Rebuild digestion, increase energy, boost brain power
You Have A High Risk of Leaky Gut,
And Here’s What That Means:
Your #1 Risk Factor for Leaky Gut Is…
You answered ‘YES’ to the question about having an inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis and Diverticulitis OR the question about Hashimotos, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Celiac Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Type 1 Diabetes. These are all autoimmune diseases.
What is an Autoimmune Disease and How Does it Relate to an Inflammatory Bowel Disease?
They are diseases of the gut involving out-of-control inflammation. The main difference between them is where the inflammation happens in the gut.
Autoimmune diseases each exhibit very different symptoms that make them appear to be completely unrelated. However, they all have one commonality. They are all autoimmune disorders in which the body’s immune system has been accidently triggered to attack a specific protein tissue of your own body. The original cause is most likely Leaky Gut Syndrome. Therefore, autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and all others have a close connection with inflammatory bowel diseases. For this reason, many people exhibit several of these diseases. A person who suspects they have an autoimmune disease should obtain a blood test for antinuclear antibodies.
The high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet as recommended by the government, can cause leaky gut syndrome and dozens of autoimmune diseases. The low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet is inherently deficient in protein and essential fatty acids because people shun eating meat. This protein deficiency is widely ignored and denied by health officials, doctors and professional nutritionists. The high-carbohydrate, low-fat, low-protein diet can turn the intestines, especially the colon, into a fermentation tank consisting of a mass of pathogenic bacteria, yeasts and parasites. The protein deficiency in the presence of these disease-causing pathogens degrades the lining of the intestines, thereby causing Leaky Gut Syndrome. Food particles ‘leak’ past the damaged lining of the intestines into the blood stream where they are viewed by the immune system as foreign invaders. The immune system attacks these molecules. Because some of the leaky molecules are similar to healthy tissue in the body, the body begins attacking itself. Typical autoimmune diseases which can be caused by the high-carbohydrate diet are Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Diverticulosis, twisted and redundant colon, proctitis, fistulas, fissures, stomach and duodenal ulcers, interstitial cystits of the bladder, Sjogren’s Disease (dry eyes), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Lupus Erythematosus, Asthma and other autoimmune diseases.
The low-fat, high carbohydrate diet can also cause inflammation of the appendix, leading to Appendicitis. The deficiency of fat in the diet can prevent the gallbladder from discharging its contents, thereby leading to gallstones requiring a cholecystectomy (surgical removal of the gallbladder).
Doctors will typically prescribe drugs to treat the multitude of possible Leaky Gut symptoms. Most of these drugs have very harmful side effects. My SCD meal plan products address the root cause by eliminating those foods that trigger the immune system to attack the body. Eating one bite of a food on the ‘What Don’t I Eat Then?’ list (found on the FREE page) can trigger an autoimmune flare that will last for weeks. Therefore, if you answered YES to this question, strict compliance with the meal plans is required for you to be symptom free, for you to heal and for you to totally transform your body both inside and out!
Your 2nd Most Important Risk Factor Is…
You answered ‘YES’ to the question about having digestion complaints like constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating and acid reflux.
Pathogenic bugs can cause problems like gas, bloating, burping, acid, diarrhea and constipation. Not only that, but they can also cause hormone and immune problems as well.
You selected digestive problems as an issue…
I had that issue too and hated it.
I used to severely bloat after every single meal, so I know how miserable it can be to struggle with gut symptoms. Whether you’re like I was or you have horrible gas, pain and constipation, it negatively affects all areas of your life.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (or IBS) is now affecting up to 10-15% of the Western World and is the 2nd most common reason for missed work days behind the common cold. IBS is commonly associated with leaky gut, as are digestive complaints like gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation. 70% of those with leaky gut have overt digestive problems like this and it’s one of the most common red flags that you have leaky gut.
What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disorder characterised most commonly by cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. IBS causes a great deal of discomfort and distress. Most people can control their symptoms with diet, stress management and a change of lifestyle. For some people, however, IBS can be disabling. They may be unable to work, attend social events or even travel short distances.
IBS is one of the most common disorders diagnosed by doctors. It occurs more often in women than in men and it begins before the age of 35 in about 50% of people.
What does the average doctor say?
The average doctor/gastroenterologist will tell you that irritable bowel diseases (IBD’s) and Irritable Bowel Disorder (IBS) both have no known cause and cannot be healed. Many doctors/gastroenterologists will say that your past diet did not cause your inflammatory bowel disease/irritable bowel syndrome and that a change in your diet will not help your condition. They may recommend a high-fibre diet which actually makes IBD’s/IBS worse. High-fibre foods are also high-carbohydrate foods. Humans do not have the enzyme needed to digest fibre, but the bad pathogenic (disease causing) bacteria in the colon certainly do. Fibre will make your IBD/IBS worse – guaranteed. On the other hand, good intestinal bacteria thrive on dietary saturated and monosaturated fats like those found in red meat. The bad, disease-causing intestinal bacteria thrive on carbohydrates and fibres found in grains and legumes.
There is an epidemic of young women who have already blown their guts out… They suffer persistent constipation or diarrhea because of a diet of… whole grain cereals, bagels, beans, rice, tofu and soy milk. They stop menstruating, have hair loss and dry skin problems. Running and the high-energy veggie drinks and energy bars make it worse.Anthropological Research Reveals Human Dietry Requirements for Optimal Health by H. Leon Abrams, Jr., MA, EDS.
Fibre and carbohydrates can turn the colon into a ‘hazardous waste dump’.
Carbohydrates can cause leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune diseases. Carbohydrates cause an increase in insulin, which promotes the release of epinephrine (adrenalin) causing a collection of physiological actions called the fight-or-flight responses. Two of these responses occur in the gastrointestinal tract where muscular movements and digestive secretions slow down or even stop. This causes constipation. Most gastroenterologists unfortunately recommend a high-fibre diet to combat the constipation caused by carbohydrates, when the correct action should be to stop eating carbohydrates. And as we just learned, the fibre can be digested by pathogenic bacteria which encourages their growth. These bacteria stimulate intestinal secretions causing diarrhea. This is why so many people with intestinal issues find no relief from eating fibre or taking fibre supplements. Remember, high-fibre foods are always high-carbohydrate foods. To prevent ‘bad’ carbohydrates from entering the colon, the body responds by pulling out the water. This causes constipation. The body can also reverse the tactic by pouring lots of water into the colon in order to flush out the ‘bad’ carbohydrates. This causes diarrhea. A sudden switch from one to the other and back can occur.
The low-carbohydrate, low-fibre diet that research recommends has been shown to stop this vicious cycle. The high-protein, high-fat diet that’s recommended reduces insulin and adrenalin responses. It promotes healing, a healthy digestive system and normal bowel movements. These improvements occur in a matter of weeks *… (or 24hrs in my case!)*…, simply by eating a diet typical of many primitive cultures over the centuries. This is the natural diet for humans prior to the cultivation of grains and the production of factory foods. In order to fully appreciate this diet plan, you must overcome the current nutritional myths which are promoted by food manufacturing companies.Top Ten Nutritional Myths, Distortions and Lies That Will Destroy Your Health
Some people have a defective gene that causes carbohydrate intolerance, or the inability to absorb glucose and galactose in the small intestine. The unabsorbed glucose and galactose continue through the intestinal tract to the colon where they promote the growth of pathogenic bacteria, fungi and yeasts. Glucose-Galactose Malabsorption is inherited as a recessive genetic trait.
Other people start on the road to insulin resistance when fed the standard high-carbohydrate diet. This has been proven to be the root cause of childhood and adult obesity, diabetes, allergies and heart disease. The high-carbohydrate infant foods could be setting the child up for a lifetime of health problems.
Which brings us to this… How do we heal the gut?
Option 1 – Trust and Wait –
This is what the majority of silently suffering people are doing. They trust people in white lab coats and decide they will wait until someone prescribes them something. They think it’s safer that way. They keep getting sicker, keep losing energy, their body creates more pain and there’s no telling when modern medicine is going to get it right. Based on the research, I don’t think it’s safe waiting too long if you have any kind of gut problem.
Option 2 – DIY – No Guide –
This is the next most common option. (It’s actually how I started 2 years ago.) You have the right intentions. You do it yourself because of perceived lack of resources or trust in any person/institution. We read articles, books and watch videos to piece together what is happening and how to fix ourselves. This usually costs £25 here and £50 there, as you buy ideas and begin testing them. But sadly, the progress is sporadic and hard to sustain.
Option 3 – DIY – Guided -
The next progression people go through (including me) is to decide they are not going to reinvent the wheel. They get a guide to help them figure out their gut health issues. Guides come in many forms: books, podcasts, training programs, coaches, meal plans. The benefit of this is you immerse yourself into someone else’s healing ideas (that have worked for others) and give it a chance to work for you. The big difference between Option 2 and 3 is that you are following in someone else’s footsteps, therefore, the results you get from Option 3 are way more powerful. Plus, the time money and effort it takes to get results are much less. When you trust proven systems and give them a shot, it’s typically a major improvement in health over Option 2. The investments here to heal your gut are more, but usually, the gains month to month are noticeable and retained.
Don’t get discouraged! I imagine all this has stirred some stuff inside of you. Here’s the thing. Most people enter a getting-healthy journey blindly. They bounce around and waste time, money and energy trying to work their way to the end. But it doesn’t have to be that way for you. I can guide you through it, every step of the way. For today, just re-read the 3 options above. Figure out where you are. Then think about where you want to be.
If you want to step into the progress of Option 3, please begin to think about when you are ready to book a FREE Discovery Session with me. For those of you who aren’t ready to work with me yet, as you know, I have The 7 Day Body Reset and the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Eat Clean, Sexy & Lean Mealplans AND, right now I have a deal if you invest in both Phase 1 and Phase 2 Mealplans that I think you’d be kicking yourself about if you pass on.
If you want to step into the big game of Option 3, please contact me and let me know so I can tell you how to get started straight away. And that’s it! No more thinking about it today. When it comes to things of this magnitude, let’s just focus on making progress day by day - one foot in front of the other. Slow and steady wins the race of getting healthy or losing weight and transforming yourself so you finally feel awesome in your own body!