Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 260
An information service provided by the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
8th December, 2006)
1) Invitation to Australia ICOMOS Members in Victoria
2) Australia ICOMOS Intern to US ICOMOS
3) Extreme Heritage: Advance Notice of the 2007 Australia ICOMOS Conference
4) International Symposium on "Studies on Historical Heritage-SHH07"
5) Call for Papers Third International Architectural Paint Research Conference 2008
6) 3rd Ename International Colloquium
7) New Graduate Program in Cultural Heritage Management at Flinders University in 2007
8) Government Media Releases
9) Position Vacant: Senior Conservation Architect, Adelaide
10) Position Vacant: Heritage Consultant
11) Position Vacant: Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies position
12) Position Vacant: Heritage Consultant Position (Readvertised)
13) Position Vacant: Heritage Advisory Service Positions in WA
14) Secretariat Closure over the December/January Holiday break
1) Invitation to Australia ICOMOS Members
in Victoria
The venue is Bathing Box No. 8, Dendy Street Beach, Brighton. (Melways Map 67 C12)
The date is Friday, 15th December 2006
The time is 6.30pm until sunset
BYO picnic and drinks
Everyone is welcome, especially children.
PLEASE: RSVP Timothy Hubbard
so that we can email/phone you with details about a change of venue due to inclement weather if needs be.
2) Australia ICOMOS Intern to US ICOMOS
Members of Australia ICOMOS are now invited to apply for nomination by the AI Executive Committee to the US ICOMOS Summer Intern Program. US ICOMOS will only consider an Australian candidate for the internship who has been nominated by Australia ICOMOS.
Applications must be submitted through the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Members must be full members of AI, aged between 25 and 35 years and have appropriate credentials. Other conditions and criteria apply which can be obtained from the Secretariat or from Timothy Hubbard, the Executive Committee member responsible for the liaising with US ICOMOS about the Program. He can be contacted by phone on (03) 5568 2623 and by email at .
More information about the Program can be obtained from the US ICOMOS web site at
The Executive Committee must make its recommendation to US ICOMOS by early February 2007. Any Australia ICOMOS member who is interested in participating in the Program should lodge an expression of interest, addressed to Timothy Hubbard at the Secretariat as soon as possible. The closing date for applications is Friday, 19th January 2007.
All applicants will be notified by the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat on the outcome of their application. On completion of the US ICOMOS internship, the successful applicant must provide a report (written, electronic or formal presentation) to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat discussing their experience and how the internship contributed to their professional development, and in particular how they consider the experience will assist them in contributing to the conservation of Australia’s cultural heritage.
3) Extreme Heritage:
Advance Notice of the 2007 Australia ICOMOS Conference.
The 2007 Conference will be held in Cairns, Tropical North Queensland in conjunction with James Cook University from the 19th -21st July 2007. Extreme Heritage: managing heritage in the face of climactic extremes, natural disasters and military conflicts in tropical, desert, polar and off-world landscapes; will provide the perfect forum to bring together researchers and practitioners grappling with some of the most topical issues in heritage today. Sessions already proposed include
Off world heritage: the heritage of space exploration
People, climate change and heritage
Heritage and Identity
Managing disaster and risk preparedness
War of attrition: environmental effects of extreme climates.
Managing heritage in the wake of war and conflict
Pacific Heritage
The Conference organising committee is calling for expressions of interest from people interested in co-coordinating sessions. If you have a great idea for a session that you would like to organise that is consistent with the conference theme please email the session title and a short 150 word abstract describing it to . Closing date for submission of session topics is 15th December 2006.
4) International Symposium on "Studies on Historical Heritage-SHH07"
Antalya Turkey September 2007
Dear Colleagues,
Yildiz Technical University, Research Center for Preservation of Historical Heritage is pleased to announce the organization of the International Symposium on " Studies on Historical Heritage-SHH07" to be held between September 17-21,2007 in Antalya, Turkey. The symposium will be as a continuation of the previous International Symposia entitled "Studies in Ancient Structures-SAS" held in 1997 and 2001 in Istanbul.
Research Center for Preservation of Historical Heritage, established in 2005 in Yýldýz Technical University, organizes an International Symposium on “Studies on Historical Heritage” in Antalya. The symposium will be as a continuation of the previous international symposia entitled “Studies in Ancient Structures” held in Istanbul in 1997 and 2001.
Antalya, known as Pamphilia in history, was inhabited 50 thousand years ago and housed Hittites, Phyrgians, Lydians, Greeks, Romans, Seljukians and Ottomans. From 2nd century B.C. on the name of the place has been known successively as Attaleis, Adalia, Adalya and finally Antalya. Housing many historical remains from these periods, Antalya is one of the most suitable places to communicate the rapid advances made in theoretical and applied aspects of studies in preservation of historical heritage.
This symposium is aimed to provide an international and multi-disciplinary meeting for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss past, present and future of historical art and architectural heritage and their environments. It will bring together historians, art historians, archaeologists, architects, engineers, scientists, building surveyors, urban planners, and other specialists to exchange their analytical, experimental, historical and constructional experiences and studies in preservation of historical heritage.
A - Historical Aspects
B - Architectural Aspects
C - Archaeological Aspects
D - Information System - Documentation
E - Evaluation - Experimental Methods and Tests
F - Structural Behavior - Static, Dynamic
G - Numerical Analysis
H - Intervention, Restoration and Prevention Techniques
I - Preservation in Museum Exhibitions and Storage
J - Environmental Aspects
K - Planning the Future of Historic Urban Areas
L - Heritage Management
M - Case Studies
Dedeman Resort, Antalya (
The official language of the symposium is English. All papers should be written and presented in English. Simultaneous translation will be provided only into Turkish. Both oral and poster presentations will take place. Proceedings will be available at the registration desk.
The abstract of two pages should include;
• a brief description
• experiments or technical developments
• results
• relevant conclusions on the topics outlined above.
Figures can also be included in abstracts. Abstracts should be submitted to the Organizing Committee not later than January 26, 2007 via e-mail.
• Submission of Abstracts January 26, 2007
• Preliminary Acceptance March 09, 2007
• Final Submission April 27, 2007
• Final Acceptance June 15, 2007
• Last Date for Early Registration July 13, 2007
The symposium fee will include participation in all technical sessions, lunches, coffee breaks, reception, technical tour and symposium dinner.
Yýldýz Technical University
Research Center for Preservation of Historical Heritage (TA-MIR)
34349 Yýldýz, Istanbul, Turkey
Tel : + 90 212 2612004
Fax : + 90 212 2585140
E-mail :
Web :
5) Call for Papers Third International Architectural Paint Research Conference 2008
The Third International Architectural Paint Research Conference is sending out a call for papers for the January 17-19, 2008 Conference to be held in New York City at Columbia University. In addition to paint, we will also be including relevant papers on stains, varnishes, glazes, gilding, and wallpaper.
There will be five sessions covering the following topics:
Cultural Significance.The examination of finishes as a social, economic and cultural component of material culture. Papers can address issues such as color taste and history.
Paint materials and their development. This is a history of technology session.
Health and safety as related to finishes which can include possible alternatives to historic finishes that no longer meet health and safety requirements or issues that arise in the recreating of historic finishes or handcrafted finishes.
Analytical and instrumental techniques used in architectural research and standards for these techniques.
Replicating, recreating and conservation of historic finishes. Papers should address the context of the finish and how the work is being physically reproduced.
All papers that discuss case studies should address one of the topics and the presenters are encouraged to demonstrate how the case study contributes to the field of architectural paint research by providing in-depth analysis of what was learned in the course of the study or project. Presentations are to be 30 minutes in length and are to be in English.
Abstracts should be 250 to 300 words, in English and must include the title, the name of the speaker or speakers, the address of the speaker and any institution they are representing, email address of the speaker and the speaker’s resume.
Abstracts are due March 1, 2007 and should be sent to or if you are sending by regular mail, Mary Jablonski, Historic Preservation Program, GSAPP, 400 Avery, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027.
6) 3rd Ename International Colloquium
The Future of Heritage
Changing Visions, Attitudes, and Contexts in the 21st Century
Dear Colleagues:
This year’s Ename International Colloquium
Changing Visions, Attitudes, and Contexts in the 21st Century
will provide a unique global forum for sharing predictions, projections, and warnings about how the field of heritage will look in the coming decades.
As in previous years, we look forward to hosting a wide range of scholars, heritage professionals, educators, and community leaders for two and a half days of stimulating discussions, workshops, and reflections on the current and future state of heritage.
Plenary speakers for this year s colloquium will include:
Nezzar Al-Sayyed (University of California, Berkeley USA)
on the Transformation of Tradition in the Developed and Developing Worlds
Gilles Nourissier (Ecole d Avignon, France)
on New Policy Challenges for Heritage Administration
Françoise Benhamou (Université de Rouen, France)
on the Evolving Economics of Heritage
Alberto De Tagle (Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage)
on Emerging Technologies of Conservation
Maurizio Forte (Italian National Research Council)
on the Future of Virtual Heritage
Nancy Morgan and Laura Gates (Cane River National Heritage Area, USA)
on Communities and their Changing Pasts in the 21st Century
Both the plenary sessions and specialized workshops will focus on the colloquium s major themes:
Philosophy and Public Policy
Community Participation
If you have a unique vision or prediction about the future of heritage in your region or research field, we encourage you to submit an abstract for a short paper (10 min.) or research paper (20 min.) on one of the main colloquium themes.
We would like to announce that the deadline for the submission of abstracts has been extended to 15 January 2007.
Abstracts should be a maximum of 300 words, in English, and sent by fax to +32-55-303-519 or by email to colloquium program coordinator Claudia Liuzza at . All authors should include full contact information (name, institutional affiliation, mailing address, phone, fax and e-mail address).
Notification of acceptance will be sent by 1 February 2007.
For questions or further information on registration for this event, please visit our website or contact Eva Roels at .
Please feel free to distribute this announcement to any interested colleagues. We hope you will find this colloquium to be of interest and look forward to seeing you in Ghent next year!
The Ename Center for Public Archaeology and Heritage Presentation
This event is sponsored by: the Province of East-Flanders, the Provincial Archaeological Museum Ename, the Ename Center for Public Archaeology and Heritage Presentation
In collaboration with: ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Interpretation and Presentation, and the Alliance of National Heritage Areas (USA)
7) New Graduate Program in Cultural Heritage Management at Flinders University in 2007
Flinders University is very pleased to announce the introduction of a Graduate Program in Cultural Heritage Management which will commence in Semester 1, 2007.
Flinders University is one of the few universities in Australia to bring a combination of archaeological and tourism expertise to the issues of cultural heritage management. The course is run jointly by the Department of Archaeology and the Department of Cultural Tourism, with assistance from experts in legal studies, professional studies and environmental management. A key facet of the course is the input from industry partners, such as the Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists Inc., the South Australian Tourism Commission (SATC), the Department for Environment and Heritage (DEH), the History Trust of South Australia, and the South Australian State Branch of the National Trust. The program has been specifically designed to offer a creative and relevant pathway to cultural heritage management practice and to provide the best possible combination of theoretical, practical and applied knowledge.
The Graduate Program in Cultural Heritage Management has been designed to meet the needs of graduates with an interest in managing all forms of cultural heritage. It aims to increase your theoretical knowledge and research skills, as well as the practical skills required to develop an appropriate depth of understanding of issues in cultural heritage management across a number of specialisations. Students will undertake core topics in cultural heritage management, project management, and legal issues relevant to cultural heritage. You may also select elective topics based on your specific interests.
Upon graduating successfully from the Graduate Certificate in Cultural Heritage Management students will be better equipped to:
Enter the workforce as skilled and knowledgeable cultural heritage professionals;
Understand the nature of cultural heritage management and have practical skills relating to the management of cultural heritage in an archaeological context;
Undertake their work in an ethical and professional manner; and
Develop simple tenders, grants and bids and manage simple cultural heritage related projects.
Upon graduating successfully from the Graduate Diploma in Cultural Heritage Management students will be better equipped to:
Enter the workforce as skilled and knowledgeable cultural heritage professionals;
Understand the diverse nature of cultural heritage management and have a range of practical skills relating to the management of cultural heritage;
Understand issues of managing interactions between visitors and heritage sites, including site conservation, interpretation and visitor management;
Undertake their work in an ethical and professional manner;
Understand Federal and State Government legislation relating to cultural heritage and archaeology; and
Develop more complex tenders, grants and bids and manage more complex cultural heritage related projects.
Upon graduating successfully from the Master of Cultural Heritage Management students will be equipped to:
Enter the workforce as skilled and knowledgeable cultural heritage professionals;
Understand the diverse nature of cultural heritage management and have a range of practical skills relating to the management of cultural heritage;
Understand major issues of managing interactions between visitors and heritage sites, including site conservation, interpretation and visitor management;
Undertake their work in an ethical and professional manner;
Understand and interpret Federal and State Government legislation relating to archaeology and cultural heritage;
Develop larger-scale tenders, grants and bids and manage larger-scale cultural heritage related projects; and,
Undertake research or consultancy based projects in the field of archaeological cultural heritage management.
The normal minimum entry requirement for all three post-graduate Cultural Heritage Management courses is a three-year undergraduate degree from an approved tertiary institution majoring in archaeology or an equivalent qualification. However, applicants with other qualifications may be accepted under certain circumstances, at the discretion of the Course Coordinator.
Further information about the programs can be seen in the attached brochure, by accessing the Flinders University website at or by contacting the Course Coordinator Dr Lynley Wallis ()
8) Government Media Releases
TITLE: One day in - Media Release 5 December 2006
PORTFOLIO: Environment and Heritage
SNIPPET: Senator the Hon Ian Campbell. Federal Labor has instigated an emergency heritage listing of the Burrup Peninsula in the north west of Western Australia, cutting across a process entered into between the WA Carpenter Labor Government and the Australian Government a process which has been continuing in good faith and which seeks to deliver a win for the environment, Australias resources sector and for indigenous heritage.
9) Position Vacant: Senior Conservation Architect, Adelaide
Please note change of closing date toFriday 15 December
Heritage Branch, Department for Environment and Heritage
PSO2 level $55298 - $61944 P.A.
The incumbent of this position plays an important role in the strategic conservation and management of the State’s cultural heritage, in particular by providing specialist conservation advice and support to property owners and local councils; and managing heritage conservation projects.
Enquiries to Paul Stark, Principal Conservation Architect: stark.paul or phone 08 8124 4869.
Applications Close 5.00pm 15 December 2006
10) Position Vacant: Heritage Consultant
Context Pty Ltd consultants in heritage, community and environment are looking for a built heritage specialist to be part of our in-house team either part-time or full-time - for 12 months starting mid February 2007 while a staff member is on maternity leave.
Ideally you will have a degree in architecture or architectural history, and excellent research, writing, field survey skills. Candidates with 2-5 years experience undertaking heritage assessments, heritage advice services and / or conservation management plans will be highly regarded. However, we will also consider recent graduates with the right skills and an ability to adapt to working in a private consulting practice.
You will be exposed to a wide variety of projects with the opportunities to use your skills, including: local government heritage studies; heritage significance and impact assessments; technical advice to government and private clients; and conservation management plans.
We like to work in a collaborative manner, and offer services across a range of heritage fields including social, intangible, natural and Indigenous heritage. There will be opportunities for the right person to learn about other aspects of heritage practice, whilst contributing to multi-disciplinary teams.
Context is based in Brunswick (Melbourne). Some travel locally and potentially interstate will be involved, and occasional evening work. The position description will be up on our website shortly at Salary $35,500 $44,300 pro rata, plus superannuation, bonus and allowances.
Please provide a CV and response to each of the selection criteria (via email) by 19th December, 2006. Please call David Speller or Bryn Davies on 03 9380 6933 for more information.