob Kidney to visit the school to look at the Thrive programme and impact.
/ 6.50
2.15.6 / Feedback from Directors /
  1. To receive feedback from the Directors of PAT.
  2. To note any Policies adopted by Tier 2 of PAT, Tier 4 of PAT (ELT = Executive Leadership Team), and Tier 5 of PAT (CLT = Chain Leadership Team).
/ EHT / 7.00
2.15.7 / Standing Reports:
2.15.7 / Health and Safety, & Premises / H&S Report to include legionella testing, asbestos register and any serious incidents (PAT template)
  1. To receive written PAT reports. (e-site)
  2. Site Visits with PAT Premises Lead – Report back to Premises Portfolio for Summer.
  3. To note correspondence/External reports received in respect of Health and Safety issues or Premises issues.
/ H&S Gov / 7.10
2.15.8 /
  1. Safeguarding
/ Safeguarding report. Prior meeting with DSO and SCR check; (PAT template)
To note written monitoring report by Bill Nolan (designated Safeguarding Officer). / SC Gov / 7.15
2.15.8 cont. /
  1. Head of School reports.
  1. Related questions from LGB to be submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting (by Monday, 1 June 2015).
/ To include:
  1. Pupil Premium monitoring.
  2. Sports funding monitoring.
  3. Update to the SEF – judgements this term.
  4. Monitor the SIP (rag rate), incorporating the OFSTED action points.
  5. Outcome of CIF bids.
  6. Current work on British Values. (LGB 1.15.9C)
  7. Review Parental Surveys. (LGB1.15.9B)
  8. Invite to school events – pupil activities.
  9. Website compliance – overview.
  10. Number on roll (NOR).
  11. Pupil – Attendance and exclusions.
  12. Staff – Attendance, staff complement and contract variations.
  13. To note correspondence/External reports received by the HOS.
/ HOS / 7.20
2.15.9 / Monitor the Head of School budget /
  • Budget report – To monitor the Head of School Budget report.
/ HOS / 8.00
2.15.10 /
  1. Local Items for SBPS
  1. Voluntary Unofficial Fund:
  • To note and agree monitoring and signing of the books of the Voluntary Unofficial Fund Account. (e-site)
  • To note books for the Voluntary Unofficial Fund Account have been audited by the Devon Audit Partnership.
  1. To consider recommendations for the review of
  • Procedure for the election of Chair of the LGB – No change. (e-site)
  • Link Role – No change. (e-site)
  • Dinner Money Arrears Policy. Defer until Autumn Term due to ParentMail development.
  • Nutritional Standards Policy – No change. (e-site)
  1. To note list of correspondence received by the Chair of Governors and Clerk, which has not been recorded in the above agenda.
  2. To agree content for the Newsletter to parents.
/ Chair / 8.10
2.15.10 cont. /
  1. Local items of business
/ Mick Waters curriculum development update and next steps:
101 things children should do before they are11 and three quarters years old.
What do governors think should be included?
Please list your ideas and bring to the meeting. / EHT / 8.20
2.15.11 / Annual Calendar of LGB Business / Approve revised TORs (Terms of Reference). (e-site)
Review school security arrangements.
Review of grounds maintenance staff/contract. / HOS / 8.30
2.15.12 / Policies & Statements as per the Annual Cycle / Admission Policy. (e-site)
Exclusions Policy.
Ratify Home School Agreements. / HOS / 8.35
2.15.13 / Issues for Directors & Innovative Practices / 8.45
2.15.14 / Date and Time of Next meetings: / To be confirmed, once the dates for PAT meetings have been agreed. / 8.50
e-site / = Please see the Governors’ iGoogle site, to view these documents.

IL2- Page 1 of agenda for South Brent LGB meeting to be held on 04.06.2015 -