2018-2019 Volunteer A-State Council Application

Volunteer A-State is a student-led organization created to coordinate student volunteer efforts on campus and in the Jonesboro community. Our mission and aim is to provide the A-State community a place to serve, learn, and make a difference by promoting and coordinating volunteer opportunities and building relationships within the community.

Application Process

Volunteer A-State Council applications are dueFriday, April 6, 2018by5pm in the Leadership Center. Late applications will NOT be accepted. Applicants selected to participate in an interview will be notified via email with further instructions. Interviews will be conducted the week following the application deadline.

Completed Application Includes: Volunteer A-State information form, typed responses to questions, ranked positions as desired, a recommendation form completed by an A-State full-time faculty or staff member and applicant’s résumé. (Should you need assistance creating your résumé, please contact Career Services in Room 2167 on the second floor of the Student Union.)

Academic & Disciplinary Standards

•Current enrollment at Arkansas State University – Jonesboro as a full time student.

•Minimum Cumulative (Overall, including transfer credits) 2.75 GPA.

•Good standing with the university – academic and disciplinary. May not be on disciplinary probation.

•Social networking sites must reflect both the student & University in a positive light.

Council Meetings

The Volunteer A-State Council will meet each week for approximately 1 hour to discuss, plan, and coordinate volunteer and service opportunities. The meeting time will be 4pm on Tuesdays beginning the first week of classes, and council members must be able to adjust their schedules accordingly if selected. In addition to the meetings, students on the council will meet regularly with the Volunteer A-State Advisor to plan the designated events for each position.


Attendance at all council meetings is required unless the advisor has approved an excused absence. Two unexcused absences will result in a consultation with the advisor and may result in removal from the board. Students are expected to arrive on time for the meetings unless prior arrangements have been made with the advisor or president. Each member is also required to attend and participate in all major events hosted by Volunteer A-State.

Service Hours Requirement

In addition to the required meeting attendance, members of the Volunteer A-State Council are required to complete 15 service hours each semester. These service hours may be completed in conjunction with Volunteer A-State events or through a community non-profit partner, and they should be documented and submitted to the president at the conclusion of each semester.

A two-hour weekly shift at the A-State Campus Food Pantry is also required during both the Fall and Spring semesters. Council members are given first choice of shifts to fit their schedules. Hours of the A-State Campus Food Pantry are subject to change.

Additional Requirements

Students selected to serve on the Volunteer A-State Council will be required to attend a leadership development training sponsored by the Leadership Center. This training is tentatively scheduled for May 9-10, 2018.

It is expected that Volunteer A-State Council members will support and assist in promoting events conducted by other groups within the Leadership Center (i.e. Student Government Association, Student Activities Board, Greek Life, etc.). This includes advertising on social media, attending events, finding ways to collaborate, etc.

Recommendation Form

Applicant must provide one recommendation form in order to be considered for this position. Please submit a form (provided in this package) to your chosen reference and return the form with your application. Recommendations cannot be from another student (graduate or undergraduate) or family member. Only the recommendation form is required; you do not have to submit a letter.

Volunteer A-State Information Form


A-State ID Number:

Email: @smail.astate.edu

Cell Phone Number:


Academic College/Major:

Expected Graduation Date:

Cumulative Grade Point Average:

T-shirt Size (office use only):

Volunteer A-State Council Questions

Please type your answers to the following questions and submit them with your application.

1. How has volunteering and serving in your own personal life had an effect on the person you are today?

2. What is your favorite non-profit to support, and why?

3. What other campus involvement, jobs, extracurricular activities, etc. do you foresee having during the 2018-2019 academic year?

By signing below you agree to the following terms:

· I understand that all documents to this application are confidential and the property of the Leadership Center. I further understand that I will not have the opportunity to personally review or inspect any of these documents. However, in an effort to promote a valuable educational experience and to improve interviewing skills, feedback concerning reasons for selection or non-selection will be provided at the applicant’s request, as permitted by law.

· I do hereby consent to the release of my educational records to the Leadership Center, as needed, to confirm that I am enrolled as a full-time student at Arkansas State University, that I have a minimum of a 2.75 cumulative grade point average, that I am in good standing with Arkansas State University, and that I currently have no disciplinary actions against me.

· I wish to submit this application for the position of Volunteer A-State Council member. I am aware of the responsibilities of this position as specified in the Volunteer A-State application, and I fully intend to fulfill each one to the best of my ability if selected. I possess the minimum qualifications required for this position as specified on this form and all information provided herein is accurate.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Arkansas State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, ethnicity, religion, national origin, age, handicap, veteran status, or any other federally protected class in the provision of educational opportunities or benefits.

Arkansas State University does not discriminate on the basis of sex or handicap in the educational programs and activities which it operates, pursuant to the requirements of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972. Public Law 92-318; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Public Law 93-112, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336, respectively. This policy extends to both employment by and admission to the University.

Inquiries concerning the Title IX and Section 504 and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator, and the Office of Affirmative Action. Charges of violations of the above policy should also be directed to the Title IX coordinator and the Office of Affirmative Action.

Available Positions

Please read the following descriptions for the available Volunteer A-State Council positions. Please rank all positions you are interested in applying for from 1-6 (1 being the most interested); if you are not interested in a position, please do not rank that particular one.

___President: The president is the chief spokesperson for the Volunteer Council. This position will be responsible for planning and running all meetings, and will serve as the contact point and source of assistance for all members of the board. The president’s position is a paid position. This person will work as a student worker in the Leadership Center for up to 8 hours per week, and will assist the Volunteer A-State Advisor as needed. The president will also be responsible for planning the annual Make A Statement Week activities.

___A-State Campus Food Pantry Chair:The A-State Campus Food Pantry chair will be responsible for all operations of the A-State Campus Food Pantry including storage of food, recruiting and coordinating volunteers, scheduling drives with various entities, and executing a campus-wide food drive in conjunction with the University’s annual Homecoming events.

___American Red Cross Chair: The American Red Cross chair will be responsible for coordinating and executing a blood drive each semester, as well as, coordinating volunteers for an intersection during the Red Cross’ annual Bucket Brigade in April. They will also assist in any fundraising efforts that may arise due to a disaster in the A-State/Jonesboro community.

___A-State United Way Liaison: The A-State United Way Liaison will be responsible for keeping Volunteer A-State abreast of the planning and execution of events and activities taking place with A-State United Way and the United Way of Northeast Arkansas’ campaign at Arkansas State University. This chair will assist in the planning and implementation of the annual United We Dance (Fall semester) and A-State Day of Caring (Spring semester) events.

___Special Events Chair:The Special Events chair will be responsible for planning and executingmonthly service projects for members of the Volunteer A-State email listserv (A-State Serve Days), an MLK Day of Service project, the annual Volunteer Fair and other smaller events as needed throughout the academic year.

___Marketing Chair: The Marketing chair will work closely with each member of the board to develop a promotional plan for each Volunteer A-State event. This chair will be responsible for updating the Volunteer A-State social media accounts, taking photos at service events, thinking outside the box to find new ways of recruiting the student body to be involved with Volunteer A-State, and reaching out to other service organizations to promote all campus service activities. This position will also work to maintain the Volunteer A-State email listserv for distributing information (sending emails, corresponding with members, compiling sign-up lists, etc.).

*The Volunteer A-State Advisor may adjust the number of chairs selected and their titles in the best overall interest of the organization.

Volunteer A-State– Recommendation Form

Please return completed formno later than5:00pmFriday, April 6, 2018to LeadershipCenter, 2ndfloorRengStudentUnion –Suite 2067 or via mail to LeadershipCenter, POBox1980, State University, AR72467.If youhave any questions,pleasecontactKatey Provence – r 972-2055.


1. Howlongand in whatcapacityhave youknowntheapplicant?

2. Indicate youropinionof the applicant’sabilityin thefollowingareas.

Outstanding / Above Average / Average / Below Average / No Basis
Leadership Potential
Communication Skills
Team Player
Passion for Volunteering
Work Ethic

Name, Title: ______

Phone: ______Email: ______

Signature: ______