FES Academic Regulations
Section D. PhD Program
Amended by Faculty Council December 6, 2001; Approved by Senate May 23, 2002; Editorial changes made and approved by FES Faculty Council on December 6, 2012; Editorial changes concurred by FGS in May 2013; Amended by Faculty Council February 5, 2015.
1. PhD Faculty Advisors
2. PhD Program Requirements
- PhD Program Plan Stage
- PhD Comprehensive Exam Stage
- PhD Dissertation Stage
- Registration Requirements
- Award of the PhD Degree
3. PhD Examinations
- Comprehensive Examination
- Dissertation Proposal Exam Examination
- Final Dissertation Review
- PhD Dissertation Examination
4. PhD (Graduate) Courses
5. PhD Student Records
6. PhD Program Monitoring
The details of the PhD Program Requirements shall be published annually as the PhD Handbook (developed by the PhD Program, Curriculum and Admissions Subcommittee and approved by the Committee of Instruction).
D1.1 Before extending an offer of admission to a prospective student, the PhD Program Coordinator will confirm that an appropriate Faculty member is willing to serve as the student’s Interim Faculty AdvisorsSupervisor.
D1.2 The Graduate Program Director shall appoint an interima Faculty Advisor Supervisor to guide each student through to the development of a first PhD Program Plan. The Interim Faculty Advisor Supervisor supports the student through the development of a PhD Program Plan by meeting regularly with the student, offering advice on course selection, identifying and helping to recruit potential Advisory Committee members, guiding student research towards the completion of the Program Plan, and providing feedback on student grant proposals. By the end of the first term, s/he shall formally report on the student’s progress.
D1.3 Following submission of the first PhD Program Plan, the student shall be assigned by the Graduate Program Director to an Advisory Committee consisting of a Faculty Advisor Supervisor (who may or may not be the Interim original Faculty AdvisorSupervisor) and two additional members, at least one of whom must be a faculty member. The advisory committee members shall together have responsibility for guiding the student through to the submission of the first and subsequent Program Plans, and then on to the Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Proposal Examination.
D1.4 Changes in assignment of Faculty Advisor Supervisor and members of the Advisory Committee may be made only by the PhD Program Coordinator in conjunction with the Graduate Program Director, upon written request from the student or the Faculty Advisor Supervisor indicating that the matter has been discussed between them. If the Graduate Program Director is the AdvisorSupervisor, the matter will also be reviewed by the Associate Dean, Students. The Graduate Program Director will normally seek comment from the present and prospective Faculty Advisors Supervisors and members of the Advisory Committee before deciding whether to make a new assignment.
D 1.5 The Faculty Advisor Supervisor will meet regularly with the student, normally not less than once per term. The Faculty Advisor Supervisor will make satisfactory arrangements with the PhD Program Coordinator in conjunction with the Graduate Program Director for the supervision of the student when on leave or sabbatical, or on extended absence from the university. The Faculty Advisor Supervisor will follow the roles and responsibilities set out by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, helping the student to realize her/his scholarly potential while ensuring that the scholarly standards of the university and the discipline are met in the student’s work.
D2.1 The program of study leading to the PhD degree is constructed individually by each student in conjunction with the Faculty Advisor Supervisor and the Advisory Committee and, later, the PhD Dissertation Supervisor and the Dissertation Supervisory Committee, and is subject to review by the PhD Program, Curriculum and Admissions Subcommittee and to approval by the Committee of Instruction.
D2.2 The program of study shall consist of three stages:
(a) PhD Program Plan Stage (first version along with comprehensive questions due at the end of second term);
(b) PhD Comprehensive Examination Stage (anticipated completed after 6 terms); and
(c) PhD Dissertation Stage.
PhD Program Plan Stage
D2.3 The PhD Program Plan Stage is intended to provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their capacity to develop a satisfactory PhD Program Plan.
D2.4 Normally, this Stage shall last no longer than two terms.
D2.5 By the end of the first term of study, each student shall submit a draft Program Plan to the Interim AdvisorSupervisor. This draft will be included in the student dossier.
D2.6 Following submission of the draft PhD Program Plan, the members of the Advisory Committee shall be identified and assist the student in the further development of the PhD Program Plan. Normally no later than the end of the second term of study, the Advisory Committee shall meet to discuss and approve the PhD Program Plan.
D2.7 The Advisory Committee shall recommend action on the PhD Program Plan via the PhD Program Coordinator, on behalf of the PhD Program, Curriculum and Admissions Subcommittee, to the Committee of Instruction.
D2.8 Following acceptance of the first PhD Program Plan, the Advisory Committee shall meet as required with the student to assist in the development of the subsequent PhD Program Plan and to monitor the student's progress in general.
D2.9 The Advisory Committee shall recommend action on the PhD Program Plan via the PhD Program, Curriculum and Admissions Subcommittee to the Committee of Instruction.
D2.10 Upon acceptance by the Committee of Instruction, the individual PhD Program Plan becomes an undertaking between the student and the Faculty with respect to the requirements to be fulfilled by the student to obtain the PhD degree.
D2.11 The student shall enter the PhD Comprehensive Examination Stage upon approval of the PhD Program Plan by the Committee of Instruction.
D2.12 In the event that a PhD Program Plan is not submitted or that a submitted PhD Program Plan is not approved by the PhD Advisory Committee and the PhD Program Coordinator, on behalf of the PhD Program, Curriculum and Admissions Committee, by the end of the second term of study, the student shall submit a revised PhD Program Plan prior to registration for the subsequent term.
D2.13 In the event that a PhD Program Plan is not approved by the end of the second term, the PhD Program, Curriculum and Admissions Subcommittee shall submit a recommendation that the student submit a Program Plan before the end of the third term following a plan of action developed with the Interim AdvisorSupervisor and the PhD Program Coordinator, on behalf of the PhD Program, Curriculum and Admissions Subcommittee, failing which the student shall be required to withdraw from the PhD program.
PhD Comprehensive Examination Stage
D2.14 The PhD Comprehensive Stage is intended to provide the student with an opportunity to study in depth the proposed areas of research and to prepare for the Comprehensive Examination and the Dissertation Proposal Examination.
D2.15 Normally, this Stage shall last no longer than one year.
D2.16 The student, the Faculty AdvisorSupervisor, and the Advisory Committee shall devise the areas of research, research questions and readings or activities for the Comprehensive Examination.
D2.17 During the PhD Comprehensive Examination Stage, the Advisory Committee shall recommend, via the PhD Program, Curriculum and Admissions Subcommittee to the Committee of Instruction, a proposal for the scope, format, and timing of the Comprehensive Examination and the Dissertation Proposal Examination (which may be coincident).
D2.18 The Committee of Instruction shall decide whether the student has satisfied the requirements of the Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Proposal Examination (including ethical review of research involving human participants).
D2.19 If the Dissertation Proposal is acceptable, the Graduate Program Director shall recommend a Dissertation Supervisor, a Dissertation Supervisory Committee and the Dissertation Proposal to the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies; upon appointment of the Supervisory Committee, the Advisory Committee shall cease to function.
D2.20 The Dissertation Supervisory Committee shall consist of at least three members, including (a) a minimum of two faculty members in FES; and (b) a minimum of one York University graduate faculty member from outside FES; or, if appropriate, (c) a minimum of one member from outside York University*. The Dissertation Supervisor is the chair of the Dissertation Supervisory Committee.
*with permission of the Faculty of Graduate Studies
D2.21 The Dissertation Supervisory Committee shall meet as required with the student to assist in the development of the dissertation and to monitor the student's progress in general.
D2.22 The student shall enter the PhD Dissertation Stage upon successful completion of the Comprehensive Examination and the Dissertation Proposal Examination.
PhD Dissertation Stage
D2.23 The PhD Dissertation Stage emphasizses research and the writing of the dissertation.
D2.24 Ideally, this Stage shall last no longer than two years.
D2.25 The Dissertation Supervisory Committee shall be responsible for:
(a) guiding the student in the conduct of the research and preparation of the dissertation; and
(b) at least once per year, reporting on the student's progress, in writing, to the PhD Program, Curriculum and Admissions Subcommittee; and
(c) advising the PhD Program, Curriculum and Admissions Subcommittee, in writing, when the student is prepared for the Final Dissertation Review.
D2.26 The prefatory material of the dissertation shall contain:
(a) an abstract of the dissertation, not exceeding 350 words; and
(b) a foreword that explains the nature and role of the dissertation in fulfilling the requirements of the PhD degree.
D2.27 The title page of the dissertation shall contain:
(a) the title of the dissertation,
(b) the name of the author,
(c) the date of submission,
(d) "A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Environmental Studies and the Faculty of Graduate Studies in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Studies" or "A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Environmental Studies andthe Faculty of Graduate Studies in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Doctorate in Philosophy in Environmental Studies,"
(e) "York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada."
D2.28 Beyond the requirements of the title page and the prefatory material, the format of the dissertation document is governed by specifications prescribed by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
D2.29 At least one term prior to the scheduled completion of the dissertation, the Supervisory Committee shall report via the PhD Program Subcommittee to the Committee of Instruction that either:
(a) the schedule is confirmed; or
(b) a revised schedule or required withdrawal of the student from the PhD program is recommended.
D2.30 Following the Final Dissertation Review, the PhD Program, Curriculum and Admissions Subcommittee shall determine whether:
(a) the dissertation is suitable for a Dissertation Examination; or
(b) a revised schedule for revision of the dissertation is necessary; or
(c) the required withdrawal of the student from the PhD program is recommended to the Committee of Instruction.
D2.31 When the PhD Program Subcommittee determines that the dissertation is suitable for a Dissertation Examination, the Graduate Program Director shall submit the dissertation to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for examination in accordance with the Regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
D2.32 Upon receipt of the report of the Dissertation Examination noting that the dissertation is accepted, the Committee of Instruction shall consider the student for recommendation for award of the PhD degree.
Registration Requirements
D2.33 The student must maintain continuous registration in each term, in one or other of the following mutually exclusive categories:
(a) full time student; or
(b) part time student; or
(c) leave of absence (not using the services of the university).
D2.34 Normally, the student shall be required to be registered as a full-time student for the first year of study.
D2.35 After completing the Program Plan Stage, students shall enrol in the Comprehensive Examination Stage as an activity without course credits.
D2.36 After completing the Comprehensive Examination Stage, students shall enrol in the PhD Dissertation Stage as an activity without course credits.
D2.37 Students may apply for leave of absence on personal or family grounds. Leave of absence shall be granted on maternity grounds. Leave of absence will not be granted to pursue academic work, nor to undertake employment for Field Experience. Leave of absence will not be granted beyond three consecutive terms.
D2.38 In each term of study the student must register both in the Faculty of Environmental Studies and in the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Registration and course enrolments are subject to the approval of the PhD Program Subcommittee and the Committee of Instruction.
D2.39 Registration in each term consists of the following:
(a) FES registration, including:
i. the prescribed forms for course enrolment, signed by the student, the director of a course or supervisor of an individual activity course (i.e., Field Experience, PhD Independent Research, Comprehensive Research, Dissertation Research), and the Faculty AdvisorSupervisor; and
ii. if applicable, the prescribed form for request to take a course outside the Faculty, in York University or in another university, signed by the Faculty Advisor and the course instructor.
(b) Submission of the prescribed form for registration in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, together with payment of fees.
(c) Submission of such supplementary information as may be required by the Dean.
D2.40 Each PhD student shall be required to enrol in ENVS 8102 PhD Research Seminar (to be held during the Fall and Winter Terms) during the first year of study.
D2.41 For each term the Dean shall set a final date by which every student must complete registration and a subsequent date by which all changes in course enrolments must be made. In order to register or to change a course enrolment or to withdraw from a course after the final date for these purposes, the student must successfully petition the Committee of Instruction.
Award of the PhD Degree
D2.42 The Committee of Instruction shall review the report of every Dissertation Examination and shall receive the decision of the examining committee. Students who have met the Dissertation Examination requirement shall be recommended by the Committee of Instruction for award of the PhD degree provided all other requirements for the degree have been met by the student.
Comprehensive Examination
D3.1 The Comprehensive Examination, which shall focus on the areas of knowledge specified in the PhD Program Plan, shall consist of:
(a) examination of written submissions (or equivalent) as required by the Committee of Instruction; and
(b) an oral examination.
D3.2 The Comprehensive Examination Committee, which shall consist of the members of the Advisory Committee, shall recommend via the PhD Program Coordinator, on behalf of the PhD Program, Curriculum and Admissions Subcommittee, to the Committee of Instruction on:
(a) the adequacy of the student's knowledge in the substantive areas of research; and
(b) the student's capability of embarking on dissertation research.
D3.3 The Comprehensive Examination Committee shall determine the outcome of the Comprehensive Examination to be one of the following:
(a) acceptable;
(b) acceptable pending specified revisions;
(c) unsatisfactory.
D3.4. In the case that specified revisions are required, the Advisor Supervisor shall ensure that these revisions are completed. If the specified revisions are not completed, the Comprehensive Examination is deemed unsatisfactory.
D3.5 In the case that the Comprehensive Examination is deemed unsatisfactory, the Advisory Committee shall give written instructions for revisions and schedule a second exam within six months of the first. Failure to pass a second exam will result in an Advisory Committee recommendation that the student be withdrawn from the Program.
Dissertation Proposal Examination
D3.6 The Dissertation Proposal shall include:
(a)the working title of the dissertation; and
(b) nomination of a Dissertation Supervisor and a Dissertation Supervisory Committee; and
(c) a statement of the proposed topic of the dissertation; and
(d) a detailed research design; and
(e) a detailed outline of the dissertation; and
(f) a proposed schedule of activities; and
(g) a statement indicating the relationship of the dissertation in the individual PhD Program Plan; and
(h) the completed form "Application for Ethical Approval of Research Involving Human Participants."
D3.7 The Dissertation Proposal Examination Committee, which shall consist of the members of the Advisory Committee and any new member(s) of the Dissertation Supervisory Committee, shall recommend via the PhD Program Coordinator, on behalf of the PhD Program, Curriculum and Admissions Subcommittee, to the Committee of Instruction on:
(a) the quality of the Dissertation Proposal; and
(b) the appropriateness of the proposed research schedule.
D3.8 The Dissertation Proposal Examination Committee shall determine the outcome of the Proposal Examination to be one of the following:
(a) acceptable;
(b) acceptable pending specified revisions;
(c) unsatisfactory.
D3.9 In the case that specified revisions are required, the Supervisor shall ensure that these revisions are completed. If the specified revisions are not completed, the Dissertation Proposal Examination is deemed unsatisfactory.
D3.10 In the case that the Proposal Examination is deemed unsatisfactory, the Supervisory Committee shall give written instructions for revisions and schedule a second exam within six months of the first. Failure to pass a second exam will result in a Supervisory Committee recommendation that the student be withdrawn from the Program.
Final Dissertation Review
D3.11 When the student has submitted the final draft of the dissertation, the Supervisory Committee shall examine the final draft of the dissertation, and recommend to the PhD Program Coordinator, on behalf of the PhD Program, Curriculum and Admissions Subcommittee, whether:
(a) the dissertation is suitable for a Dissertation Examination; or
(b) a revised schedule including required revisions of the dissertation or the required withdrawal of the student from the Faculty is recommended.
PhD Dissertation Examination
D3.12 Each student, in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the PhD degree, must pass a Dissertation Examination under the joint auspices of the Faculty of Environmental Studies and the Faculty of Graduate Studies.