Astro Reports by Nastur Daruwalla

Personalised Predictions -Child (5 years)

She is born in Makar Lagna (Capricorn Ascendant), whose lord Shani is retrograde and is placed in 7th house along with Chandra.

Her birth-star (Nakshatra) is Ashlesha 2nd Pada.

Chandra and Mangal occupy their own signs Karka and Vrishchik respectively.

Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde.

Sun and Moon are always direct.

On studying and deliberating on her horoscope its divisional charts, her Dashas as well along with planetary transits in following five years Ganesha observes as follows.

Year 2005

The positive or negative effects of planetary positions are reflected in first year of native. The birth star “Ashlesha” itself induces highly negative propositions. Besides this association of Chandra with Shani in 7th house may give rise to abnormal situation in regard to general health proposition. She can be said to born in middle of “Sade- Sati”. She may have an ailment which could raise concern about her growth. This position may induce crippling or sort of malfunction of some part of body.

Shani is lord of Ascendant and that of 2nd house as well. This translates into sort of mix results. The 1st six months after birth may not spell sound and normal health proposition for her.

Months of July – August could be crucial from health point of view. If some positive trend has to come this may begin this time around. May be some alternative medicinal solution may set in.

Things are likely to look good for her around months of September – October 2005. During November to mid of December 2005 the growth prospects may look depressing. Around mid of December onwards things may show improvement. Although during mid of July2005 onwards till end of January 2006 there is a possibility of physical injury, hence take care.

Year 2006

Although beginning of the year progress may look encouraging. Although, the pace of progress may not be very satisfactory. Around mid of March to mid of April she may need extra attention and attempts to keep her healthy. Health proposition and general progress from here till end of July 2006 may cause concern.

Things are likely to look better around August – September 2006.Some suggestions attempts by elders may induce better position for her around month of October. Some religious ritual on her behalf is likely to bring encouraging results. The year 2006 is likely to end with encouraging situation/ position regarding her health and general progress, and a workable solution may be arrived at.

Year 2007-08

During 1st half of the year 2007 the progress in general is likely to look good. However around mid of June2007 onwards till eng of 2008 planetary transits do not seem conducive for her general well being. Counseling or well wishes of some elderly or person with spiritual background may help to ease out the situation. As such earnest efforts with known medicinal application may not give satisfactory results this time around.

Year 2009

As such around December 2008 onwards she may start having respite. Things may begin to settle. Some investment if any, made on her name may bring encouraging results this time around.

The second half of 2009 onwards period looks encouraging for her general progress. During May – June some significant good things may happen to her and father as well. A turn around in the situation is likely to take shape during last quarter of 2009. At the end of year 2009 you may be enthused by her state of affairs.

In short with birth in malefic Nakshatra Ashlesha and association of Chandra with Shani may translate into abnormal situation in regard to her health. Planetary transits and Dasha indicate better position from 2009. Things can be safely predicted about her after she attains age of eight years only.

As remedial measure worship of Lord Ganesha with reverence by parents for her general well being is likely to be of good help. Besides this Ganesha suggests performing due rituals to subdue effects of “Ashlesha” and Sade-Sati.

Good luck and may lord Ganesha bless her.

Ganesha’s Grace