Teacher Performance Assessment

Student Release Form

To be completed either by the parents or legal guardians of minor students being instructed by a Kent State University teacher candidate(student teacher) this semester or by students who are 18 or more years of age who are receiving classroom instruction from a Kent State University teacher candidate(student teacher).

Dear Parent or Guardian:

I am the student teacher who will be working with your student’s regular teacher this semester. As part of my evaluation I am required to upload a short video recording of me teaching a lesson to the students. This upload will go to a secure website administered Kent State University..It will be viewed by people trained and employed by Kent State University using a national scoring rating. The results will indicate toKent State university faculty and me, my areas of strength and areas for growth as a candidate.

It is important to note that the video recordings will involve both the students in the class and me, the student teacher, but the primary focus is on my instruction and not the students in the class. In the course of my video recording your child’s image may appear on the video recording. I may also submit samples of student work as evidence of my instructional practices.

No student last names will be used on the video segment and no student last names will appear on any of the written samples. Kent State, at its sole discretion, may use and distribute my video recordings, my comments, and my classroom materials for assessment development, professional development of new teachers and research purposes related to the Teacher Performance Assessment. The permission form follows. Please contact me if you have any questions. Please return this form by the due date indicated on the form..


Teacher Candidate Signature