Word / In the context of the unit / I say in my language . . .
Introduction (page 5)
volcano, volcanoes n / I’m interested in volcanoes. / Vulkan, Vulkane
file n / A file of information on a computer. / Datei
edit v edited / To edit a computer file. / bearbeiten
view v viewed / To view information on a computer screen. / anschauen
insert v inserted / To insert something at a point in a document. / einfügen
tools n / Tools of computing actions. / Funktionen
message n / Paola sends an email message. / Nachricht
subject n / The subject of Paola’s email is ‘volcanoes’ / Betreff
mount n / Naples is a city near the volcano Mount Vesuvius. / Berg
presentation n / I need to do a presentation at school. / Vortrag
PS (postscript) / PS I am attaching two pictures: Mount Vesuvius and Naples. / P.S. (Postskriptum), Nachsatz
attach v attached / I am attaching two pictures. / anhängen
active adj / The volcano is active (= ‘alive’). / aktiv
erupt v erupted / When a volcano erupts, excess energy inside the Earth comes to the surface. / ausbrechen
Story (Pages 6-8)
commercial adj / Pompeii is a commercial Roman city. / wirtschaftlich
trading n / Trading is very important. / Handel
AD (Anno Domini) adv / Today is 24th August AD 79. / AD (Anno Domini), n. Chr.
early adv / It is early in the morning. / früh
produce v produced / He produces olive oil. / herstellen
harbour n / Today he is going to the harbour. / Hafen
be a good girl phr / Goodbye, Marcia. Be a good girl. / Sei ein braves Mädchen
servant n / Marcus Cornelius and his servants start the journey to the harbour. / Diener
journey n / Marcus Cornelius and his servants start the journey to the harbour. / Reise
suddenly adv / Suddenly, the ground shakes. / plötzlich
shake v shook / Suddenly, the ground shakes. / zittern
column n / A high column of smoke appears in the sky. / Säule
sky n / A high column of smoke appears in the sky. / Himmel
top n / The smoke is coming from the top of Mount Vesuvius. / Bergspitze
call v called / He calls his wife and daughter. / rufen
let’s go phr / Let’s go! Hurry up! / Los!
hurry up phr / Hurry up! The mountain has exploded! / Beeilt euch!
mountain n / The mountain has exploded! / Berg
ground n / The ground is shaking. / Boden
earthquake n / The ground is shaking. It’s an earthquake! / Erdbeben
take v took / We must take some water and clothes. / nehmen
escape v escaped / We must escape! / fliehen
let’s get out of here phr / Come on! Let’s get out of here! / Lasst uns hier verschwinden
far away adv / We can escape by boat and go far away. / weit weg
don’t be afraid phr / Don’t be afraid. It’s going to be okay. / Hab’ keine Angst
ash n / The situation is getting very bad. It is raining ash and stones. / Asche
cushion n / Take these cushions and cover your heads with them. / Kissen
air n / The air is thick. / Luft
thick adj / The air is thick. / dicht
breathe v breathed / It is very difficult to breathe. / atmen
dark adj / It is 11 am but it is dark. / dunkel
cloud n / A cloud of ash and stones covers the sun. / Wolke
cover v covered / A cloud of ash and stones covers the sun. / verdecken
smell v smelled / The air smells of sulphur. / riechen
slope n / Big rivers of lava run down the slopes of Mount Vesuvius. / Hang
blow v blew / The wind is blowing south. / blasen
sail v sailed / How can we sail? The sea is really rough! / segeln
rough adj / The sea is really rough! / stürmisch
try v tried / We must try. It’s our only hope. / probieren
survive v survived / The family must escape to Misenum to survive. / überleben
look back v looked back / Marcia looks back at the terrible scene. / zurückschauen
sad adj / She is sad and afraid. / traurig
afraid adj / She is sad and afraid. / ängstlich
happen v happened / What’s happening to our beautiful city? / passieren
angry adj / Why are the gods angry with the people of Pompeii? / wütend
About ... (Pages 10-11)
surface n / The energy inside the Earth comes to the surface. / Oberfläche
toxic adj / Some gases are toxic. / giftig
kill v killed / Some gases are toxic and can kill people. / töten
plate n / When the plates under the surface of the Earth move, they sometimes crash. / tektonische Platten
crash v crashed / When the plates under the surface of the Earth move, they sometimes crash. / kollidieren
pressure n / When the plates crash, there is a lot of pressure under the surface. / Druck
dormant adj / The volcano is dormant at the moment (= ‘asleep’). / nicht aktiv
extinct adj / The volcano was active many years ago but is now extinct. / erloschen
geyser n / Geysers are a sign of volcanic activity. / Geysir
Do you know that …? (Page 13)
famous adj / Jules Verne is the author of the famous novel Journey to the Centre of the Earth. / berühmt
Skills ticket (Page 14)
be in love v was in love / Izta was in love with Popocatépetl. / verliebt sein
permission n / Popocatépetl asked Tizoc for permission to marry the princess. / Erlaubnis
marry v married / The emperor did not want Popocatépetl to marry his daughter. / heiraten
war n / He sent Popocatépetl to war. / Krieg
die v died / He dies in a battle. / sterben
true adj / It was not true that Popocatépetl was dead. / wahr
Word / In the context of the unit / I say in my language . . .
Introduction (page 15)
grade n / I’m in the sixth grade of primary school. / Klasse
early adj / Picasso is a famous painter of the early 20th century. / früh
Gothic quarter n / The museum is in the Gothic quarter of the city. / Gotisches Viertel
show v showed / One of the photos shows the entrance of the museum. / zeigen
painting n / The other photo is Picasso’s painting Harlequin. / Bild
share v shared / We invite pupils from other schools to share information about painters and paintings. / austauschen
around adv / Around Picasso’s time. / um
art gallery n / Is there an art gallery in your city? / Kunstmuseum
Story (Pages 16-18)
live v lived / They lived in a village. / leben
village n / Hans and Ida lived in a village near Bern. / Dorf
be born v was born / Paul Klee was born in 1879. / geboren werden
have got v had / You’ve got a baby brother. / bekommen haben
call v called / We’re going to call him Paul. / nennen
move v moved / The family moved to Bern. / umziehen
be good for us all phr / I think living in Bern is going to be good for us all. / gut für uns alle
hear v heard / Young Paul Klee often heard music at home. / hören
quite often adv / Grandmother visited the family quite often. / ziemlich oft
have v had / Paul’s parents had a special birthday present for him. / haben
know how v knew how / I don’t know how to play the violin. / wissen wie
let’s try phr / Let’s try together. / Lass es (uns) versuchen
continue v continued / Paul also continued to draw. / weitermachen
drawing n / Look at Paul’s drawings. / Zeichnung
musician n / He wanted Paul to be a musician. / Musiker/in
great adj / He’s going to have a great future in music. / gross
future n / He’s going to have a great future in music. / Zukunft
grow v grew / Paul’s love of drawing grew. / wachsen
landscape n / These are pictures of landscapes. / Landschaft
decide v decided / It wasn’t easy for Paul to decide what to study. / entscheiden
finish v finished / When he finished secondary school. / abschliessen
art, artist n / I want to study art. I want to be an artist. / Kunst, Künstler
leave v left / Before he left school, Paul started to keep a diary. / verlassen
About ... (Pages 20-21)
capture v captured / They tried to capture the immediate effect of light. / einfangen
shadow n / They made shadows by mixing different colours. / Schatten
main adj / The main Impressionist painters were Renoir, Monet and Degas. / wichtigster
feeling n / Expressionist painters wanted to express their feelings and emotions. / Gefühl
accurately adv / Expressionist painters didn’t try to reproduce objects accurately. / genau
join v joined / Emil Nolde joined the group. / beitreten
art movement n / Cubism was an art movement. / Kunstbewegung
express v expressed / Cubist painters did not try to express their feelings. / ausdrücken
cylinder n / The cylinder is a geometrical form. / Zylinder
sphere n / The sphere is a geometrical form. / Kugel
cone n / The cone is a geometrical form. / Kegel
use v used / Early Cubist painters used bright colours. / brauchen
monochromatic adj / Analytical Cubist painters used monochromatic earth colours. / monochromatisch
collaged adj / Synthetic Cubist painters introduced collaged objects into their paintings. / collagieren
cut-up adj / Picasso and Braque started to use pieces of cut-up newspaper in their paintings. / zerschnitten
Language stop (Page 22)
youth club n / I went on an excursion with my youth club. / Jugendverein
leader n / Three youth club leaders accompanied us. / Betreuer
get on v got on / We got on the train at eight thirty. / einsteigen
slow adj / It was a slow train. / langsam
draw v drew / Some of the children drew the lake. / zeichnen
midday n / At midday we had a packed lunch. / Mittag
return v returned / At five we returned to the train station. / zurückgehen
tired adj / I was very tired. / müde
late adv / On Sunday I got up very late. / spät
Do you know that …? (Page 23)
valuable adj / Mona Lisa is probably the most valuable painting in the world. / wertvoll
form n / Mona is the short form of Madonna. / Form
between prep / Da Vinci painted Mona Lisa between 1503 and 1506. / zwischen
belong v belonged / The painting belongs to the French government. / gehören
greatest adj / Van Gogh is one of the greatest modern painters. / berühmt
sell v sold / Van Gogh sold only one painting in his lifetime. / verkaufen
several pro / He painted several versions of the painting. / mehrere
building n / There are five other buildings. / Gebäude
found v founded / Catherine the Great founded the museum in 1764. / gründen
prolific adj / Picasso is one of the world’s most prolific painters. / produktiv
style n / He experimented with new styles. / Stilart
Skills ticket (Page 24)
features n / One of Matisse’s main features was the expressive use of colour. / Besonderheiten
completely adv / His style changed completely over the years. / vollständig
arrange v arranged / He arranged the pieces of paper into shapes or images. / anordnen
paste v pasted / He pasted the cut-out pieces of paper. / kleben
exhibition n / An exhibition of Matisse’s last works. / Ausstellung
upside down adv / The museum hung the painting upside down. / verkehrt herum
remain v remained / The painting remained upside down for 47 days. / bleiben
mistake n / A visitor noticed the mistake. / Fehler
staff n / The museum staff hung the painting properly. / Personal
feel v felt / The lady visitor felt that the artist would never put the sail at the bottom. / fühlen
Word / In the context of the unit / I say in my language . . .
Introduction (page 25)
ancient n / Ancient Egyptian civilization started about 5,000 years BC. / alt
BC (before Christ) adv / Ancient Egyptian civilization started about 5,000 years BC. / BC (Before Christ), vor Chr.
ago adv / Ancient Egyptian civilization ended about 2,000 years ago. / vor
Story (Pages 26-28)
pharaoh n / Hatshepsut could not be the new pharaoh because she was a woman. / Pharao
declare v declared / She declared herself Pharaoh Hatshepsut. / ernennen
female n / A female can’t be a pharaoh! / Frau
high priest n / The high priest of Egypt supported Hatshepsut. / Hohepriester
support v supported / The high priest of Egypt supported Hatshepsut. / unterstützen
dynasty n / Hatshepsut was the 5th Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty. / Dynastie
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