HuntingdonCollege Panhellenic Association Bylaws
Revised October 21, 2013
- FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of the Huntingdon College Panhellenic Association shall be from June 1 to May 31 inclusive.
- CONTRACTS. The signatures of the Panhellenic President and Panhellenic Advisor shall be required to bind the Huntingdon College Panhellenic Association.
- CHECKS. The Huntingdon College Business Office shall issue checks on behalf of the Huntingdon College Panhellenic Association. All Huntingdon College Check Request Forms shall be signed by the Panhellenic President and Panhellenic Advisor.
- PAYMENTS. All payments due to the Huntingdon College Panhellenic Association shall be made to the Vice President of Finance, who shall record them. Checks for payments shall be made payable to the Huntingdon College Panhellenic Association.
- NPC College Panhellenic dues, SEPA dues, and the ICS recruitment program are paid yearly as invoiced by the respective office.
- Panhellenic Association membership dues shall be an assessment per member and new member.
- The amount of such dues shall be re-evaluated annually by The Panhellenic Council.
- Panhellenic Association new member fees shall be $25.00 per member per year. New member who pledge during the fall semester must submit dues by November 15. New members who pledge during the spring semester must submit payment by March 1. Panhellenic Membership dues for active fraternity members shall be $25.00 per year per member. Each chapter must submit these dues by November 15. New members will not be responsible for Panhellenic Membership dues during the same academic year.
1.The office of President, Vice President of Administration, Vice President of Communications, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Recruitment, and Vice President of Scholarship, and Vice President of Community Service shall be required to submit an application to be considered for a leadership position on Executive Council. Each chapter shall submit two applicants for Executive Council positions.
2.The Panhellenic Association will create a slate of officers based on applications submitted. An interview process will be implemented if needed prior to the announcement of slate. This slate will then be voted on by the Panhellenic Council Delegates. Copies of completed officer applications will be made available to all Panhellenic Chapters. All potential officers must have and maintain a 2.75 G.P.A. and be in good standing with both their chapter and with Huntingdon College upon the discretion of the Panhellenic Advisor.
1. President
a.Attend all Panhellenic meetings & events and have overall responsibility for the operation of the College Panhellenic Council
b.Preside at all regular and special meetings of the College Panhellenic Council
c.Preside at all college Panhellenic Council Executive Board Meetings
d.Lead the College Panhellenic Council meetings using correct Parliamentary Procedure.
e.Assure that all College Panhellenic executive officers have read and understand parliamentary procedure
f.Review, approve, and sign all College Panhellenic Association checks and contracts involving the College Panhellenic Association
g.Serve as an ex-officio member of all College Panhellenic Council Committees
h.Complete the NPC College Panhellenic Annual Report and send it to the NPC Office before the date requested
i.Maintain a complete and up-to-date President’s file which includes resources, special projects, and information that will serve as a resource for future Panhellenic Presidents.
j.Support the NPC Unanimous Agreements, policies and procedures.
k.Contact the NPC Area Advisor for ideas, suggestions, and information on proper NPC policies and procedures
l.Serve as a member of the HCPHC Recruitment committee. The committee meets weekly in the spring semester.
m.Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.
n.Shall attend as the Southeastern Panhellenic Council as the College Voting Delegate.
2. Vice President of Administration / Secretary
a.Attends all Panhellenic meetings and events.
b.Compile announcements to create an agenda for weekly meetings.
c.Responsible for conducting the meetings when the President is unable to attend.
d.Responsible for judiciary violations of the NPC Unanimous Agreements, the Panhellenic Constitution, Bylaws, Panhellenic Code of Ethics, and College Panhellenic Standing Rules.
e.Assist the Greek community in understanding and implementing effective risk management policies and procedures.
f.Support the NPC Unanimous Agreements, policies and procedures.
g.Understand local Panhellenic policies and procedures
h.Works with the President to revise the Constitution & Bylaws, College Panhellenic Standing Rules, membership recruitment rules and the College Panhellenic Code of Ethics.
i.Distributes all reports prior to the due date that officer are required to complete.
j.Keep a chart of each officer’s reports, the date due, and the date mailed.
k.Submits all forms and information requested by the National Panhellenic Conference and by staff members in the Office of Student Life.
l.Record and keeps record of minutes of all Panhellenic meetings.
m.Distributes meeting minutes to all members of the Panhellenic Council, the Panhellenic Advisor, IFC Advisor, Dean of Students, and the NPC Area Advisor.
n.Answer and send correspondence as necessary.
o.Support other officers of the Panhellenic Executive Cabinet as needed.
3. Vice President of Communications
a.Attend all Panhellenic meetings and events
b.Serve as a member of the HCPHC Recruitment committee. The committee meets weekly in the spring semester.
c.Serve as the Editor of the Recruitment booklet
d.Create a marketing campaign for all Panhellenic special events and for recruitment
e.Supervise all public relations activities and committees
f.Collaborate with the Vice President of Recruitment in the creation and distribution of all marketing materials for Sorority Recruitment.
g.Coordinate ad sales to subsidize the costs associated with fall recruitment.
h.Promote relations with all publics
i.Publicize all chapter and Panhellenic accomplishments and events.
j.Create a communications program involving all aspects of Panhellenic activities
k.Support the NPC Unanimous Agreements, policies and procedures
k. Keep a file of media resources including past communications documents
l. Be familiar with the National Panhellenic Conference Manual of Information, the College Panhellenic Bylaws and Constitution and all university policies involvingFraternity/Sorority Life.
m. Serve as the Co-Editor of the all Greek newsletter - The Chronicle
n. Create and maintain a Panhellenic website, Twitter account, and Facebook group.
4. Vice President of Finance
a.Prepare and maintain the Huntingdon College Panhellenic Association budget.
b.Bill and collect College Panhellenic chapter dues, individual member dues, and
new member fees for each new member sorority member.
c.Bill and collect revenue from ad sales for the Panhellenic Recruitment Booklet.
d.Make all Panhellenic Deposits at the college business office.
e.Provide a financial report for each college Panhellenic meeting.
f.Implement and carries out proper financial procedures.
g.Submit financial reports as required.
h.Educate college Panhellenic members on fiduciary responsibilities.
i.Pay dues to the National Panhellenic Conference each year.
j.Pay dues to the Southeastern Panhellenic Association each fall.
k.Assist the philanthropy chair with all major fundraising initiatives for charity.
l.Support the NPC Unanimous Agreements, policies and procedures.
5.Vice President of Recruitment
a.Serve as the chair of the HCPHC Recruitment committee. The committee meets weekly in the spring semester.
b.Be responsible and act as an overseer of all Panhellenic open and formal recruitment activities and events.
c.Responsible maintaining and revising the Membership Recruitment rules and guidelines.
d.Work with the Vice President of Communications on all publication and publicity for Panhellenic Membership Recruitment.
e.Recruit and appoint an Assistant Recruitment Chair which will serve as the head Gamma Chi. Assist the Head Gamma Chi with the recruitment and training of Panhellenic Recruitment Counselors (Gamma Chi).
f.Organize all Panhellenic recruitment meetings including the wrap-up meeting with recruitment chair and chapter advisors.
g.Keep complete and accurate records of all recruitment statistics.
h.Support the NPC Unanimous Agreements, policies and procedures.
i.Be able to attend all Summer New-Student Orientations, Organizational Fairs, and any other event that the school sponsors where there will be Potential New Members.
j.Be completely unbiased and disaffiliated with your specific sorority during the summer until the conclusion of Bid Day.
k.Plan, in conjunction with the Greek Advisor and Dean of Students, the Recruitment schedule and events.
l.Have a positive attitude when working with Potential New Members, Chapter Advisors, Gamma Chis, or the Greek Advisor.
m.Be able to solve issues that arise in the Recruitment process in a way that satisfies the PNMs, the advisors, and the Panhellenic Council.
n.Be knowledgeable in the Formal Recruitment Release Figure Method prior to the start of Formal Recruitment so that, if needed, you may help the Greek Advisor make party lists, etc.
o.Shall be required to attend the Southeastern Panhellenic Conference
6. Vice President of Scholarship
a.Attends all Panhellenic meetings and events.
b.Must support the NPC Unanimous Agreements, policies and procedures.
c.Must understand local Panhellenic policies and procedures.
d.Should attend relevant area conferences and workshops.
e.Submit the Academic Achievement Report, Academic Excellence Challenge, Academic Excellence Activities Report, the Week of the Scholar Activities Report, and any additional information requested by NPC or by the Panhellenic Advisor.
f.Serve as the CPH Scholarship Committee Chair.
g.Develop and maintain a Greek Campus Scholarship Program in conjunction with the IFC Scholarship Chair.
h.Support the NPC Unanimous Agreements, policies and procedures.
i.Coordinate the fall scholarship recognition dinner and assist the Director of Greek Life with the planning and implementation of Greek Awards held each spring.
- Vice President of Community Service
a. Attend all Panhellenic meetings.
- Support the NPC Unanimous Agreements, police, and procedures.
- Understand local Panhellenic policies and procedures & university policies.
- Coordinate at least one all Sorority Service Project each semester.
- Collaborate with IFC Philanthropy Chair to coordinate at least two all Greek Service Projects each year.
- Delegate responsibilities to Philanthropy Committee.
8. Panhellenic Delegate
a.Attend all Panhellenic meetings.
b.Support the NPC Unanimous Agreements, police, and procedures.
c.Understand local Panhellenic polices and procedures & university policies.
d.Attend relevant area conferences and workshops.
e.Consult with your chapter advisor and/or NPC Delegate for assistance and advice regarding Panhellenic issues.
f.Present regular Panhellenic reports at chapter meetings.
g.Serve on committees as assigned.
9. Junior Panhellenic Delegate
a.Attend all Panhellenic meetings.
b.Support the NPC Unanimous Agreements, police, and procedures.
c.Understand local Panhellenic polices and procedures & university policies.
d.Attend relevant area conferences and workshops.
e.Consult with your chapter advisor and/or NPC Delegate for assistance and advice regarding Panhellenic issues.
f.Present regular Panhellenic reports at chapter meetings, in the absence of the Chapter Delegate.
The Executive Board shall:
- Appoint Standing and Special Committees and their chairmen and, in making these appointments, recognize representation from all member fraternities.
- Administer routine business between meetings of the Panhellenic Council when advisable and such other business as has been approved for action by Panhellenic Council vote.
- Report all action taken by the Executive Board at the next regular meeting of the Panhellenic Council through the Vice President of Administration/ Secretary, and record the action in the minutes of that meeting.
- Consult with the Area Advisor as needed.
The Standing Committees of the Huntingdon College Panhellenic Council shall becreated as needed.
The Standing Committees shall serve for a term of one year. Such term of office is to begin no later than six weeks before the end of the school year. A committee chairman or member may be appointed to service for a further term of office. Immediately following the section of officers for the ensuring year, the President- elect shall call a meeting of the Executive Board to appoint committee chairman and members.
- Membership Recruitment Committee
- Membership. The Membership Recruitment Committee shall consist of a chairman, Panhellenic President, Vice President of Communications, Assistant Recruitment Chairman/Head Gamma Chi, and the Director of Greek Life.
- The Vice President of Recruitment shall serve as the chairman.
- Duties. This committee shall be responsible for all Panhellenic Council matters related to membership recruitment. This committee shall be responsible for reviewing and developing membership recruitment rules, submitting them for discussion and approval to the Panhellenic Council (before the end of the term preceding the formal membership recruitment). Once approved copies must be distributed to the delegates of the member fraternities. Following each membership recruitment period, the chairman of this committee shall present a full report, including recommendations, to the Panhellenic Council based on an analysis of the recruitment statistics, recruitment evaluations from new members, women who withdrew from recruitment, each member group and the Alumnae Advisory Council.
The National Panhellenic Conference outlines four recruitment styles that may be used by College Panhellenic Associations. All aspects of recruitment shall be evaluated and a style selected that fits the needs of the campus. The specifics of the Administration of Membership Recruitment shall be determined by the style chosen. Refer to the Membership Recruitment Handbook for information on determining the recruitment style to be used and consult with the NPC Area Advisor. For all general aspects of recruitment refer to the Membership Selection Section of the Manual of Information.
- Every regularly enrolled new member, initiate or affiliate of a chapter shall be counted inchapter total.
- A list of pledged, initiated, and affiliated members shall be filed with the President of the Panhellenic Association and with the Panhellenic Advisor on the first day of classes in each semester.
- Any depledging, termination or other changes in member status shall be reported tothe President of the Panhellenic Association and the Panhellenic Advisor no later than 24 hours after it has occurred.
- A woman must be a regularly matriculated student to be eligible for membershiprecruitment and pledging.
- A Panhellenic Association member fraternity may not issue an invitation to membershipor formally pledge a woman during any school recess.
- A new member may be initiated whenever she has met the requirements of the fraternityto which she is pledged.
All forms of hazing, pledge day and/or pre-initiation activities that are defined as hazing shall bebanned.
Hazing is defined as any action or situation with or without consent that recklessly, intentionally orunintentionally endangers the mental of physical health or safety of a student, or creates risk ofinjury, causes discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule or that willfully destroys orremoves public or private property.
Such activities and situations include, but are not limited to, creation of excessive fatigue; physicaland psychological shocks; wearing apparel that is conscious and not normally in good taste;engaging in public stunts and jokes; participating in treasure or scavengers hunts; morally degradingor humiliating games and activities; late night sessions that interfere with scholastic activities ornormal sleep patterns; and any other activities that are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual or theregulations and policies of the member fraternity or the educational institution. All chapter officers are responsible for informing their membership of these hazing policies and have discussions with their membership on national policies, state laws, and college regulations.
- If the Panhellenic Council has reviewed the policy on Chapter total and determined that Extension may be an option, each chapter must obtain statistics to be submitted to the Area Advisor and to each chapter’s NPC Delegate for review. There must be a minimum of two weeks for chapters to discuss this and their NPC Delegates before a vote is taken at a regular Panhellenic meeting.
- Such a chapter shall be organized through colonization by an NPC fraternity or throughorganization of a local sorority, which may petition an NPC fraternity for a chapter.
- Consideration should be given to NPC fraternities that have previously had chapters onthe campus and to those NPC fraternities which have filed letters expressing an interest inthe campus. (UNANIMOUS AGGREEMENTS- Agreement on Extension.)
- Only Regular members of the College Panhellenic Council shall vote on extensionmatters and the vote may not be by secret ballot. It must be recorded in the minutes of a regular Panhellenic meeting.
- All Panhellenic Delegates and Officers will refer to the Extension section of the Manual of Information and to the NPC Extension Chairman for further details.
Any dispute arising out of the violation of the NPC UNANIMOUS AGREEMENTS, thePanhellenic Constitution and Bylaws, Standing Rules and membership recruitment rules andregulations shall be addressed through the Judicial Board in accordance with the NPC Judicial Procedures.
The Huntingdon College Panhellenic Association and its Panhellenic Council shall be governed by
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised except in matters specifically provided for in thisConstitution, Bylaws and Standing Rules or the NPC Manual of Information. In all voting matters, each chapter is allowed one vote and no Panhellenic officers are allowed to vote.
These Bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the voting members of Panhellenic Council,provided notice of the proposal amendment has been given in writing at the preceding regularmeeting.