IQY TECHNICAL COLLEGE (Authorized Training Centre of Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologists)


NRC Number
Date of birth
Father’s name
Mother’s name
Phone Number
E-mail address
Address of current employer
Educational Qualifications
Name of degree / diploma (1)
Year of completion
University/ College/Institute
Name of degree / diploma (2)
Year of completion
University/ College/Institute
Name of degree / diploma (3)
Year of completion
University/ College/Institute
Name of degree / diploma (4)
Year of completion
University/ College/Institute
Name of degree / diploma (5)
Year of completion
University/ College/Institute


Q1. Are you member of Myanmar Engineering Society (MES)? Please put X


If YES, please provide membership & membership number

Membership Number
Fellow (FMES)
Full Member (MMES)
Associate Member (AMMES)
Junior Member (JMMES)

Q2. Do you have RE/RSE/PE Registration? Please put X


If YES, please provide the type of registration & reference number. Attach the copy of Registration Certificate. Please put X

Registration Number
Professional Engineer (PE) / Registered Technician (RGT)
Registered Senior Engineer (RSE) / Limited Registration of above / YES---
Registered Engineer (RE) / Category YES or NO / NO---

Q3. Are you working OR have worked in Government Technical Institutions such as Technological University, Technical College, Technical Institute and other engineering training institutions (or)private training institutions (or) have provided workplace skilled training to the trainees in engineering worksites ? Please put X


If YES, please provide the followings

Name of Government or Private
Technological University/ College/ Institute
If training is provided at engineering worksite, please provide the name of company (or) site (or ) if you provide the training as a freelance trainer, please provide the details

Please put X

Q4(a)(I) / Q4(a) (II) / Q4(b) / Q4(c)
Less than 5 Years / 5 to 7 Years / 7 Years to Less than 10 Years / 10 Years and above
Years of experience including site works and teaching/ training
Years of experience including in teaching/ training

Q4.What do you want to apply for?

Program / Please
Put X / Advice
Two weeks engineering educator basic training (Personal Attendance) / Contact Myanmar Engineering Society
Engineering educator basic training (Online) / Please fill this form & send it to
Then access the site
Click Engineering Education Accreditation Two Weeks Course
Then view the videos & lessons. You can also watch two weeks class activities videos.
I want to copy the resources into my USB / Please contact the following teachers who have attended the face to face course and got the resources. They can help you to copy.

Certificate in Vocational Education & Training / Please fill this form & send it to
Then access the site
Click Engineering Education Accreditation Two Weeks Course
Then view the videos & lessons. You can also watch two weeks class activities videos.
Then you do the exercise on the following worksheets

Then submit them to
Certificate in Vocational Education & Training will be sent electronically.
If you copy the resources into your USB, study
DVD PPT + Dip Engg Ed for training 17 to 31 Dec 2015
/Two weeks training powerpoints
Dip Engg Ed Videos
Then you do the exercise on the following worksheets
In the folder, DVD PPT + Dip Engg Ed for training 17 to 31 Dec 2015/Record sheets.
Then submit them to
Certificate in Vocational Education & Training will be sent electronically.
Diploma in Vocational Education & Training / If your position is minimum of Assistant Lecturer OR you got minimum of 5 years teaching experience or minimum of 5 years training experience in engineering worksite, upon completion of exercise on the worksheets, Diploma in Vocational Education & Training will be sent electronically.
If you do not meet the above criteria, you need to do Diploma in Vocational Education & Training course al follows.
Download the study guide & resources from the following link

See Page 17 to 22 &
Resources to be downloaded

Then submit the assignment for ED101+ED102
Then submit them to
USB Copy
DVD PPT + Dip Engg Ed for training 17 to 31 Dec 2015/ References + Course Plan + Notes/ Dip Engg Ed with subject instruction4.pdf
See Page 17 to 22 &
DVD PPT + Dip Engg Ed for training 17 to 31 Dec 2015/ Diploma in Engg Education Course Resources/ED 101 Theory of Education/Theory of Education.pdf
DVD PPT + Dip Engg Ed for training 17 to 31 Dec 2015/ Diploma in Engg Education Course Resources/ED 102 Education Technology/Education & Technology.pdf
Then submit the assignment for ED101+ED102
Then submit them to
Dipoloma in Vocational Education & Training will be sent electronically.
Diploma in Technical Teaching / Online
Download the study guide & resources from the following link

See Page 39 to ED 401 & Page 47 for ED 411

For ED401
Day 3 Session 1(1) Motivation of adult learning

Day 5 Session 1A-Approach to various learning modes in VET

Day 5 Session 2A- Preparing vocational teaching portfolios

Day 6 Session 1A Developing the assessment strategies in VET

Download the powerpoints
Day5Session1.ppt (20.26MB)


Day5Session2.ppt (2.54MB)


USB Copy
DVD PPT + Dip Engg Ed for training 17 to 31 Dec 2015/ References + Course Plan + Notes/ Dip Engg Ed with subject instruction4.pdf
See Page 39 to ED 401 & Page 47 for ED 411
DVD PPT + Dip Engg Ed for training 17 to 31 Dec 2015/ Diploma in Engg Education Course Resources/ED 401 Adult Learning Technology/Two weeks training powerpoints – Copy/Day 5 Session 1 & 2 Powerpoints
DVD PPT + Dip Engg Ed for training 17 to 31 Dec 2015/ Diploma in Engg Education Course Resources/ED411Engineering Education 1/all pdf files
For ED401, provide the followings
Q8(b) Provide the evidence of employment reference letter or other form of references
Q8(c) Provide your teaching portfolio consisting of the soft and hard copies of the followings
Q8(c)(i) Two lesson Plans written by you (Separate attachment)
Q8(c)(ii) Two Lessons prepared by you. (Separate attachment)
Q8(c)(iii) Two examination questions and marking schemes prepared by you.(Separate attachment)
Q8(c)(iV) Two feedbacks on the students’ tasks provided by you.(Separate attachment)
Q8(c)(v) If you supervise the engineering practical or laboratory works, provide two instruction sheets that you have written.(Separate attachment)
Q8(c)(vi) Provide your idea on how to improve engineering subject teaching and learning system either in English or Myanmar.(Separate attachment)
Q8(c)(vii) Provide your idea on how to improve quality in engineering education either in English or Myanmar.(Separate attachment)
Q8(c)(Viii) How do you understand the accreditation & provide your idea how will you prepare your subject for accreditation system? (Separate attachment)
For ED411, do the exercises in
DVD PPT + Dip Engg Ed for training 17 to 31 Dec 2015/ References + Course Plan + Notes/ Dip Engg Ed with subject instruction4.pdf
Page 47 for ED 411
Then do the assignment for ED401+ED411
Then submit them to
Diploma in Technical Teaching will be sent electronically.
Diploma in Engineering Education / Online
Download the study guide & resources from the following link

ED402-Page 51
ED308-Page 56
ED407-Page 62
ED412-Page 66
ED402Educational Leadership +ED308 Change Management
Day 10 Session 2-Change Management

Day10Session2+3.ppt (0.57MB)


ED412 Engineering Education Part (2)

ED407 Learning Environment
Day10Session1.ppt (11.78MB)


USB Copy
DVD PPT + Dip Engg Ed for training 17 to 31 Dec 2015/ References + Course Plan + Notes/ Dip Engg Ed with subject instruction4.pdf
ED402-Page 51
ED308-Page 56
ED407-Page 62
ED412-Page 66
DVD PPT + Dip Engg Ed for training 17 to 31 Dec 2015/ Diploma in Engg Education Course Resources/
D 402 Educational Leadership
ED 308 Change Management
ED 407 Learning Environment
ED412 Engineering Education (2)
Then do the assignment for ED402+308+407+412
Then submit them to
Diploma in Engineering Education will be sent electronically.
Diploma in Engineering Education (Specialist) / Contact