Common APIs for Acquisitions Vendor Integration /

Yoel Kortick

Senior Librarian

The following are common APIs for Acquisitions Vendor Integration.

This is a supplement to the following:

Real Time Acquisition General Overview
Instructions for Institutions
Instructions for vendors
General overview of ExLibris APIs methodology

In the following cases

  1. Replace the API key 972y26499l369kwith your actual API key.
  2. Replace with your geographic location as described in section “Calling Alma APIs” here.


GET details on the environment you are connected to:

GET a list of all libraries in the institution including code and name:

GET details on one specific library which has code MAIN

GET a list of locations for one specific library which has code MAIN

GET details of location with code STACK in library with code MAIN

GET a list of all funds in institution for current fiscal year with fund code and other details

GET a list of all funds in institution and available for library with code MAIN for current fiscal year with fund code and other details

GET a list of all vendors in the institution

GET a list of all active vendors in the institution

GET a list of all active vendors in the institution which have string ‘Erasmus’ in name or code

GET details on vendor with code “Erasmus”

GET details for POL with POL number “TRI-44386”

POST (Create) an order (POL Purchase Order Line)

For representation (content type) application/xml:

Use xml below to create an order for title “Libraries in the ancient world” by author “Smith, John” with ISBN 9782018090110”. One item is ordered in Main Library (code MAIN) Open Stacks location (code STACK).

Other details are:

Field in xml / Value / Meaning
Library owner code / MAIN / Main Library
Vendor code / Erasmus / Erasmus Boekhandel
Type / PRINTED_BOOK_OT / Printed Book One Time
Vendor Account / Main Account
Price / 61.30 USD
Fund Code / Humanities
Material Type / BOOK
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<vendor_account>Main Account</vendor_account
<currency desc="US Dollar">USD</currency>
<title>Libraries in the ancient world</title>
<author>Smith, John</author>
<publisher>Libraries Ltd.</publisher>
<currency desc="US Dollar">USD</currency>
<note_text>Created from API by Yoel</note_text

Other details are:

Field in xml / Value / Meaning
Library owner code / ULINC / Main Library
Library of the item created / UARCV / Art Library
Location of the item created / GEN / General
Vendor code / JS / J and S Ltd.
Type / PRINTED_BOOK_OT / Printed Book One Time
Vendor Account / JS_MAIN
Price / 61.30 USD
Fund Code / LIS
Material Type / BOOK
First reporting code / y
Second Reporting Code / nfg
Third Reporting Code / u
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<currency desc="US Dollar">USD</currency>
<title>Libraries in the modernage</title>
<author>Smith, John</author>
<publisher>Libraries Ltd.</publisher>
<currency desc="US Dollar">USD</currency>
<tertiary_reporting_code>u</tertiary_reporting_code <notes>
<note_text>Created from API by Yoel</note_text