A level ChemistryPOS 2016-2017

Students studying Year 2 of the A level Chemistry will be studying 2modules this year. There is no coursework element in the new specification, however students are expected to complete a minimum of 12 assessed practical tasks (PAGs). The assessment of practical skills is a compulsory requirement of the course of study for A level qualifications in chemistry. It will appear on all students’ certificates as a separately reported result, alongside the overall grade for the qualification.

Autumn Term: 13 Teaching Weeks Spring Term: 10 Teaching Weeks (Excluding Jan Mock) Summer Term: 8Teaching weeks

Teachers: Mrs Narayanan (6 lessons per week)

Topics / Title / Date / Teacher
Module 5 / Rates of Reactions / Week 1 / NN
PAG 9.2 and PAG10.2
End of topic test on Rates of Reactions / Week 2 / NN
Equilibrium / Week 3 / NN
End of topic test on Equilibrium / Week 3 / NN
Acids Bases and pH / Week 4 / NN
PAG 11.3
End of topic test for Acids, Bases and pH / Week 5 / NN
Buffers and neutralisation / Week 6 / NN
End of topic test for Buffers and Neutralisation / Week 7 / NN
Enthalpy and Entropy / Weeks 8 - 9 / NN
End of topic test on Enthalpy and Entropy / Week 10 / NN

SPRING TERM (12 Weeks) (5th Jan -31st March)

Topics / Title / Date / Teacher
Redox and Electrode Potentials / Week 1 - 3 / NN
PAG 12.1-12.3
End of topic test - Redox and Electrode Potentials / Week 4 / NN
Topics / Title / Date / Teacher
Transition Elements / Week 5 / NN
End of topic test on Transition Elements / Week 6 / NN
Module 6 / Aromatic compounds / Week 7 / NN
End of topic test-Aromatic compounds / Week 8 / NN
Carbonyl compounds and carboxylic acids / Week 9 / NN
End of topic test – Carbonyl compounds and carboxylic acids / Week 10 / NN
Amines, amino acids and Proteins / Week 10 / NN
End of topic test – Amines, amino acids and proteins / Week 11 / NN

SUMMER TERM (10 Weeks) (31st March – 7th July)

Topics / Title / Date / Teacher
Organic Synthesis / Week 1 / NN
End of topic test on Organic Synthesis / Week 2 / NN
Chromatography and Spectroscopy / Week 3-4 / NN
End of topic test on Chromatography and Spectroscopy / Week 5 / NN
MOCK EXAM all week / Week 6 / NN