Name: ______Date: ______Period: _____
Problem: What are the factors affecting rates of reactions in a chemical reaction?
Research: (Summarize the following pages: Bottom of 363 – 365)
Hypothesis: (Base your hypothesis on your Research and make sure your hypothesis can answer the Problem.)
2 – 50 ml Beakers
1 - paper towel
1 - dropper
1 - filmcanisterw/cap
Hot plate
Stop Watch
1. Score an X on the back and break each of your tablets into FOUR pieces for the 8 (minimum)
trialsyouwillbeconducting.(Youhavebeengivenenough to do 12 trials ~ record ALL results)
2. Add approximately 20 mL of roomtemperaturewaterintoyourfilm canister (about 2/3 full) and dropone-fourthtabletintothewaterinsidethe canister,quicklycapandbegintimingthereaction. Upon completion of the reaction, recordthetimeinseconds. Disposeoftheusedsolutioninthe canisterintoyourwastebeaker(orsink)tobegineachtrial.
3. RepeatthisprocedureforTrial2butnowbreakthe quarter tablet broken into pieces. For Trial 3 grindthequartertabletintopowder.
4. Uponcompletionofthe3trialswith tap water, repeatyourexperiments (trials4,5,6)thistimewith icewaterandthenfinallywithwarm, notboiling water(7,8,9).Record your data in the data table.
Data Collection:
RATEOFREACTIONACTIVITYRoomTemperatureWater / IceWater / WarmWater
Trial / Tablet / Time(s) / Trial / Tablet / Time(s) / Trial / Tablet / Time(s)
1 / Quarter / 4 / Quarter / 7 / Quarter
2 / Pieces / 5 / Pieces / 8 / Pieces
3 / Powder / 6 / Powder / 9 / Powder
Data Analysis: (Create a Bar Graph with size of Tablet on the x-axis and Time (s) on the y-axis. The temperature of the water should be represented by three bars for each tablet category.)
Data Analysis: Questions:
1)Statethe relationshipsyouobservedregardingtherateofreactionoftheexperimentsdonewith roomtemperature,iceandwarmwateraswellastherelationshipbetweentheparticle size;whole,piecesorgroundpowder.
2)Whatwouldbetheoptimumconditionsforthe highestreactionrate?
Conclusion: (Restate your hypothesis and indicate if your hypothesis is right or wrong and why?)
Post Lab Questions: (Use your textbook as a reference)
1. WhatisthedefinitionofRateofReaction?
2. What is activation energy?
3. Whatisacatalystandhowdoesitaffect the rate of reaction?