April 23rd 2015
Three members of public attended to observe only
In attendance : Chairman Cllr Glyn Olive, Councillors Matthew Mason, Phil Brown, Martin Foster, Kevin Moorehouse, Councillors Mrs Marlene Wilson, Mrs Mary Walker & Mrs Ruth Sharples.
1. Chairman Mayor of Coningsby Glyn Olive thanked everyone for attending welcome to the meeting.
2. Apologies and reasons for absence were heard from Cllrs Donnellan, Johnson & Ranshaw, proposal to accept all, seconded RESOLVED.
3. No declarations of interest at this point.
4. Notes of meeting held 26th March 2015 previously circulated, proposed, seconded, vote taken all in favour, RESOLVED minutes signed and dated by Chairman.
5. Police Report – PCSO Ali Evans unable to attend provide a report various incidents since last meeting including 4 x criminal damage, 6 x neighbour disputes, 4 x traffic offences 3 in relation to possible drink drivers, 3 x noise nuisance, 1 x aggravated burglary still being investigated, plus several other incidents of similar nature to the above. Ali wanted to thank the council for awarding her the Rickard Trophy, she is displaying it in the office well out of reach of the public. Ali also wished to make council aware of the work Mo Hawkins had done cleaning off the graffiti at the School Lane play area, youths have been interviewed about this vandalism and are being dealt with, finally thank you again to Mo Hawkins for his invaluable help with CCTV footage providing some positive investigative leads for the police.
6. Annual Parish meeting report, Lincolnshire Highways were unable to attend due to family emergency; at very short notice Cllr Mason arranged for a guest speaker Mr Peter Mackinder who entertained the meeting with his anecdotes and songs on Lincolnshire dialects. Proposal to donate £50 to Mr Mackinder for attending, seconded all in favour, RESOLVED. Highways are to come to office next week to meet with Chairman, vice and one other to discuss urgent issues and will attend a meeting in the near future TBA.
7. Notice board at office – this board needs replacing, one quote for £900 received further quotes required – bring to June meeting.
8. VE Day, council have been asked to join in celebrations; many are attending local events arranged by the various groups in the village, Council will not be organising any events.
9. Reports from outside groups – None
10. Planning applications – S/035/00284/15 – 45 Silver Street, rear extension & change of use to part residential FPP. S/035/00638/15 – 2 Pingle Close consultation, bedroom over garage, no objections; S/035/00229/ - Hoplands Farm, change of use from barn to residential, FPP S/O35/0723/15 – The Stables, Belle Isle, application to remove conditions implemented in 2005; council commented that the privacy issue has not changed so the ruling should remain in place. Alchemy Festival site application to relocate – council felt the new site would be much nearer more properties than the existing one and would be likely to cause more complaints, also question what would happen to the existing site as there seems to be a number of permanent caravans and structures on there. Clerk to make reports to relevant parties.
11. Finances; proposal to pay as listed, seconded RESOLVED all in favour.
Broad band / DD / 10.31EON Allan Barker pavilion / DD / 201.23
Peter Bass / BACS / 92.87
K Roberts / BACS / 1,102.07
C. Shinn / BACS / 193.85
R Selllars / BACS / 71.80
F. Gillard / BACS / 402.06
Malc Firth Landscapes / BACS / 668.28
Cliff Roberts - posts & Bins AB / BACS / 50.00
Flood Light bulbs / BACS / 323.94
UKWSL / 304052 / 45.26
Friskneys Grasscare / 304053 / 31.80
Charles Hill Strimmer / 304054 / 3.60
SB Barker - Pat tests AB / 304055 / 37.54
Witham third land drainage AB / 304056 / 33.26
Coningsby Bookshop / 304057 / 9.46
Goodwins / 304058 / 195.72
Cooleys / 304059 / 25.00
Maxines plants village / 304060 / 16.80
WPS Insurance / 304061 / 15.88
WPS Insurance / 304062 / 3,197.72
EON AB street lights / 304063 / 11.88
EON War memorial lights / 304064 / 6.18
LCC Community speed watch / 304065 / 40.00
Community Hall 2 meetings / 304066 / 38.50
WPS Insurance / 304067 / 145.10
Inland Revenue via Post office / 304068 / 335.60
Guest speaker APM Mr P Mackinder / 304069 / 50.00
12. No District or County Councillors in attendance.
13. Clerks Report & correspondence – List of area committee dates will be circulated via email; request from parishioner for speed checks on High Street, Foundation Certificate awarded for 1 year Quality Council scheme. Thank you from Police panel for the use of the Allan Barker meeting room, Community Hall accounts available to view at the office. ELDC have changed the rules on the free car parking from the 1st April this year you can only get one free ticket in a 24hour period, this has not been publicised, apparently the free period was being abused in some places, not Coningsby but all machines have been updated, concern for parents dropping off and collecting children from schools and play groups.
Chairman asked for a vote of thanks to Cllr John Ranshaw who has chosen not to stand this term of office, many thanks for all his hard work with the council, we will continue to call on him for help with planters and Christmas lights.
Proposal to move into closed session to discuss tenders for works and financial matters. RESOLVED; contract to be offered to Paul Maltby at cost of £725
Removal of Cherry tree which is in the area when time is suitable.
Cllrs Olive & Cllr Foster met with two representatives from Matrix medical who agreed to assist with the moving on of the sale of land details to be passed to LCC and Sills & Betteridge to move this on asap.
Council RESOLVED to move out of closed session.
Meeting closed 8.25pm