Job Description
Programme Director, MBBS, HYMS
Accountable to the Dean
The Hull York Medical School invites applications for a Director of its flagship MBBS programme. The successful applicant will be a leader in medical education and help HYMS to develop an international reputation for quality and innovation.
The Programme Director, MBBS [PD MBBS] will offer academic leadership and be responsible for all aspects of the delivery and quality of the HYMS MBBS programme.
The PD MBBS will have overall responsibility for:
- Ensuring that the curriculum is dynamic, evolving and remains fit for purpose
- The successful delivery of the HYMS MBBS curriculum and its objectives and content
- The quality of MB BS students’ learning and teaching experiencesthroughout their studies
- Ensuring MBBS students receive high quality,timely assessment and feedback and student support, working with the relevant academic leads.
The PD MB BS will also be expected to contribute significantly to the overall development of HYMS as a leading medical school with an international reputation for quality and innovation and a growing range of programmes.
In order to achieve this, the post holder will have direct leadership and line management responsibility for a number of senior colleagues and work closely with the School’s academic & clinical leadership and professional support staff. The PD MBBS will be expected to lead an on-going programme of curriculum enhancement to ensure the MBBS programme is dynamic and responds to internal and external quality assurance and enhancement data requirements. It is anticipated that the role of Programme Director will require 50% FTE, the other 50% can be used in a combination of teaching, research and clinical practice according to the post holder’s interests and expertise and their alignment with the School’s strengths and needs.
WeanticipatemakinganappointmentatSeniorLecturerlevelbut foranexceptionalcandidate,aProfessorialappointmentwillbeconsidered.ThepostwillbepaidontheseniorclinicalacademicscaleandthepostholderwillhaveanhonoraryappointmentwithNHSEngland.YoursubstantivecontractofemploymentwillbewiththeUniversityofHull. This is an open-ended clinical academic appointment and PD MBBs role will be a three-year term in the first instance with an option for extension.
Hull York Medical School
HullYorkMedicalSchool(HYMS)isa collaborationbetweentheUniversitiesofHullandYorkandtheNHS. HYMSoperatesfrombothUniversitycampusesandwithinteachinghospitalsandmedicalpracticesthroughouttheYorkshireandHumberregion. HYMSisayoungmedicalschoolwhichisdevelopingagrowingreputationforitsteachingandresearch.TheareacoveredbytheHYMSNHSpartnershipcomprisesHullandtheEastRidingofYorkshire,YorkandNorthYorkshire,andNorthernLincolnshire,whichtogetherhaveapopulationofaround1.8million.17NHSorganisationsmakeuptheHYMSNHSpartnership,withinwhichthereareover600consultantsand900generalpractitioners.
HYMS’sinnovativeMBBScurriculumincludesanenquiry-basedapproachtolearning,earlyclinicalexperience andbalancedteachingacrossallhealthsectorsandawiderangeofspecialinterestlearningopportunities.OurgraduatesarerecognisedasbeingverycapableFoundationDoctors,manyofwhomstaylocallyandcontributetohealthcareservicesintheregion.HYMSwasinthetop10foroverallstudentsatisfactionintwo recent NationalStudentSurveys(NSS 2014and2015).HYMSalsodeliversagrowingportfolioofpostgraduatetaughtprogrammes. InthenationalResearchExcellenceFramework(REF2014),over85%ofresearchacrossHYMSwasassessedasworldleadingorinternationallyexcellent.
The undergraduate MB BS programme has several distinctive features, designed to make learning relevant and supportive:
- A balance of teaching delivery across all sections of the health service. A third of all clinical learning is in primary care, fully integrated with learning across a range of hospital sites
- Regular integrated clinical placements from the beginning of the course, delivered in a range of clinical settings and supported by early clinical and communication skills teaching at the university
- Clinician-led problem based learning delivered by educationally qualified practising clinicians and supported by lectures, workshops, virtual learning, and student selected Scholarship and Special Interest Programmes (SSIPs)
- Teaching in small groupsled by clinicians, throughout the course
- Structured, effective student support from peers, educational facilitators and clinical learning tutors
Further details about the Medical School can be found at
At postgraduate level, HYMS has a variety of provision at Doctorate and Masters level. This includes a PG Certificate, Diploma and Masters in Health Professionals Education, MSc in Clinical Anatomy (and Clinical Anatomy and Education), MSc in Physicians Associate Studies and a Masters in Public Health (with University of York’s Department of Health Sciences) & Masters by Research & PhD opportunities. HYMS also supports the regional provision of Continued Professional Development in conjunction with local clinical commissioning groups and supported by external organisations.
From2017medicalstudentsinHullwillbetaughtinthenewfive-storeyAllamMedicalBuilding.Thisispartofamajor new£28minvestmentontheHullUniversitycampusmadepossiblebyagenerousdonationof£8mfromtheEastYorkshireBusinessmanDrAssemAllam.SharedwiththeFacultyofHealthandSocialcareitwillhouse:lecturetheatres,roomsforproblembasedlearning,collaborativespaces,anInstituteforClinicalandAppliedHealthResearch,amockhospitalward,operatingtheatre, intensivecarefacilities,studentsupportservices, administrativestaffandotherfacilities.
Both Universities arecommittedtodevelopingthecareersofwomeninscience. The UniversityofYork andtheHull York MedicalSchoolholdSilver AthenaSWANawards.TheMedicalSchoolobtained aSilverAthenaSwanawardinOctober 2016.
It will be the duty of the Programme Director, MBBS to:
- Provide exemplary leadership in the delivery of an internationally recognised high quality MBBS Programme at HYMS
- Ensure that School’s responsibilities to MBBS students in respect of learning and teaching, are fulfilled to the highest possible standards
- Develop and apply evidence-based innovative and appropriate teaching and assessment techniques and materials which create interest, understanding and enthusiasm amongst students
- Be highly visible and accessible to and engage with students and all administrative, academic and clinical staff across the HYMS partnership including establishing a regular presence on both University campuses and across partner placement sites
- Work collaboratively with a wide range of academic and clinical colleagues to harness their strengths and expertise to ensure integrated high quality provision across the MB BS programme, including assessment and pastoral and academic student support.
- Engage with partners in the UK and internationally with which HYMS may develop relationships and joint provision
- Contribute to the development of other heath professional teaching programmes offered by the School
- Participate in the recruitment and contribute to the performance review and staff development of those contributing to the MBBS programme
- Ensure the MBBS Programme is aligned to the needs of the local community, the Universities of Hull and York, GMC, NHS, Health Education England, and other professional bodies and regulators
- Ensure that course design and delivery comply with the quality standards and regulations of the GMC, Universities and School
- Ensure the MBBS Programme continues to train doctors required by our strategic objectives, those of the NHS and our local communities (in line with our ambition to be a socially accountable medical school)
- Ensure processes are in place at all levels to support the effective external and internal validation and review of programme content
- Engage with international, national and regional initiatives so that the School shares and learns from best practice across the medical schools sector
- Implement rigorous mechanisms to evaluate (using a range of internal and external objective measures, including the National Student Survey) and quality assure the MBBS programmes across both academic and clinical settings
- Provide high quality and timely reports on performance and quality to HYMS and other internal or external bodies as required
- Workwith the Head of Quality and Standards, the Chief Operating Officerand appropriate colleagues to develop and implementan appropriate resourcing strategy in line with agreed budgets and develop systems to monitor, review and improve the MBBS programme
The Programme Director MBBS will report to the HYMSDean.
He/she will be accountable, through the Dean to the HYMS Joint Senate.
He/she will Chair the HYMS MBBS Board and be a member of the HYMS Board of Studies, Management Board and other appropriate committees.
The PD MBBS will be a senior member of HYMS and will therefore have significant input into the appointment, leadership and management of the School’s academic & clinical leadership in the Universities and NHS. He/she will be directly responsible for the recruitment, leadership, line management and performance review of other MBBS specific roles (including Phase Leads, SSIP Leads and others).
The PD MBBS will be supported in their role by the Academic Leads for Assessment and Student Support; and the HYMS NHS Directors of Clinical Studies (DoCS) or Clinical Deans.
The PD MBBS will develop good working relationships with allHYMS staff.
The PD MBBS will liaise with colleagues responsible for other health professions training programmes and for teaching and learning in the Faculty of Health Sciences (Hull) and Faculty of Science (York) and the respective universities.
Additionally the post holder will be required to:
- Show a commitment to diversity, equal opportunities and anti-discriminatory practices. This includes undertaking mandatory equality and diversity training.
- Comply with University regulations, policies and procedures, including health and safety.
In your covering letter please refer directly to the criteria, given in the person specification below. Applications are assessed by the selection panel according to these criteria.
To discuss this role informally, please contact Professor Trevor Sheldon, Dean () or Professor Una Macleod, Deputy Dean (and Dean from January 1st 2017) .
Person Specification
Background and Experience
The successful applicant will be:
A medical practitioner with a clear understanding of NHS structures, procedures and priorities and all appropriate professional and regulatory standards. He/she will have excellent leadership and management skills and a clear track record of achievement in medical education leadership.
Clearly committed to the School’s strategic plans, the principles of the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy, including our commitment to social accountability and to producing high quality graduates who might serve our local health communities.
Able to demonstrate a clear plan to ensure the MBBS programme is recognised to be the highest quality possible within agreed budgetary constraints, and an understanding of how such a quality programme can be evaluated and updated to serve the need of our student population, NHS partners and communities.
An honorary NHS appointment would be anticipated for 2-4 PAs for a clinically active appointee
The successful candidate will be expected to have:
- First degree [E], a relevant higher degree [D] and a postgraduate qualification in education. [E]
- A medical qualificationregistration with the GMC. [E]
- A clear contemporary understanding of NHS and healthcare education structures, strategy and practices. [E]
- If in active clinical practice, professional body membership/recognition, licensed to practice and eligible for revalidation.[D]
- Demonstrated leadership skills and significant management experience. [E]
- A record of substantial achievement in medical education [e.g. curriculum development/review and implementation, research, training, assessment, and evaluation in the higher education sector]. [E]
- Experience of collaborative working with partners in a relevant context; (e.g. healthcare organisations, HEIs or community partners). [E]
- Have a clear understanding of the organisation and complexity of the NHS & its educational partners, in a local context. [D]
- An awareness of/involvement in regional or national issues, and an understanding of and interest in the educational governance structures within Universities and the NHS.[D]
Leadership & Management Behavioural Skills
The successful candidate will be expected to have:
- Demonstrated evidence of strong leadership and management ability, able to lead cross-functional multi-site based teams and lead and manage academic and clinical colleagues. [E]
- Experience of leading organisational change within complex structures. [D]
- An ability to think strategically, demonstrate broad vision and strong analytical abilities. [E]
- An ability to communicate clearly across all mediums to students, faculty,academic and clinical; both as individuals and groups.[E]
- An ability to form effective working relationships and demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills with abilityto work well with peers, other staff and students, and as a member of a multi-professional team. [E]
- Proven delegation and team-leading skills; the appointee must be skilled at developing and empowering staff and engaging others. [E]
- Be adaptable and comfortable working with individuals in a variety of cultures spanning academia and the NHS. [E]
- A demonstrated commitment to the values and strategic vision of HYMS and its partner organisations. [E]
Personal Characteristics
The successful candidate will:
- Demonstrate a high standard of professional skill and ethical and personal conduct.[E]
- Command the respect of colleagues;be credible as a leader of clinical and non-clinical staff.[E]
- Respect the student voice and communicate effectively with students. [E]
- Be approachable and willing to listen. [E]
- Be reasonably autonomous and have a good sense of their own direction.[E]
- Be forward-thinking, with an ability to allow good ideas to develop and flourish.[E]
- Have the confidence, assertiveness and ability to influence others, including senior academics,clinicians and healthcare managers.[E]
- Demonstrate drive, enthusiasm, energy and ambition. [E]