Curriculum area / Engineering
Course title / BTEC National Diploma in Engineering
Unit title and number / Unit 1 Health and Safety in the Engineering Workplace
Assignment title /number / Assignment 3 Reporting and Recording Accidents and Incidents

Key Skills Opportunities: (e.g. C2.1 etc)

Communication / C3.2, C3.3
Application of Number
Information Technology / IT2.2, IT2.3
Lecturer/Assessor / Michael Cooke.
Issue date
Submission date
Return marked work to student date

Student declaration

I declare that this assignment is all my own work and the sources of information and material I have used (including the internet) have been fully identified and properly acknowledged as required.



Assignment Brief / Signature / Date
Key Skills / Signature / Date

NQF Qualifications Assessment Grid

P7 / Describe the principles that underpin reporting and recording accidents and incidents. / Reasons for reporting accidents and incident with respect to legislation.
P8 / Describe the procedures used to record and report accidents, dangerous occurrences or near misses / Sample accident, dangerous occurrence or near miss form
D2 / Analyse accident trends in the engineering industry and calculate the cost of an accident in the workplace from given data / Carry out a case study of an accident in the engineering industry and calculate the cost in terms of injury/disability, loss of life and money
You are a new trainee in an engineering company and part of your induction involved a short course on health, safety, risk assessment and welfare. Before you can start your training in the workshops, you need to demonstrate your understanding of health and safety with respect to accident and incident reporting and why it is necessary by completing the following tasks.
Task 1 State the main reasons why it is important to report accidents and incidents that occur in the workplace and also state when it is necessary to report accidents to the health and safety executive. P7
Task 2 Produce and complete a sample accident form and a sample incident form with any relevant information that needs to be recordedand describe the procedures that should be follow an accident/incident e.g. calling first aider reporting to safety officer etc. P8
Task 4Carry out a case study on an accident that has occurred in industry and calculate the cost in terms of injury/disability, loss of life and money. D2
Note: For task 4, you are required to carry out your own case study into an accident in a company of your choice or an area of interest to you to achieve the distinction outcome.





Student Name
Assignment title and number

Assignment criteria: (e.g. P1 etc)

Unit No. / Pass / Merit / Distinction
Grading criteria assignment meets / P1 / P2 / M1
Grading criteria met by student
Assessor Feedback:
Main strengths
Main Weaknesses
Suggestions on how to improve
General comments
Signed (Assessor) / Date
Signed (Internal Verifier) / Date