Draft NQT Induction Assessment Form
The Induction Tutor completes this draft assessment form and discusses it with the NQT during the ‘formal assessment meeting’ before entering the information into ‘NQT Manager’. Please DO NOT send this form directly to the Appropriate Body.
NQTInduction Tutor
Induction Co-ordinator
(if applicable)
☐ The above named teacher’s performance indicates that he/she is making satisfactory progress against the Teachers’ Standards within the induction period
☐ The above named teacher’s performance indicates that he/she is not making satisfactory progress against the Teachers’ Standards for the satisfactory completion of the induction period
Support and Monitoring
☐ I confirm that the NQT has received a personalized programme of support and monitoring throughout the specified period in line with the statutory guidance.
Days served during this assessment period
Number of days employed during this assessment period, including absence
For full-time NQTs this is the total number of days in the term. The number of days for part- time NQTS will need to be counted in accordance with their contract.
Days absent during this assessment period
Number of days absence during this assessment period
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Assessment of progress against the Teachers’ StandardsThe headteacher or induction tutor must record, in the boxes below, details of the NQT’s progress against the Teachers’ Standards including:
- Strengths;
- Areas requiring further development, even where progress is satisfactory and/or areas of concern
- Evidence used to inform the above judgements; and,
- Targets for the next assessment period.
It is not necessary to comment on each of the 8 Teachers’ Standards in turn. Please identify key strengths, and key areas for development. They MUST be referenced to the Teachers’ Standards or the Assessment Form will be rejected when it is submitted online.
Please refer to the exemplar on the OTSA NQT Website.
- Strengths (referenced to Teacher Standards):
- Areas requiring further development, even where progress is satisfactory and/or areas of concern (referenced to Teacher Standards):
- Evidence used to inform the above judgements (e.g.Teachers’ Standards Evidence Form, Meeting Notes, Professional Review Form, Lesson Observation Forms)
- Targets for the coming term (referenced to Teacher Standards):