PRCA Apprenticeship Terms and Conditions

1. Apprenticeship Agreement

An apprenticeship agreement is an agreement between an employer and an apprentice under which the apprentice undertakes to work for the employer and states that the agreement is entered into in connection with a qualifying apprenticeship framework or standard.

The requirement for an apprenticeship agreement between an employer and an apprentice, under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning (ASCL) Act 2009 sections 32-36, came into force on the 6 April 2012. An apprenticeship agreement is required at the commencement of the apprenticeship for all new apprentices who start on or after that date.

The apprenticeship agreement must state that the apprentice will be undertaking an apprenticeship in a particular skill, trade or occupation (e.g. Level 4 Public Relations Apprenticeship).

All employers are required to sign an apprenticeship agreement provided by Public Relations Communications Association (PRCA) for each apprentice they employ to be on an apprenticeship programme with the PRCA “the programme”.

2. Programme Delivery – Learning and Assessment

The apprentice will work towards the L4 Diploma in Public Relations. In achieving the qualification, the apprenticeship programme is delivered by the PRCA through a combination of study materials, e-learning, webinars, face to face teaching, telephone support, competence assessments in the workplace and attendance at revision sessions.

Apprentices will require study time each week to undertake their learning and compile their competence assessment materials. During the programme, apprentices will also be required to attend PRCA training sessions as outlined. The PRCA has provided a guide to the required apprenticeship study time (see Appendix 2), which should be given full consideration.

The ASCL Act 2009 requires that all the content of the apprenticeship is delivered within the contracted hours of employment and hence the apprentice is paid for the time to undertake the off-the-job learning specified within the relevant apprenticeship framework.

Employers are required to enable their apprentices to attend required learning and assessment sessions as detailed in the scheme of work provided by the PRCA.

3. Individual Training Plan & Commitment Statement

At the start of the programme an individual training plan and commitment statement is completed with each apprentice to ensure that they have a clear plan to achieve their apprenticeship and the appropriate support is provided.

Throughout the apprenticeship, the PRCA will conduct regular reviews with the apprentice and their employer (e.g. supervisor, line manager or HR Manager). These are called progress reviews.

Progress reviews may be conducted by telephone or face to face to minimise workplace disruption but ensure that the apprentice is fully supported on the programme and has the opportunity to give and receive feedback to/from their tutor/assessor and employer.

Employers are expected to attend progress reviews and must sign the ITP and progress reviews on completion, as these are required for audit purposes by the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).

4. Apprentice Eligibility and Employer Contributions

Employers should refer to the PRCA Apprenticeship Price List for 2017/18 in Appendix 1. The employer contribution varies depending upon age of the apprentice, any prior qualifications and the size of the employer.

The following information relates to apprentices who meet the eligibility criteria for public funding of apprentices in England. Where an individual is not eligible for public funding in England through their place of birth or work status, then there may be a requirement for the employer to pay the full training rate. PRCA will advise on the individual eligibility of potential apprentices.

In addition to the ESFA funding eligibility criteria, the PRCA are also required to ensure that apprentices are able to complete the programme academically. The PRCA reserve the right to advise employers that they will be required to pay full employer contributions for an apprentice where there are concerns about the apprentice being able to complete the academic element.

Support for younger apprentices

The ESFA will provide additional funds for both employers and training provider recruiting an apprentice aged 16-18 or a 19-24-year-old care leaver or individual with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan. These additional payments will be paid at the points the apprentice is still in learning at 90 days and 365 days.


Co-investment will apply in certain situations (see Appendix 1), dependent on the age of the apprentice and employer size. The co-investment amount is set at 10% of the funding band maximum set by the ESFA. This is currently £2,500, so the co-investment requirement is currently £250. Co-investment will be waived for employers of less than 50 employees. Employee numbers are based on Companies House returns and are aggregated nationally by a Government Agency, for all employer sites in England.

Employers will be required to pay in full the required co-investment amount.

English & Mathematics (Functional Skills)

All Level 4 apprentices are required to complete functional skills at Level 2 in English and mathematics where they do not have pre-existing qualifications that meet the Specifications for Apprenticeships in England exemption requirements (generally but not exclusively GCSE’s at Grades A-C). All apprentices will be required to do an initial assessment in Literacy, Numeracy and IT at the start of the programme.

The Government will meet the costs of any additional functional skills support required by apprentices.

5. Payment Terms

Employers will be invoiced by PRCA on these standard terms:

Apprentices will be on a 15 month programme. Employers will be invoiced following induction for the relevant full amount of the agreed employer contribution.

Alternative payment terms are by agreed exception only.

Invoices are to be paid within 30 days of receipt.

6. Apprenticeship Leavers

If an apprentice leaves before completing the programme, the PRCA will provide a credit for the relevant employer contribution from the 1st day of the month following the apprentice’s leaving date in line with Government funding audit requirements. Instead this credit can be used towards the employer contributions due for other apprentices or for alternative PRCA online or face to face training.

If an apprentice has completed their apprenticeship programme but leaves before their anticipated apprenticeship end date, the PRCA will not provide a credit or refund as the apprenticeship certificates will still be claimed.

Employers are required to notify the PRCA if they are considering ending an apprentice’s contract before their anticipated apprenticeship end date or if they are aware of an apprentice’s intention to leave employment. PRCA will work closely with all employers to provide support and guidance.

7. Certificates

PRCA will retain apprentices’ separate qualification certificates gained during the apprenticeship programme until the final apprenticeship certificate has been claimed, due to ESFA audit requirements. Certificates will then either be sent directly via registered post to apprentices or to the employer where requested for central ceremonies or promotional activities etc.

8. Completion of H&S and ERN Forms

All employers are required to complete an ESFA Health and Safety Form and an Employer Registration Number (ERN) form prior to the recruitment of any apprentices, where apprentices have not been on programme with PRCA previously. PRCA will support in the completion of this paperwork.

Employers should be aware that a Government Agency will call the named employer representative on the ERN form to confirm the details submitted such as the apprentice’s location. That Agency will only call 3 times before turning down an ERN application which will prevent any funding being available for the apprentice, so it is important that the employer contact details given are appropriate for someone to be able to confirm the information promptly.

9. Work Supervisor’s Roles and Responsibilities

To ensure that apprentices are able to complete their apprenticeship, work needs to be delegated at appropriate times which enables the apprentice to meet the competence requirements. Guidance will be provided by the PRCA to ensure that every employer has access to the requirements of the relevant programme, but it is important that the apprentice’s work supervisor enables the apprentice to undertake the full range of work activities required.

The assessment of competence in the workplace is an important part of an apprenticeship programme and the validation of assessment evidence presented by an apprentice or observed by an assessor can often be achieved through an additional documented conversation or expert witness testimony provided by the work supervisor. All employers are expected to participate fully in this element of the apprenticeship programme.

It is advisable that apprentices are allocated a mentor to provide them with day to day support in the workplace.

10. Quality Assurance

All apprenticeship programmes are subject to quality assurance through the prime ESFA contractor (Damar Training), OFSTED and Aim Awards as the awarding body. At any time throughout the programme, observers could be required to attend the workplace to quality assure the apprenticeships delivered by the PRCA. Your co-operation, should there be a requirement for observers from any of these organisations to undertake an observation while we are working with your apprentice, would be appreciated.

11. Contract

The laws of England and Wales shall apply in all respects and the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

12. Copyright

Copyright in all materials used by PRCA in the programme remains that of PRCA unless specified otherwise. Any unauthorised reproduction or transmission of any part of the materials, whether electronically or otherwise, will constitute an infringement of copyright. No part of the materials may be lent, resold or hired out for any purpose without the prior written permission of PRCA.

13. Data Protection

PRCA, and Damar Training as the prime contractor, are registered with the Information Commissioner’s office on the Data Protection Register as holders of information required for ESFA employment and training contracts. PRCA are required to hold and pass on information to Damar Training and the ESFA on apprentices and their employers. Records relating to the funding and delivery of apprenticeships are required to be kept for 7 years as part of the funding contract and may be subject to an ESFA audit at any time. All records are held securely in line with PRCA Data Protection policies and any records are only accessed by individuals working on the apprenticeship programme.

PRCA are also required to enable access to apprentices’ portfolios (held in our secure Onefile e-portfolio system), to Aim Awards the External Verifier.

14. Recruitment

PRCA offer a free recruitment service. The PRCA will advertise the vacancies and provide employers with a short list to conduct interviews. If you chose to hire a candidate we have provided and not put them on the apprenticeship framework there will be a recruitment fee of £2500 plus VAT.

Invoices are to be paid within 30 days of receipt.

APPENDIX 1 - Funding Rates

Funding Rates for Level 4 Higher Apprenticeship in Public Relations

The Public Relations higher level apprenticeship costs £5,500 to deliver. This is in terms of the assessment and training costs of the course, delivered over 15 months.

From 1st May 2017, the Public Relations apprenticeship framework comes under the Government’s allocated funding band 3, meaning the maximum contribution either the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) or levy paying employers will make through their digital accounts towards the cost of the training is £2,500.

This is an interim measure, whilst the PRCA move to the new PR & Communications standard, which will be ready for delivery by October 2017. It is expected at this point the funding band will be moved to a significantly higher and more sustainable level, the amount of which is still to be confirmed by the ESFA.

Whilst the PRCA are going through this transition, our charging policy is as follows.

·  The PRCA will charge £1,500 for any learners aged 16-18 (employers can use their £1,000 payment to offset against this), or 19-24-year-old care leaver or individual with an EHC plan

·  The PRCA will charge £3,000 for any learner aged 19+

·  These charges are additional and on top of any maximum levy/Govt contributions or with/without co-investment)

*See the tables below for a breakdown of charges

Levy paying employers

Any employer with a wage bill of more than £3 million annually, currently pays a levy of 0.5% of their total wage bill into the Apprenticeship levy.

Levy paying employers will pay a maximum of £2,500 towards the cost of the training from their digital apprenticeship service accounts. This will be paid in monthly instalments directly from those accounts, with 20% retained for completion. The additional charges will be applied as outlined above, dependent on the age of the learner.

Non-levy paying employers (more than 50 employees)

Non-levy paying employer in this category will be required to contribute 10% to the maximum funding band value – so £250, as set currently. The additional charges will be applied as outlined above, dependent on the age of the learner.

Non-levy paying employers (less than 50 employees)

Non-levy paying employers with less than 50 employees will not be required to provide any Government contribution (co-investment) towards the training costs – so the £250 as outlined above. The additional charges will be applied as outlined above, dependent on the age of the learner.

Age 16 – 18 (or eligible 19-24-year-old) * / Levy paying employer / Non-levy paying employer (less than 50 employees) / Non-levy paying employer (more than 50 employees)
PRCA Level 4 Diploma in Public Relations maximum funding band contribution (Govt/levy-paying employer) / £2,500 (levy) / £2,500
(Govt contribution) / £2,250
(Govt contribution)
PRCA charge / £1,500 / £1,500 / £1,500
Co-investment (10% of the funding band rate) / N/A / N/A / £250
Total employer contribution: / £4,000* / £1,500* / £1,750*

*All employers recruiting an 16-18-year-old or 19-24-year-old with an EHC plan will receive a payment from the Government of £1,000 towards the costs of the training. The PRCA will also receive an additional payment of £1,500, bringing the total costs to £5,500

Adult apprentices / Levy paying employer / Non-levy paying employer (less than 50 employees) / Non-levy paying employer (more than 50 employees)
PRCA Level 4 Diploma in Public Relations maximum funding band contribution (Govt/levy paying employer) / £2,500 / £2,500 (Govt contribution) / £2,250 (Govt contribution)
PRCA charge / £3,000 / £3,000 / £3,000
Co-investment employer charge (10% of the funding band rate) / N/A / N/A / £250
Total employer contribution: / £5,500 / £3,000 / £3,250

All fees are subject to change once the PR & Communications apprenticeship standard is fully