Are there volunteer opportunities?

Volunteers can help:

·  Do any administration related to the class

·  Collect money at the beginning of the class and take registration

·  Welcome new participants to the sessions

·  Support participants with the movements

What are the potential costs?

·  Venue hire – costs vary but it is estimated at about £15 per hour

·  Instructor costs – costs also vary but are approximately £25 per hour

·  Refreshments, if incorporated in the session

·  Publicity materials

A charge to cover these costs is recommended to make the sessions sustainable.


Zumba Fitness

For further information in your local area:

Age UK Northallerton - Tel: 01609 771624

Hambleton District Council – Tel: 01609 767149

Age UK North Yorkshire is a Registered Charity (number 1124567) and Company Limited by Guarantee (number 6456185). Registered Office: 9 North Park Road, Harrogate, HG1 5PD. 04/14

Brief details of the activity

Zumba Gold derives from the latest Zumba Fitness craze and takes the Zumba formula but modifies the moves and pace to suit the needs of the active older participant. It is lower impact – therefore reducing the demand placed on the joints.

The average class lasts about 45 minutes, but you can reduce the time if needed, or even extend it if your class become more experienced.

The number of participants depends on the space available. Just ensure that each participant has enough space around them to move, can see the instructor and won’t knock into other participants or objects during routines.

The important thing about Zumba is to make sure everyone is having fun, laughing and smiling. The emphasis is on this primarily – not on whether they can do the routines perfectly.

Who is Zumba Gold targeted at?

·  Older active adults – participants’ ages range from 50 to 84 years old.

·  Be aware of those with severe joint problems, as this may not be the most suitable activity for them.

What equipment is needed?

·  Sound equipment, such as a CD player or iPod with speakers

·  A microphone may be needed in a bigger space to ensure that participants can hear the instructor clearly

Are there professional requirements?

·  Instructors must hold Zumba and Zumba Gold training certificates

·  It is advisable that instructors are trained in Level 2 Exercise to Music

·  Instructors must have valid personal liability insurance and a PPL licence (music licence)

·  The venue must have public liability insurance in place

·  Instructors must hold an appropriate first aid certificate

·  For training courses, visit

·  For qualified instructors, visit

·  Music licence: If you become a ZIN member (Zumba Instructor Network), you will be sent music each month as well as new choreography for about £20 a month. The ZIN music can be used without a music licence. If you are not a ZIN member and are using copyrighted music you need to apply for a music licence.

Are there environmental / space requirements?

Locations are variable. For example, leisure centres, community halls or church halls can all be used. Although usually held indoors, Zumba Gold can be taken outdoors to offer a different experience in the summer months. Ensure that all spaces are clear from objects, trip hazards and is a safe environment for physical activity. The size of area differs depending on venue. It is recommended to look for a venue that can hold at least 20 people who are physically moving.