Background, Guidelines & Application For

for Voluntary & Community Groups


Northumberland CVA (the operating name of Wansbeck CVS) developed The Vantage Fund in memory ofSheila McGuckin, Wansbeck CVS’s Chief Executive and community sector champion, whodied suddenly in February 2010.

The focus of the Fund in it is seventh year of operation is Small purchases for Small groups. This may be some cutlery or crockery for a tea group, some toys for a mum and toddler group or even some equipment for a small sports team.. Voluntary and community sector organizations, based in the old Wansbeck area with an income up to £25,000.00 are eligible to apply for grants up a maximum of £350.00.

Applications will be viewed by a grants panel, with decisions based on a scoring system. The panel will review thefocus of the Fund on an annual basis.


For this round, the Fund will distribute small grants between £50 and £350.00to charities and voluntary & communityorganisations in the former Wansbeck district of south east Northumberland.

Examples of grants maybe:

· crockery for a tea club.

· toys for a mum and toddler group.

· sports equipment for a small sports group.

-Trips that will benefit members

This list is not exhaustive.

Applications will be considered on the following criteria:

-Applicants must be members of Northumberland CVA

· Will the grant make a difference to a small group?

· Will it benefit the wider community?

· Does it represent value for money?

· Does the applicant follow good practice (applicants must provide copies of their

constitution, annual accounts (bank statement if new group), child/vulnerable adult protection policy and any relevant quotes)

Grants can support single projects or on-going activities.

Applicants can only apply once in this grant giving period.

No retrospective funding will be considered.

The applicant must agree that any grant be spent within 12 months

of issue.

A Grant Feedback Form must also be returned, with copies

of any relevant receipts, within 3 months of the grant being spent.

Name of organisation:
First Contact Person:
Email: / Second Contact Person:
When did your group start? / Do you have a constitution / set of rules?
Yes / No
What type of organisation are you?
A registered charity ______Applying for charitable status ______
(please provide charity number) ______
A company limited by guarantee ______An unregistered group ______
Other ______
How many people are in your organization?
Management committee ______Full-time paid staff ______
Volunteers (other than management committee) ______Part-time paid staff ______
What are the main activities of your organisation?
Income & Expenditure
Total income in the last financial year: ______
Total expenditure in the last financial year: ______
Current unrestricted reserves or savings: ______
What do you want a grant for?
What benefits will it bring?
Timescale(please note any monies must be spent within 12 months of receipt of grant)
Start date ______Finish date ______or ongoing ______
Number of people who you expect to
benefit from your organization over the
next twelve months: / Age ranges of those who will benefit from the grant:
Are adequate insurances in place with regard to this application?
(If Yes give details)
How much will your project cost (including VAT if applicable)?
Item or activity / Total cost / Amount requested from The Vantage Fund
(Grants between £50 and £350)
Referee (name, address and telephone no.):


1.We are a member of Northumberland CVA

2.I am authorised to make the application on behalf of the organisation.

3.I certify that the information contained in this application is correct.

4. If we do not own the land or building for this project we have the owners consent to carry out the work.

5. If the information in the application changes in any way we will inform Northumberland CVA.

6. If successful, we agree to complete and return a Grant Feedback Form, with copiesof any relevant receipts, within 3 months of the grant being spent.

7. If successful, I/we agree to participate in any publicity necessary to promote The Vantage Fund.

Signed: ______Date: ______


Please enclose the following documents with your application. (If not included your application will not be considered):

-Constitution or set of rules

-Up to date annual accounts or if a new group a recent bank statement

-Copies of quotes or catalogue pages if asking us to fund equipment orother capital costs

-Any relevant policies & procedures

Please send your application to:

The Vantage Fund, c/o Northumberland CVA, 107 & 109 Station Road, Ashington,

Northumberland, NE63 8RS

Please keep a copy of this application for your records.

June 2017