Jack Sager TE600

Dr. Sharon Teabo Models4.1w/LessonPlan

PET 349 Unit: Muscular Strength/Endurance Lesson 1 (90 minutes) *Don't forget!

I. Learners: Students in current PETE curriculum. Most are kinesthetic learners, so

lecture is broken up with activities.

II. Objectives: (SWBAT)

1. (Unit Obj. 1): Identify the major muscle groups, describe their actions and their strength and endurance properties, and explain their specific isotonic and isometric contractions with 95% accuracy as measured via a written test;

2. (Unit Obj. 4): Identify the components of the F.I.T.T. Principle (Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type)

III. Environment

Will be in room 279 of Coliseum today for proper space allotment.

*Equipment: Obtained from Shell cage prior to lesson

IV. Strategies

A. Lesson Introduction

1. Quick review of previous unit (CV): We know how muscles obtain/use

energy and dispose of waste, so now the focus shifts to specific muscles

2. Preview muscular unit: Briefly discuss unit and today's objectives &


B. Lesson Core

1. Power point presentation: Intro. to muscles and FITT

a. Students should have accessed power point presentation and brought a copy to class: muscle_strength-0.pdf

-Students should also try interactive Power Point quiz:

-Open link below, click on "Slide Show" on the top menu,

click on "View Show" and follow the directions

- Muscular Fitness Quiz

b. Discuss/demonstrate terms with real world examples

c. Answer questions and CFU

d. In groups of 5 (by rows) have students refer in text (p. 90) for

FITT and in 3 minutes, be able to cite FITT for one of the four

age groups. Students will present with examples.

2. Discuss basic muscle strength information

a. Students should have accessed fact sheet and brought copy

to class: ff-muscular_strength

b. Explain/review/demonstrate terms/principles with real world


c. CFU and answer questions

3. Demonstration on specific muscle groups: Students can access

a. With PP, explain/demonstrate the name, action, and examples

using stationary object, light dumbbells, everyday home items

(such as soup cans), elastic bands, and partner resistance.

b. In groups of three, students will be assigned a muscle group

and are to brainstorm ten exercises (two from each category)

that can be used by 9-11 year-old students.

Procedure for groups:

1. cite FITT for 9-11 year-olds

2. Design 2 exercises from...

a. stationary objects; b. light dumbbells;

c. home items; d. elastic bands; e. partner

3. Each exercise should also include:

a. start position; b. return position; c. speed

4. In 20 minutes, groups will demonstrate one example

from each of five categories. All information for

presentation on scoring rubric: FITT Muscles rubric

Procedures for teacher:

1. Score group presentations with rubric

4. SAFMEDS cards creation for muscle groups and FITT

a. Students are familiar with cards from PET 186 class.

Provide quick review of guidelines for use

b. Make cards for...

...the four FITT parts

...all muscle groups from PP

include name, action(s), concentric, and eccentric

Remind students that cards are convenient because they can be carried

and studied anywhere!

C. Closure

1. Review class and CFU

2. Remind students of quiz next class (4 days)

3. Practice quiz on web: http://quiz.4teachers.org/index.jsp

Go to the website and search for PET 349. Take the quiz. It will

NOT count towards your grade.

V. Technology

A. Lap top with projector

B. Power point presentations (2)

C. Web site

D. Interactive Lesson Plan

E. SAFMEDS cards

F. Rubric

VI. Evaluation

A. Formative: 1. Scores on presentation with rubric; 2. Quiz scores for next class