Sociology 3337(3 credit hours)
Sociology Of Gender
Spring 2008
General Course Information
Time and Location: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:40 - 10:30
Instructor: Carrie LeFevre Sillito, M.S., Associate Instructor
Office:BEH S 317
Office Hours: By appointment
No Prerequisites required
Course Description: Fulfills Diversity & Soc/Beh Sci Exploration. This course is designed to inspire students to think broadly and creatively about how gender is embedded in social processes and shapes individuals, families, organizations, and institutions. Students are introduced to readings from influential gender theorists with the goal of learning how gender continues to shape many contemporary forms of social life.
Course Objective: General education, as defined by the University of Utah, “promotes free and rational inquiry, critical thinking, creative expression, understanding and respect for diversity, intellectual integrity and social responsibility.” These goals are consistent with my goals as an instructor. Specifically, I aim to create a learning atmosphere that fosters critical and sociological thinking, writing, and discussion. One of my goals for you, as students, is to go beyond merely digesting other people's ideas, to actively engage with the material, and to critique commonly held assumptions (such as those portrayed in the mass media and other mainstream social institutions) about gender and sexuality. We live in a society where gender is created, defined, redefined, and responded to all around us on a daily basis.
Course Text: Women, Men, and Society, Renzetti and Curran, ISBN 0205335330, Allyn & Bacon; 5 edition (July 30, 2002)
Course Requirements:
- Exams (60% of grade): There will be three exams in this course. BRING A #2 PENCIL AND YOUR STUDENT NUMBER! I will not consider changing individual exams because of travel and other conflicts. There will be three tests given during the regular semester. Tests 1 through 3 cover the prior 4-5 weeks of material from lecture, readings, and text. Each of the three exams will be worth 20% of your final grade. There is not a final exam in this course. Exams begin at 9:40 AM and end at 10:30 AM. Arrive on time if you wish to take the exam. NO CELL PHONES OR PORTABLE ELECTRONIC DEVICES WILL BE USED DURING THE EXAM. IF YOU ARE USING A CELL PHONE OR OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICE, IT WILL BE ASSUMED THAT YOU ARE CHEATING AND YOU WILL RECEIVE A "0" ON THE TEST. Grades will be reported on
- Readings and Article Assessments (25% of grade): Throughout the semester, there will be 11 reading and article assessments due on WebCT before coming to class. These assessments will vary in length and must be completed and submitted on WebCT by 9:30 AM on the individual due dates. Students are required to complete 10 of the 11 reading and article assessments. They will be available on WebCT for one week prior to the due date, and will consist of a series of questions on the assigned readings for that week. This is in an effort to assure that students are completing readings because much of what we do in this course is based on class discussion and can not take place if readings have not been completed. Complete instructions will be available on WebCT. Please refer to the “Course Even Schedule” portion of this syllabus for individual due dates and assigned articles. Articles can be downloaded or read from the class WebCT website. NO LATE READING ASSESSMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
- Paper Assignment- “Gender Moments” (10% of grade): The Gender Moments assignment (see handout) involves analyzing gender in everyday life. The final product is a paper, approximately 2-4 pages in length, which summarizes your analysis. I will provide a handout with detailed instructions on how to structure your paper. Thisassignment will be due on WebCT by 9:30 AM on March 14, 2007. Papers must be submitted at “” AND on WebCT. LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL RECEIVE A DEDUCTION OF 30% PER DAY, and will only be accepted through 9:30 AM on March 17th. Anything submitted after 9:30 AM on March 14th is considered late and will receive the specified grade reduction.
- Class Participation and In-class Assignments or Quizzes (5% of grade): Attendance in this class is not mandatory, but I expect it. Attendance will be taken at random during the term. If you have to be absent, be sure to get the lecture notes from WebCT or someone in the class. Lecture notes will remain on WebCT for 1 week. I will not repost them after that time.Class participation will count for 5% of your final grade. This will come from random attendance quizzes, and in-class assignments. If you are not present for an attendance or an in-class assignment, it is not possible to do a "make-up" assignment. It is essential to keep the classroom an environment conducive to learning. This will be further discussed in class.
Things to Remember:
- Faculty and Student Responsibilities: AllUniversity policies and procedures will be followed. Please refer to the University of Utah Faculty Handbook( and Student Code ( ).
- Cases of suspected cheating or plagiarism will be reported to the Dean. The penalty for cheating is an automatic failing grade for the course, in addition to other potential penalties decided by the Dean's Office.
- ADA Statement: The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services and activities for people with disabilities. If you will need accommodations in the class, reasonable prior notice needs to be given to the Center for Disability Services, 162 Union Building, 581-5020 (V/TDD). CDS will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations.Please inform me of disabilities with written documentation from the Center for Disability Services within the first 2 weeks of class so appropriate accommodations can be made.
- Accommodations: Some of the writings, lectures, films or presentations in this course may include material that conflicts with the core beliefs of some students. Please review the syllabus carefully to see if this course is one you are committed to taking. If you have concerns, please discuss it with me within the first two weeks of the course.
- If you are a member of a university athletic team, you must provide me with a schedule of games and team commitments during the first two weeks of the semester.
- I will retain unclaimed student exams and papers only until June 1st, 2008. Please make a note of this for your records.
- Grading:
Test 1 20%
Test 2 20%
Test 3 20%
10 reading and article assessments (2.5% each) for a total of 25%
“Gender Moments” paper assignment 10%
Attendance and Participation 5%
- Grading Scale:
94% - 100% A
90% - 93.9%A-
87% - 89.9%B+
84% - 86.9%B
80% - 83.9%B-
77% - 79.9%C+
74% - 76.9%C
70% - 74.9%C-
65% - 69.9% D+
60% - 64.9%D
55% - 59.9%D-
Less than 54.9%E
Course Event Schedule
Week 1
1/9/08Introduction to Course
1/11/08Introduction to gender and gender theories
Renzetti & Curran CH. 1. Studying Gender: An Overview.
Reading: Many faces of Gender Inequality
Reading: Men are from Earth
Week 2
1/14/08Introduction to gender and gender theories - continued
1/16/08Introduction to gender and gender theories - continued
Reading and Article Assessment 1 due 9:30 AM
1/18/08Renzetti & Curran CH. 2. Biology, Sex, and Gender: The Interaction of Nature and Environment.
Reading: Believing is Seeing
Reading: Sexual Strategies Theory Biosocial
Reading: Transformation Gender Roles
Week 3
1/21/08 -Martin Luther King Day - No Class
1/23/08Biology, Sex, and Gender: The Interaction of Nature and Environment - continued
Reading and Article Assessment 2 due 9:30 AM
1/25/08Biology, Sex, and Gender: The Interaction of Nature and Environment - continued
Week 4
1/28/08Renzetti & Curran CH. 3. Ancestors and Neighbors: Social Constructions of Gender at Other Times, in Other Places.
Reading: Our Mothers’ Grief
Reading: The New Sex Scorecard. Hara Estroff Marano. Annual Editions. 07-08 Sociology
1/30/08Social Constructions of Gender at Other Times, in Other Places - Continued
Reading and Article Assessment 3 due 9:30 AM
2/1/08Social Constructions of Gender at Other Times, in Other Places - Continued
Week 5
2/4/08Renzetti & Curran CH. 4. Early Childhood Gender Socialization.
Reading: Gender Stereotypes Picture Books
Reading: Gender Bender. Sadie F. Dingfelder. Annual editions 07-08. child growth & dev.
2/6/08 Early Childhood Gender Socialization - Continued
Reading and Article Assessment 4 due 9:30 AM
2/8/08Early Childhood Gender Socialization - Continued
Week 6
1st Test CH. 1-4Feb. 11, 2008
2/13/08 Renzetti & Curran CH. 5. Schools and Gender.
Reading: School Girls
Reading: The Trouble with Boys. Peg Tyre. Annual editions 07-08. child growth & dev.
Reading: Evidence Suggests Otherwise
Reading: The Baby Bias, Hal Cohen, Aug 24, 2002, New York Times, themes of times, pp 38-42
2/15/08Schools and Gender - Continued
Week 7
2/18/08- Presidents Day - No Class
2/20/08Schools and Gender - Continued
Reading and Article Assessment 5 due 9:30 AM
2/22/08 Renzetti & Curran CH. 6. The Great Communicators: Language and the Media.
Reading: Gender and Emotion
Week 8
2/25/08Language and the Media - Continued
2/27/08Language and the Media - Continued
Reading and Article Assessment 6 due 9:30 AM
2/29/08Renzetti & Curran CH. 7. Gender and Intimate Relationships.
Reading: Fraternities and College Rape Culture
Reading: Human Rights, Sex Trafficking, and Prostitution. Alice Leuchtag. Annual Editions.07-08 sociology.
Week 9
3/3/08Gender and Intimate Relationships - Continued
Reading: Stress and the Superdad. Michelle Orecklin. Annual editions 07-08 Sociology
3/5/08 Gender and Family Relations
Reading and Article Assessment 7 due 9:30 AM
3/7/08 Gender and Family Relations - Continued
Week 10
3/10/08Renzetti & Curran CH. 8. Gender, Employment, and the Economy.
Reading: The Glass Escalator
Reading: Mapping Global Labor
Reading: I’m here, but I’m there
Reading: Wear a Shorter Skirt
3/12/08 Gender, Employment, and the Economy - Continued
Reading and Article Assessment 8 due 9:30 AM
3/14/08Gender, Employment, and the Economy - Continued
Gender Moments Assignment due on WebCT by 9:30 AM.
Week 11
3/17/08Spring Break – No class
Week 12
2nd Test CH. 5-8March 24, 2008
3/26/08Renzetti & Curran CH. 9. Gender, Crime, and Justice
3/28/08Gender, Crime, and Justice - Continued
Week 13
3/31/08Gender and Intimate partner Violence
Reading: Immigrant Women and Domestic Violence
Reading: In America: The Violence that won’t let go, Bob Herbert, Aug 27, 2001, New York Times, themes of times, pp 48-49
4/2/08Gender and Intimate partner Violence - Continued
Reading and Article Assessment 9 due 9:30 AM
4/4/08Gender and Intimate partner Violence - Continued
Week 14
4/7/08Renzetti & Curran CH. 10. Gender, Politics, Government, and the Military
Reading: Gender ,Connell, RW. chapter 2, page 16-29
4/9/08Gender, Politics, Government, and the Military - Continued
Reading and Article Assessment 10 due 9:30 AM
4/11/08Renzetti & Curran CH. 11. Gender and Spirituality.
Reading: To Veil or Not to Veil
Reading: Gender and Religiousness
Week 15
4/14/08 Gender and Spirituality - Continued
4/16/08Gender and Spirituality - Continued
Reading and Article Assessment 11 due 9:30 AM
4/18/08Renzetti & Curran CH. 12. Gender and Health
Article: Are boys Endangered Species?
Week 16
4/21/08 Gender and Health - Continued
3rd TestCH. 9-12April 23, 2008