Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
- Strategic Enrollment Management to Achieve Non-Resident and Diversity Enrollment Goals
- Hire AVP for EM and establish a Five Year Strategic Enrollment plan.
- Successfully transition Financial Aid to EM and Student Affairs
- Fully implementthe Customer Relationship (CRM) technology system. Establish CRM manager position and communication plans
- Continue to expand and focus out of state and international recruitment and 2+2 partnerships to increase the total number of non-resident student applications, admission and enrollment.
- Implement steps to improve Co-admission and visibility of transfer student experience.
- Increase private scholarships and remission awards for PSU students.
- Implementation of Measures to Improve Graduation & Retention Rates
- Merge Career Services and Undergraduate Advising Center to a new unit that will focus on Undecided student advising and career development.
- Explore feasibility study for Student Success Center or other options to address space needs.
- Identify additional revenue for Academic and Career Services.
- Continue to support and coordinate the projects with the Special Assistant to the Provost for Student Success (placement testing, degree maps, advising…).
- Improve the Student Experience (Satisfaction and Engagement)
- Identify additional revenue for DOSL area(s) to expand staff in preparation for additional on-campus students.
- Continue to improve the quality of on-campus living experience and contributions to student success.
- Establish operational policies with ACC for College Station.
- Continue to increase student engagement in campus and community engagement opportunities.
- Explore co-curricular e-portfolio.
- Expand strategic collaborations with CPSO and other units to enhance suicide, alcohol abuse and violence prevention efforts.
- Move to hard-waiver student health insurance plan and increase Health Promotion programs within SHAC.
- Successfully staff and create program for Casa Latina. Establish a sustainable funding plan.
- Establish plan to increase visibility and focus of the three cultural centers (MCC, NASCC, Casa Latina)
- Continue feasibility and planning process for new Student Union.
- Identify next steps and funds to continue increased support for International students, students from diverse backgrounds, foster youth, Veterans, and student athletes.
- Continue to improve organizational/employee success and the fiscal operations of Division of VP EM/SA:
- Coordinate transition from Vice Provost to Vice President and SA to EM/SA.
- Establish 360 evaluation process, professional development initiatives for the Leadership Team and Unit review process.
- Continue to strengthen Assessment, MCOD and Learning agendas and outcomes for the Division.
- Continue to centralize budget functions and establish new budget model for the Division.
- Determinefeasibility of Development efforts and identify needed funding to hire Officer.