St. Vincent de Paul Parish School

Public Information Office

Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston

Wheeling, WV 26003

Photo Release Form


I, ______, hereby release and assign to the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston & St. Vincent de Paul Parish school all rights to the videotape, sound recordings, and/or photographs made of my child, ______on this date, ______by the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston.

I hereby authorize reproductions, sales, copyright, exhibition, broadcast and/or distribution of said videotape, sound recordings, and/or photographs without limitation for general religious and promotional purposes of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston.

I hereby release, individually, and on behalf of my minor child, the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, its agents and employees from any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses which I now have or may hereafter have arising out of the making or use of such videotape, sound recordings, and/or photographs.

I understand that I may withdraw this authorization in writing at any time. I am aware that I have the right to refuse to sign this consent. Refusing to sign this consent will in no way affect the scholastic or extracurricular services my child receives.

Parent/ Guardian Signature______Date: ______

Parent Permission Form for World Wide Web Publishing

As part of our technology program at St. Vincent de Paul, we are adding pictures of students as well as student work to our website located at & Sycamore page
In order to publish student artwork, writing or photo, we need to have parent or legal guardian permission.

These guidelines will be followed:

No individual photos of your child will be published without additional consent.

·  No personal information about the students, such as last name, home address or telephone number will be published.

·  All student work and/or photos will appear with a copyright notice prohibiting the copying of students work and/or photos without express written permission.

·  If anyone should requests such permission, those requests will be forwarded to the child and their parents/guardians.

·  The copyright of the work will still belong to the student.

A copy of all student work that is published to the internet will be printed and sent home for parents to see.
I understand that my child's artwork, writing and/or class photo will be considered for publication on the World Wide Web(WWW), a part of the Internet.

Please Check Yes or No.

YES / NO / I grant permission for the WWW publishing based on the guidelines listed above.
My Child's artwork.
My Child's writing.
My child in a group or class photo.

Parent Signature: ______Student Name: ______Date: ______