U.S. History
Final Exam Study Guide
You should be able to answer the following questions and explain the significance of the following concepts and terms:
A. The Enlightenment
1. John Locke
2. Social Contract
3. Montesquieu
4. Rousseau
5. Separation of Powers
6. Divine Right
7. How did the Enlightenment influence the foundations of the United States government?
B. Types of Government
1. Absolute monarchy
2. Constitutional monarchy
3. Parliamentary democracy
4. Presidential democracy
5. Dictatorship
6. Theocracy
7. Be able to give an example of each type of government.
C. Economic Systems
1. Market economy
2. Command economy
3. Traditional economy
4. Mixed economy
5. Be able to give an example of each type of economy.
6. Most economies around the world fit into which category?
7. Three fundamental economic questions that all economic systems must answer:
a. What goods and services should be produced?
b. How should these goods and services be produced?
c. For whom should these goods and services be produced?
D. Industrial Revolution
1. What were the causes of the Industrial Revolution in the United States?
2. What were the effects of the Industrial Revolution?
a. Urbanization and overcrowding in cities
b. Tenements/Slums
c. Monopolies and Trusts
d. Poor working conditions
e. Low wages
f. Child Labor
g. Improved standard of living
h. Increased trade
i. Rise of labor unions (Knights of Labor, AFL, CIO)
j. Immigration
i. For what reasons do people emigrate from their countries?
ii. How were immigrants treated in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries?
iii. Chinese Exclusion Act
iv. Nativism
v. Gentleman’s Agreement
vi. Political Machines
k. Assembly Line
l. Development of the Middle Class
3. How did people respond to the problems resulting from the Industrial Revolution?
a. Progressive movement
b. Settlement Houses
c. Jane Addams
d. Muckrakers
e. Upton Sinclair and The Jungle
f. Populist Movement
E. Imperialism
a. For what reasons do nations choose to imperialize?
b. What impact does imperialism have on the conquered territories?
c. William Seward and Alaska
d. Acquisition of Hawaii
e. What were the causes of the Spanish-American War?
f. What areas did the United States gain due to the Spanish-American War?
g. Open Door Policy
h. Alfred T. Mahan and The Influence of Sea Power Upon History
i. Teddy Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” policy
j. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
k. Panama Canal
F. World War I
a. What were the causes of World War I? (MAIN)
b. Why is it considered the first modern war?
c. Committee on Public Information
d. Espionage and Sedition Acts
e. unrestricted submarine warfare
f. Central Powers
g. Triple Entente
h. Wilson’s Fourteen Points
i. League of Nations
j. Treaty of Versailles
k. How did the Treaty of Versailles lead to World War II?
G. Between the Wars
a. isolationism
b. Red Scare
c. 19th Amendment
d. African-American migrations from the South to North
e. Immigration restrictions
f. Ku Klux Klan
g. “Roaring” Twenties
h. How did mass ownership of the automobile change the United States?
i. Harlem Renaissance
j. Stock market speculation/Buying “on margin”
k. What were the causes of the Great Depression?
i. Bank failures
ii. Overproduction
iii. Overspending and Extension of Credit
iv. Stock Market Crash
l. Dust Bowl
m. The New Deal (Relief, Recovery, Reform)
H. World War II
a. Axis powers
b. Allied Powers
c. What was the foreign policy position of the U.S. on WWII prior to the bombing at Pearl Harbor?
i. isolationism
ii. Neutrality Acts
iii. Quarantine Speech
iv. Destroyers for Bases Deal
v. Lend-Lease Act
d. What was the role of women and African-Americans during WWII?
e. What were the results of WWII?
i. Beginning of the Cold War
1. Korean Conflict
2. Vietnam Conflict
ii. Opening of the Nuclear Age
iii. Marshall Plan
iv. NATO
v. Warsaw Pact
vi. United Nations
vii. satellite nations
viii. iron curtain
I. Civil Rights Movement
a. Jim Crow Laws
b. Plessy v. Ferguson
c. Civil Disobedience
d. Booker T. Washington
e. W.E.B. DuBois
f. Marcus Garvey
h. Rosa Parks
i. Martin Luther King, Jr.
j. Malcolm X
k. Black Panthers
l. Brown v. Board of Education
m. What methods did civil rights workers utilize in order to gain rights?
n. NOW
o. AIM
p. United Farm Workers
q. Civil Rights Act of 1964
r. Voting Rights Act of 1965
s. Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act)
t. Roe v. Wade
J. Post World War II
a. What factors contributed to the strong economy of the 1950s?
b. Baby Boom
c. G.I. Bill
d. suburbanization
e. McCarthyism/2nd Red Scare
f. Korean Conflict
g. Vietnam Conflict
K. Amendments
a. 1st: Freedom of press, religion, petition, assembly, and speech
b. 13th: Abolished slavery
c. 14th: Citizenship to everyone born in U.S.; due process
d. 15th: Right to vote for all adult males
e. 16th: Income tax
f. 17th: Direct election of senators (Progressive movement)
g. 18th: Prohibition
h. 19th: Women’s suffrage
i. 26th: lowers voting age to 18
L. Supreme Court Cases
a. Plessy v. Ferguson
b. Brown v. Board of Education
c. Bakke v. California
d. Schenck v. United States
M. Be able to label all 50 states with their abbreviations on an outline map of the U.S.
N. Be able to locate the 50 states