Annual Report from the Pastor

“If you had faith the size of a mustard seed…” This verse from Luke 7 reminds us that with God, amazing things can happen. What began as one worship service in the Yolo County YMCA on Sunday, October 2, 1966 has grown to become 2600+ worship services! In 2016 we celebrated fifty years of worshiping God as Woodland Presbyterian Church, and thirty years at Columbia Drive!

The theme under which I share our other 2016 ministry highlights is that we are a highly committed congregation. Members and regular visitors alike are involved in multiple ways, including, but not limited to: leading in worship, attending small groups, participating in mission ministries, creating new outreach opportunities, singing in the choir and other music ministries, and more. Throughout this packet of annual reports you will read about how we strive to embody the servant ministry of Jesus Christ. There are three areas I will lift up to celebrate God’s work through us inthe past year: (1) worship & engagement of disciples, (2) serving the poor & homeless, and (3) new & innovative ministries.

Worship & Engagement of Disciples

“You are the Lord, you alone… To all of them you give life,

and the host of heaven worships you.”

–Nehemiah 9:6

We welcomed twelve new members and Session also updated the membership rolls, which made our total membership one hundred and fifty. About once a month we have one hundredpeople in a single Sunday worship service; that is two-thirds of our membership count, an incredible ratio of participation when considering our size!

We, as the congregation of WPC, give generously of our time, talent, and treasure to Christ’s Church. Fifty-seven households made 2017 pledges, committing $202,740.00 towards God’s ministry carried out through WPC. This is yet another item for acclamation when we consider the major jump (over 20% increase) in giving our congregation committed to in 2013 to hire a full-time pastor, for the first time in well over a decade. We have sustained our giving at this increased amount -- we are now entering into our fourth year of maintaining a full-time pastor position!

Serving the Poor & Homeless

“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,

I was a stranger and you welcomed me...” -Matthew 25:35

I want to express my deep gratitude for our church and leadership taking seriously the call to serve the poor and the homeless.This major mission focus is lived out in multiple ways: preparing and serving meals at Fourth and Hope, creating over one hundred blessing bags for Fourth and Hope’s Street Outreach team in a special worship service, providing food for three-hundred and fifty Christmas Baskets through Woodland Ecumenical and Multifaith Ministries (WEMM), supporting the localTiny Housesmovement (an initiative for temporary transitional housing for the homeless), receiving the CentsAbility offering that provides for the hungry, and planning to host the Interfaith Rotating Winter Shelter for families, and more.In addition, the Deacons’ Care Fund received $16,683.00 to aid those in need, both families within our congregation and the larger community of Woodland.We also gave generously to several special offerings through the PC(USA) that support ministry around the nation and the world. Thank you!

New & Innovative Ministries

“I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?”

–Isaiah 43:19

Both the Yolo Youth Collective (youth ministry) and the Children’s Choir successfully grew in their first year, and we continue to affirm that they are essential ministries for both the present and future of God’s Church. We also began a new Young Adult small group that gathers for Bible study, dinner, fellowship, and service projects. In the fall, the Young Adult group provided a barbeque dinner and game night for the Young Families group.

There are two new Deacon ministries: social media evangelism and a health ministry. Two new Ruling Elder ministries include: spirituality and community service. The community service ministry was created with the intent to find ways to be the church in the community; wecan no longer wait for people to come and find us on Sunday morning at 9:30am, we must go out to be the hands and feet of Christ in the city of Woodland.

I’ll conclude with my sincere gratitude for the work and leadership of our Ruling Elders and Deacons, Office Manager Eileen Jackson, Interim Choir Director Cathy Fleming, Choir Director Adrian Mora, and Childcare Leader Joy McAllister. Blessings to all in this new year of ministry ahead!

