Put it Back in the Box Board Game


The winner is the one who displays the greatest balance between stewardship, good work ethic, and generosity.

The Winner is determined by who has the most points at the end of the game. The faster you get around the board the more money you collect. The more money you have the more prayers you can answer, which generate the points you need to win.

At the end of the game, your points are reduced.

  • Over $20,000, Total Points reduced by 80%
  • Over $10,000, Total Points reduced by 50%
  • Over $5,000, Total Points reduced by 25%
  • Over $1,000, Total Points are reduced by 5%
  • Over $500, Total Points are reduced by 1%

However, the poorer you are, the more you may be ministered to. You collect points for having your prayers answered. The detours are only available if you have less than $500.

Board Game like Careers in form. That is, it goes around the board but there are a number of detours which are possible.

Game is over when everyone is out of the game or there is only one left.

When Questions are asked or there is a generic Opportunity to minister to someone, the opportunity is offered from the player’s left and moves clockwise until someone accepts or all have passed on the Opportunity.


  • Payday is when you get around the board. That is, you pass “Start”.
  • Bonus = to your Salary if you LAND on Start.
  • Salary begins at $1,000
  • You get a raise of $100 each time you pass “Start”

1 Die if you are broke (less than $500).

2 Dice if you have more than $500.

On each side of the board are 15 squares. 3 of these squares are for cards.

  • The Middle(8) square on each side are Prayer Cards
  • Before (4) and after (12) is a square for Character Cards.
  • Square 3 and 11 also connect with the entrance of a Detour.
  • Square 5 and 13 also connect with the exit of a Detour.


  • Sponsorship, building, paying for, or underwriting a Detour is optional.
  • Only one person can sponsor, build, pay for, or underwrite a Detour.
  • The person who sponsors, builds, pays for, or underwrites a Detour gets a Detour card.
  • When anyone lands on the Detour Entrance, the person holding the Detour card receives 200 points.
  • When the person holding the Detour card lands on the Detour Entrance, they receive 300 points.
  • Going into a Detour is optional IF it is open and you meet the qualifications – normally less than $500
  • You always get 500 Points when you leave Detour regardless of the square you land on.

The Squares on the board

  1. Catch your Idol’s Newest Movie for $10 and lose 250 Points.
  2. You MAY go on a prayer walk for 1 turn and gain 80 Points.
  3. For $2,000 you may open a restaurant with a dumpster in the alley.
    If you land on the Dumpster Detour and you do not own the restaurant, the owner receives 200 Points
    If you own the restaurant and you land on the Dumpster Detour entrance, you receive 300 points.
    If you have < $500, you may take Dumpster Detour
  4. Found fresh sandwich still wrapped. 20 Points
  5. Prayer Card
  6. Got stuck in dumpster. Lose 1 turn.
  7. Given Opportunity to serve in Food line. 100 Points
  8. Found one shoe which fits for 20 Points.
  9. Your rent was paid. Receive $5,000 and be blessed with 500 Points
  10. ?
  11. ?
  12. ?
  13. ?
  14. ?
  15. ?
  16. Character Card
  17. Lose your wallet. You are broke.
  18. Exit Dumpster Detour
  19. ?
  20. Prayer Card
  21. ?
  22. Can buy a Home for $20,000 (If house is Owned, YOU give Owner 100 Points for Hospitality)
  23. Can build a Christian Camp for $10,000.
    If already Built, Builder gets 100 Points.
    If you built the camp, you feel satisfaction with 200 points.
    If Camp is built and you have < $500, you may take Camp Detour.
  24. Wilderness camp. 50 Points
  25. Revival during Worship Service. 500 Points
  26. Found wasp nest. Lose 50 Points
  27. ?
  28. ?
  29. ?
  30. ?
  31. ?
  32. ?
  33. ?
  34. Character Card
  35. ?
  36. Exit Camp Detour
  37. First Corner. Missions Trip for $2,000 (or all cash on hand) and 1,200 Points
  38. ?
  39. Can build Baptistery for $1,500
    If Baptistery already built, Builder is blessed with 100 Points
  40. If you have < $500, you may take Family Detour
  41. Another cousin is born into the family. 100 Points IF you can tell everyone how many cousins you currently have.
  42. Family Reunion. 100 Points but lose 1 turn.
  43. Prayer Card
  44. Family member sits with you when you are sick. 100 Points.
  45. ?
  46. ?
  47. ?
  48. ?
  49. ?
  50. ?
  51. ?
  52. ?
  53. Character Card
  54. ?
  55. Exit Family Detour
  56. You MAY attend Wednesday evening Service for 1 turn and gain 75 Points.
  57. Prayer Card
  58. ?
  59. Can sponsor to open the Mission Detour for $5,000.
    If Non-Sponsor, then the Sponsor gets 200 Points.
    If Sponsor, then you get 300 Points.
    If you have < $500 and there is a Mission Detour Sponsor, you may take Mission Detour
  60. Feed children for $25 and 100 Points
  61. Prayer Card
  62. Hold a Revival. 500 Points
  63. Witness to old man. 150 Points
  64. Prayer Card
  65. ?
  66. ?
  67. ?
  68. ?
  69. ?
  70. ?
  71. Character Card
  72. Exit Mission Detour
  73. ?
  74. Second Corner(Cattycorner from Start square). Sunday! Pay Tithe now for 0 (zero) points.
    1 additional point for each percent above 10% which you give willingly.
  75. ?
  76. You may underwrite a Scholarship program for $5,000
    If Non-Underwriter, Then the Underwriter gets 200 Points
    If the Underwriter, you get 300 Points.
    If you have < $500 and Scholarship program was Underwritten, you may take Sunday School Detour
  77. Prepare your Sunday School lesson for 50 Points
  78. Prayer Card
  79. Counsel a young couple for 80 Points
  80. Get stuck by tough Theological question which you have to research for 500 Points
  81. Eat too many donuts. Lose 20 Points
  82. Prayer Card
  83. ?
  84. ?
  85. ?
  86. ?
  87. ?
  88. ?
  89. YOU KNOW you promised NEVER to do that again. Lose ½ your points.
  90. Character Card
  91. Exit Sunday School Detour
  92. ?
  93. ?
  94. Prayer Card
  95. ?
  96. You may attend Christian College for 1 turn and $1,800
    If someone has attended Christian College and it wasn’t you, they get 200 Points, 50 of which come from you.
    If you have been to Christian College and land here, you get 300 Points.
    If someone has attended college and if you have < $500, you may take Leadership Detour
  97. Take a Leadership course. The Leadership Detour card holder gets 50 Points and you get 150 Points.
  98. Prayer Card
  99. ?
  100. ?
  101. ?
  102. ?
  103. ?
  104. ?
  105. ?
  106. ?
  107. ?
  108. Character Card
  109. Exit Leadership Detour
  110. ?
  111. Third Corner. Escape life’s troubles with cruise. $2,000 (or all cash on hand) and LOSE 1,200 Points (or all points on hand)
  112. You MAY have Morning Devotions for 1 turn and gain 100 Points.
  113. Step on a land mine. You are dead.
  114. For 3 turns, you may become a Small Group Leader.
    If there is a Small Group leader and it is NOT you, the Small Group Leader gets 200 Points.
    If you are the Small Group leader, you get 300 Points.
    If you have < $500 and there is a Small Group Leader, you may take Small Group Detour
  115. Go visit a member who is sick for 50 Points
  116. Prayer Card
  117. Participate in discussions for 30 Points.
  118. Substitute lead one evening for 80 Points
  119. You are hosting the meeting for 120 Points.
  120. ?
  121. ?
  122. ?
  123. ?
  124. ?
  125. ?
  126. ?
  127. Character Card
  128. Watch Reality TV Shows while life passes you by. Lose 1 Turn and Lose 100 Points.
  129. Exit Small Group Detour
  130. Buy your Idol magazine at the checkout counter for $10 and lose 100 Points.
  131. Prayer Card
  132. ?
  133. You may give $2,500 to Underwrite a Church Building program.
    If Non-Underwriter, Then the Underwriter gets 200 Points
    If the Underwriter, you get 300 Points.
    If you have < $500 and Church Building program was Underwritten, you may take Church Detour
  134. Prayer Card
  135. Worship Service for 500 Points
  136. Sing a solo for 25 Points
  137. Clean the bathrooms for 150 Points
  138. ?
  139. ?
  140. ?
  141. ?
  142. ?
  143. ?
  144. Night on the Town for $500 and 5 Points
  145. Character Card
  146. Remodel home for $1,000 and 0 Points
  147. Exit Church Detour
  148. Start or Pay Day!

Points for answering prayer.

Answer prayer with Cash or giving up your turn to someone else.

Cards – Prayers

Land on a Prayer square and you get a Prayer card.

Some Prayer cardsare used immediately.

Some Prayer cards are held until they are answered.

No one gets more than 1 opportunity to recite memory verse.

  • Lose one turn to take your young nephew camping. 10 points.
  • Your car throws a rod. Pray for $100. 50 points if your prayer is answered. Benefactor receives 75 points. Keep the card until it is answered.
  • Starting with yourself, then going to left, recite Nehemiah 8:10 from memory. First who can gets 50 Points.
  • Starting with yourself, then going to left, recite Romans12:2 from memory. First who can gets 50 Points.
  • Starting with yourself, then going to left, recite Psalm 23 from memory. First who can gets 50 Points.
  • Starting with yourself, then going to left, recite Matt6:34 from memory. First who can gets 20 Points.
  • More memory verse prayer cards… All our favorite and best verses.
  • Listen to a co-workers problems for 30 Points
  • Sit with an old person for a while for 30 Points
  • Pray now for someone who is lonely or depressed for 150 Points
  • Entertain a young person for a while for 60 Points
  • Build playground for the children for 250 Points
  • Play this prayer card and your next roll is doubled. Hold until ready to use.
  • Play this prayer card and your opponents next roll is tripled or 1/3rd, your prayer before the roll. Hold until ready to use.
  • Dinner is brought in for you while you are ill for 200 Points
  • You take a dinner to a friend who is ill for 50 Points
  • You minister to the family even though you feel ill for 100 Points
  • You take a dinner to an acquaintance for 250 Points
  • Your favorite actress makes another immoral movie which YOU must see for $10 and lose 200 Points.
  • You take a dinner to a fellow Christian you haven’t met before for 350 Points
  • You just had a heart attack and you are dead!
  • You walk through a hospital ward passing out balloons for 45 Points.
  • Your 1st born graduates for 1,000 Points
  • Your last child moves out for 1,000 Points
  • One of your children confides in you about their true love for 350 Points.
  • You console your child whose love life is on the rocks for 200 Points.
  • Your spouse says “Yes” for 45 Points.
  • Your favorite actor gets a divorce. Lose 50 Points
  • Give this card to the person you pray will help you by giving you 500 of their points. Hold until ready to use.
  • Give this card to the person you pray will help you by giving you $2,500. Hold until ready to use.
  • Missed Church to play soccer. Lose 80 Points
  • Cold Feet when you should have proclaimed Christ. Lose 80 Points
  • Will Work for Food – Diverted eyes and drove faster – Lose 25 points

Cards – Characters

  • Character cards have a description of the Character trait.
  • Read the Character trait. Starting on your left, see who can describe the Character trait. The first person to describe the Character trait gets 10 points.
  • Failing to describe the Character trait costs 5 points.
  • Not everyone will always have an opportunity to win or lose points here.
  • There is only 1 Opportunity per person per turn. If no one can describe the Character Trait, the person holding the card loses 30 Points.
  • If described, the person who describes Character trait gets 20 Points if it is a GOOD Character trait.
  • If described, the person who holds the card loses 20 Points if it is a BAD Character trait UNLESS the person describing the BAD Character trait is the person who holds the card, in which case everyone but that person lose 20 Points.

active / confused / fair / immaculate
adventurous / conscientious / faithful / immature
affable / considerate / fanciful / impartial
affected / cooperative / fearless / impatient
affectionate / courageous / fidgety / impolite
afraid / cowardly / fierce / impudent
ambitious / crafty / finicky / impulsive
amiable / critical / foolish / inactive
angry / cross / formal / independent
animated / cruel / fortunate / industrious
annoyed / cultured / frank / inimiable
anxious / curious / friendly / innocent
argumentative / dangerous / frustrated / insipid
arrogant / daring / funny / insistant
astonished / dauntless / garrulous / insolent
attentive / decisive / generous / intelligent
babyish / dependable / gentle / intrepid
bewildered / determined / giddy / jealous
blase' / diligent / giving / jovial
boorish / discouraged / glamorous / keen
bored / discreet / gloomy / lackadaisical
bossy / dishonest / glum / languid
brave / dismayed / grateful / lazy
brilliant / disparaging / greedy / lively
busy / disrespectful / gragarious / logical
calm / dissatisfied / grouchy / lonely
candid / distressed / grumpy / loquacious
capable / domineering / gullible / loving
careful / doubtful / happy / loyal
caustic / dutiful / hardy / lucky
cautious / eager / harried / malicious
charismatic / easygoing / harsh / mature
charming / effervescent / hateful / mean
cheerful / efficient / haughty / meticulous
childish / eloquent / helpful / mischievous
clever / embarrassed / honest / moody
clumsy / encouraging / hopeful / mysterious
coarse / energetic / hopeless / naive
cold-hearted / enthusiastic / hospitable / negligent
compassionate / exacting / humble / nervous
complacent / excited / humorous / noisy
conceited / expert / ignorant / obedient
concerned / exuberant / ill-bred / obliging
confident / facetious / imaginative / obnoxious
obsequious / reliable / smart / thoughtless
observant / relieved / sneaky / thrifty
obstinate / religious / snobbish / timid
opinionated / respectful / tolerant
optimistic / responsible / sociable / touchy
pandemonious / responsive / steacy / trusting
peaceful / restless / stingy / trustworthy
pensive / retiring / stolid / uncontrolled
persevering / risk-taking / strange / uncouth
persistent / rowdy / strict / unfriendly
pessimistic / rude / stubborn / unruly
petulent / safe / studious / unscrupulous
picky / sarcastic / stupid / unselfish
pleasant / satisfied / suave / upset
polite / saucy / sullen / useful
pompous / scared / supercilious / valiant
popular / scornful / supersticious / versatile
positive / secretive / surly / vivacious
precise / secure / suspiciouss / vulgar
proud / sedate / sweet / warm
punctilious / self-centered / taciturn / warm-hearted
puzzled / selfish / tactful / weak
quarrelsome / self-reliant / talented / whimsical
quick / sensitive / talkative / wise
quiet / shrewd / tasteful / witty
quixotic / silly / tenacious / worried
rambunctious / sincere / tense
rash / skillful / terrified
rational / slovenly / thankful
refined / sly / thoughtful

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