Plymouth Post 16 Application Form
Section 1 – to be completed by ALL Year 11 students.
Your Details– Personal InformationName / Male / Female
Phone Number / Mobile Number
Email / Date of Birth
Destination Choice – where you want to study
- Eggbuckland Community College Sixth Form
- Other Sixth Form: please state which school………………………………………………
- Other College e.g.
Duchy College
Cornwall College
City College Plymouth
Other - please state which college…………………………………………………….
- Apprenticeship
- Employment with training
If you intend to study at Eggbuckland Community College, please indicate your subject choices in the boxes overleaf.
If you intend to move to an alternative Post 16 education provider please provide details of the course(s) you intend to follow......
Personal Statement
Your statement should be typed, printed and attached as separate sheet. This statement gives you the chance to tell us why you should be accepted onto your chosen course. Within it, you should say why you want to complete the courses you have selected, what your career plans are and include evidence of your personal skills and qualities. If you are an Eggbuckland Community College student then you can attach the personal statement you completed for your mock interview.
Please read:
Data Protection
All Schools, Colleges and Training Providers collect and process information about staff and students for various administrative, academic and health & safety reasons. Connexions collects information about students in order to ensure they receive the services they are entitled to.
The Data Protection Act 1998 requires your consent before this can be undertaken and your application form can be processed.
Courses – state ALL your courses with your predicted grades.
If you are on the Vocational pathway – add the training provider, qualification and your level.
Qualification e.g. GCSE or BTEC. Plus Training Provider if vocational. / Subject e.g. Maths / Predicted Grade / Actual Grade
Please sign
I agree that Careers South West and the School, College or Training Provider, named as the receiving organisation for this form, can process data contained in this form for any purposes connected with my application or study within the organisation.
Your Signature / Date
Section 2
To be completed by Year 11 students who wish to study at ECC Sixth Form
Course Choice–tick which pathway youwould like to study.Pathway A –Vocational Route Qualification (Level 1,2,& 3)
Pathway B – A Level, Applied and Specialist qualifications (Level 3)
Pathway A - Vocational Route Qualifications (VRQs) (Level 1,2, & 3)
1)Identify 2 of the following courses you may wish to take.
2)These courses are not in blocks. Number any of them 1 & 2 in preferred order.
Administration / Construction - Painting and Decorating / Media
Animal Care / Construction - Plastering / Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair
Art and Design / Construction - Plumbing / Music
Barbering / Customer Services / Nail Services
Beauty Therapy / Hairdressing / Photography
Business / Health and Social Care / Public Services
Child Care / Horse Care / Sport
Children and Young People's Workforce / Hospitality and Catering / Supporting Teaching
and Learning
Construction - Brick / IT Practitioners
Construction - Carpentry / IT Users
Construction - Electrical / Marine Engineering
Pathway B: A Level and Applied General (Level 3)
1)Number your top 5 subjects(1,2,3,4,5) which will help your career or in which you feel you will achieve the best grade. These will make your 'core programme' plus extras in case of course clashes or unavailability.
2)The subjects are in provisional blocks but these have NOT been set – they may change depending on student choices and staffing. Subjects with low numbers may need to change block or may not run.
3)Subjects which clash may be available through The Link Partnership schools.
Art Photography / Fine Art / History / Chemistry
Biology / Geography / Product Design / Media Studies
English Literature / Psychology / Physics / History
Maths / French / Sociology / Spanish
Art Textiles / Food Science & Nutrition / Business Studies (OCR) / Psychology
Applied Science (BTEC) / Health and Social Care (OCR) / Drama & Theatre / Dance (BTEC)
Music (BTEC) / Engineering (BTEC) / Sports Studies –double (BTEC)[Must tick Sports Studies SINGLE as well] / Sports Studies - single ONLY (BTEC)
Information Technology (OCR) / Computing Science
Office Use Only – not to be completed by students
Date Received:
Interviewed by: Date:
Career aspiration:
Pathway agreed:
Pathway A – VRQ
Pathway B – A level, Applied and Specialist
VRQ course: / TLP school:
Block A:
Block B:
Block C:
Block D:
Estimated GCSE retake based on PPEs: Maths Y/N English Y/N
Further IAG support required: No Yes
CTL/Subject teacher consultation needed: No Yes
Accepted: Yes Provisional No (Follow up meeting needed)
Contract: No Yes
Inclusion or additional needs: No Yes
Date entered on SIMS: