1 = Aeroplanes and Parts 20.2
2 = Agricultural Implements 18.6
3 = Aluminum Ware 16.3
4 = Ammunition 12.8
5 = Artificial Flowers 21.2
6 = Artificial Limbs 21.2
7 = Artificial Stone Products 14.6
8 = Artist's Materials 21.2
9 = Asbestos Products, not including steam packing 14.6
10 = Automobile Bodies and Parts 19.2
11 = Automobiles 19.2
12 = Awnings, Tents, and Sails 4.9
13 = Babbitt Metal and Solder 16.3
14 = Bags, other than paper 4.9
15 = Bags, Paper not including bags made in paper mills 10.0
16 = Baking Powders and Yeast 1.8
17 = Baskets, and Rattan and Willow Ware 9.2
18 = Bells 16.3
19 = Belting and Hose, Rubber 7.2
20 = Belting and Hose, Woven 4.9
21 = Belting Leather 6.1
22 = Billiard Tables and Materials 21.2
23 = Blacking, Stains, and Dressings 12.2
24 = Bluing 12.1
25 = Bone, Carbon, and Lamp Black 12.1
26 = Bookbinding and Blank-Book Making 11.0
27 = Boot and Shoe Cut Stock not including factory 6.2
28 = Boot and Shoe Findings not including factory 6.2
29 = Boots and Shoes 6.2
30 = Boots and Shoes, Rubber 7.2
31 = Boxes, Cigar 21.2
32 = Boxes, Fancy and Paper 21.2
33 = Boxes, Wooden Packing 9.2
34 = Brass, Bronze, and Copper Products 16.3
35 = Bread and other Bakery Products 1.1
36 = Brick and Tile, Terra-Cotta, and Fire-Clay 14.1
37 = Brooms 21.2
38 = Brushes 21.2
39 = Butter 1.6
40 = Butter, Reworking 1.6
41 = Buttons 21.2
42 = Candles 12.6
43 = Canning and Preserving, Fish 1.3
44 = Canning and Preserving, Fruits and Vegetables 1.3
45 = Canning and Preserving, Oysters 1.3
46 = Card Cutting and Designing 10.0
ICPSR 9392 29
47 = Cardboard, not including made in paper mills 10.0
48 = Carpets and Rugs, other than rag 4.7
49 = Carpets, Rag 4.7
50 = Carriage and Wagon Materials 20.5
51 = Carriages and Sleds, Children's 20.5
52 = Carriages, Wagons, and Repairs 20.5
53 = Cars and Shop Construction, Electric Railroad 20.1
54 = Cars and Shop Construction, Steam Railroad 20.1
55 = Cars, Electric Railroad,
not including operations of railroad company 20.1
56 = Cars, Steam Railroad,
not including operations of railroad company 20.1
57 = Cash Registers and Calculating Machines 18.7
58 = Cement 14.4
59 = Charcoal, not including production in lumber 9.3
60 = Cheese 1.6
61 = Chemicals 12.8
62 = China Decorating, not including potteries 14.2
63 = Chocolate and Cocoa Products,
not including confectionery 1.2
64 = Cleansing and Polishing Preparations 12.2
65 = Clocks 16.1
66 = Cloth, Sponging and Refinishing 4.9
67 = Clothing, Horse 4.9
68 = Clothing, Men's 5.1
69 = Clothing, Men's, Buttonholes 5.1
70 = Clothing, Women's 5.2
71 = Coffee and Spice, Roasting and Grinding 2.4
72 = Coffins, Burial Cases, and Undertakers' Goods 9.2
73 = Coke, not including gas-house coke 13.2
74 = Collars and Cuffs, Men's 5.1
75 = Combs and Hairpins, not including metal or rubber 21.2
76 = Condensed Milk and Products other than butter 1.6
77 = Confectionery 1.2
78 = Confectionery (Ice Cream) 1.6
79 = Cooperage 9.2
80 = Copper, Tin, and Sheet Metal Work 16.3
81 = Cordage and Twine 4.9
82 = Cordials and Flavoring Syrups 2.2
83 = Cork, Cutting 9.3
84 = Corsets 5.2
85 = Cotton Goods 4.1
86 = Cotton Lace 4.1
87 = Cotton Small Wares 4.1
88 = Crucibles 15.1
89 = Cutlery and Edge Tools 15.6
90 = Dairymen's Poultrymen's, and Apiarists' Supplies 18.6
91 = Dental Goods 21.2
92 = Drug Grinding 12.3
93 = Druggists' Preparations 12.3
94 = Dyeing and Finishing Textiles, not including mills 4.8
95 = Dyestuffs and Extracts 12.1
96 = Electrical Machinery, Apparatus and Supplies 17.4
30 ICPSR 9392
97 = Electroplating 16.3
98 = Emery and other Abrasive Wheels 14.6
99 = Enameling 15.6
100 = Engines, Steam, Gas, and Water 18.4
101 = Engravers' Materials 18.3
102 = Engraving and Diesinking 15.6
103 = Engraving, Steel and Copper Plate,
including plate printing 15.6
104 = Engraving, Wood 11.0
105 = Envelopes 10.0
106 = Explosives 12.8
107 = Fancy Articles, not elsewhere specified 21.2
108 = Feathers and Plumes 5.4
109 = Felt Goods 4.1
110 = Fertilizers 12.5
111 = Files 15.6
112 = Firearms 15.6
113 = Fire Extinguishers, Chemical 12.8
114 = Fireworks 12.8
115 = Flags and Banners 5.6
116 = Flavoring Extracts 1.8
117 = Flax and Hemp, Dressed 4.9
118 = Flour-mill and Gristmill Products 1.5
119 = Food Preparations, not elsewhere specified 1.8
120 = Foundry and Machine-Shop Products 18.2
121 = Foundry Supplies 15.6
122 = Fuels, Manufactured 13.1
123 = Fur Goods 5.3
124 = Furnishing Goods, Men's 5.1
125 = Furniture 9.1
126 = Furs, Dressed 5.3
127 = Galvanizing 16.3
128 = Gas and Electric Fixtures 15.5
129 = Gas, Illuminating and Heating 13.2
130 = Gas Machines and Gas and Water Meters 18.2
131 = Glass 14.3
132 = Glass, Cutting, Staining and Ornamenting 14.3
133 = Gloves and Mittens, Leather 6.3
134 = Glucose 1.7
135 = Glue, not elsewhere specified 12.8
136 = Gold and Silver, Leaf and Foil 16.3
137 = Gold and Silver, Reducing and Refining 16.3
138 = Graphite, Ground and Refined 14.6
139 = Grease and Tallow, not including lubricating 12.6
140 = Grindstones 14.6
141 = Haircloth 4.5
142 = Hair Work 21.2
143 = Hammocks 4.9
144 = Hand Stamps 21.2
145 = Hardware 15.4
146 = Hardware, Saddlery 15.4
147 = Hat and Cap Materials 4.6
148 = Hats and Caps, other than felt, straw, wool 4.6
ICPSR 9392 31
149 = Hats, Fur-felt 4.6
150 = Hats, Straw 4.6
151 = Hats, Wool-felt 4.6
152 = Hones and Whetstones 14.6
153 = Horseshoes, not made in steel works 15.2
154 = Hosiery and Knit Goods 4.5
155 = House Furnishing Goods, not elsewhere specified 9.1
156 = Ice, Manufactured 21.1
157 = Ink, Printing 12.8
158 = Ink, Writing 12.8
159 = Instruments, Professional and Scientific 21.2
160 = Iron and Steel, Blast Furnaces 15.1
161 = Iron and Steel, Steel Works and Rolling Mills 15.1
162 = Iron and Steel, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Rivets,
not made in steel works or rolling mills 15.4
163 = Iron and Steel, Cast Iron Pipe 15.6
164 = Iron and Steel, Doors and Shutters 15.2
165 = Iron and Steel Forgings,
not made in steel works or rolling mills 15.6
166 = Iron and Steel, Nails, Spikes, cut and wrought,
including wire nails 15.6
167 = Iron and Steel, Wrought Pipe 15.6
168 = Ivory, Shell, and Bone Work, other than combs 21.2
169 = Japanning 15.6
170 = Jewelry 6.2
171 = Jewelry and Instrument Cases 1.2
172 = Jute Goods 4.9
173 = Labels and Tags 1.0
174 = Lamps and Reflectors 1.2
175 = Lapidary Works 6.2
176 = Lasts 6.2
177 = Lead, Bar, Pipe, and Sheet 16.3
178 = Leather Goods, not elsewhere specified 6.3
179 = Leather, Tanned, Curried, and Finished 6.1
180 = Lime 14.5
181 = Linen Goods 4.9
182 = Liquors, Distilled 2.2
183 = Liquors, Malt 2.1
184 = Liquors, Vinous 2.3
185 = Lithographing 11.0
186 = Locomotives, not made by railroad company 20.1
187 = Looking-Glass and Picture Frames 9.3
188 = Lubricating Greases 13.2
189 = Lumber and Timber Products 8.1
190 = Lumber, Planing Mills Products,
not including sawmills 8.1
191 = Malt 2.1
192 = Marble and Stone Work 14.6
193 = Matches 9.3
194 = Mats and Matting, from cocoa and grass 4.9
195 = Mattresses and Spring Beds 9.1
196 = Millinery and Lace Goods 5.4
197 = Mineral and Soda Waters 2.4
32 ICPSR 9392
198 = Minerals and Earths, Ground 14.6
199 = Mirrors, Framed and Unframed 14.3
200 = Models and Patterns,
not including paper patterns 21.2
201 = Motorcycles, Bicycles, and Parts 20.4
202 = Mucilage and Paste 12.8
203 = Musical Instruments and Materials,
not elsewhere specified 21.2
204 = Musical Instruments, Organs 21.2
205 = Musical Instruments, Pianos 21.2
206 = Musical Instruments, Organ and Piano Materials 21.2
207 = Needles, Pins, and Hooks, and Eyes 15.6
208 = Nets and Seines 4.9
209 = Oakum 21.2
210 = Oil, Cottonseed, and Cake 12.6
211 = Oil, Essential 12.6
212 = Oil, Linseed 12.6
213 = Oil, not elsewhere specified 12.8
214 = Oilcloth and Linoleum, Floor 4.9
215 = Oilcloth, Enameled 4.9
216 = Oleomargarine 1.9
217 = Optical Goods 21.2
218 = Paints 12.1
219 = Paper and Wood Pulp 10.0
220 = Paper Goods, not elsewhere specified 10.0
221 = Paper Patterns 10.0
222 = Patent Medicines and Compounds 12.3
223 = Paving Materials 14.4
224 = Peanuts, Grading, Roasting, Cleaning, and Shelling 1.3
225 = Pencils, Lead 21.2
226 = Pens, Fountain and Stylographic 21.2
227 = Pens, Gold 21.2
228 = Pens, Steel 21.2
229 = Perfumery and Cosmetics 12.3
230 = Petroleum, Refining 13.1
231 = Phonographs and Graphophones 21.3
232 = Photo-Engraving, not printing establishments 11.0
233 = Photographic Apparatus 21.2
234 = Photographic Materials 12.8
235 = Pickles, Preserves, and Sauces 1.3
236 = Pipes, Tobacco 21.2
237 = Plated Ware 16.3
238 = Plumbers' Supplies, not elsewhere specified 16.3
239 = Pocketbooks 21.2
240 = Pottery 14.2
241 = Poultry, Killing, and Dressing 1.4
242 = Printing and Publishing, Book and Job 11.0
243 = Printing and Publishing, Music 11.0
244 = Printing and Publishing,
Newspaper and Periodicals 11.0
245 = Pulp Goods 10.0
246 = Pulp Wood 10.0
247 = Pumps, not including power pumps 18.2
ICPSR 9392 33
248 = Pumps, Steam and Other Power 18.2
249 = Refrigerators 18.8
250 = Regalia and Society Badges and Emblems 5.6
251 = Rice, Cleaning and Polishing 1.5
252 = Roofing Materials 14.6
253 = Rubber Goods, not elsewhere specified 7.2
254 = Rules, Ivory and Wood 21.2
255 = Saddlery and Harness 6.3
256 = Safes and Vaults 15.6
257 = Salt 12.9
258 = Sand and Emery Paper and Cloth 14.6
259 = Sand-Lime Brick 14.1
260 = Sausage, not made in slaughtering and
meat-packing establishments 1.4
261 = Saws 15.4
262 = Scales and Balances 21.2
263 = Screws, Machine 15.4
264 = Screws, Wood 15.4
265 = Sewing Machine Cases 21.2
266 = Sewing Machines and Attachments 18.8
267 = Shipbuilding, Iron and Steel 20.3
268 = Shipbuilding, Wooden, including boat building 20.3
269 = Shirts 5.1
270 = Show Cases 21.2
271 = Signs and Advertising Novelties 21.2
272 = Silk Goods, including throwsters 4.3
273 = Silversmithing and Silverware 16.3
274 = Slaughtering and Meatpacking 1.4
275 = Smelting and Refining, Copper 16.3
276 = Smelting and Refining, Lead 16.3
277 = Smelting and Refining, Zinc 16.3
278 = Smelting and Refining, not from the ore 16.3
279 = Soap 12.2
280 = Soda-water Apparatus 2.4
281 = Sporting and Athletic Goods 21.2
282 = Springs, Steel, Car and Carriage 20.5
283 = Stamped and Enameled Ware,
not elsewhere specified 16.3
284 = Stationery Goods, not elsewhere specified 10.0
285 = Statuary and Art Goods 14.6
286 = Steam Fittings and Hot Water Apparatus 15.5
287 = Steam Packing 1.3
288 = Stencils and Brands 21.2
289 = Stereotyping and Electrotyping 11.0
290 = Stoves and Hot Air Furnaces 15.5
291 = Stoves, Gas, and Oil 15.5
292 = Structural Ironwork,
not made in steel works or rolling mills 15.2
293 = Sugar, Beet 1.7
294 = Sugar, Cane 1.7
295 = Sugar, Refining 1.7
296 = Sulphuric, Nitric, and Mixed Acids 12.8
297 = Surgical Appliances 21.2
34 ICPSR 9392
298 = Suspenders, Garters, and Elastic Woven Goods 5.5
299 = Theatrical Scenery 21.2
300 = Tin Foil 16.3
301 = Tin Plate and Terneplate 15.3
302 = Tinware, not elsewhere specified 15.3
303 = Tobacco, Chewing and Smoking, and Snuff 3.0
304 = Tobacco, Cigars, and Cigarettes 3.0
305 = Tools, not elsewhere specified 15.4
306 = Toys and Games 21.2
307 = Trunks and Valises 6.3
308 = Turpentine and Rosin 12.8
309 = Type Founding 18.1
310 = Typewriters and Supplies 18.7
311 = Umbrellas and Canes 21.2
312 = Upholstering Materials, not elsewhere specified 4.9
313 = Varnishes 12.1
314 = Vault Lights and Ventilators 15.6
315 = Vinegar and Cider 1.8
316 = Wallpaper, not made in paper mills 10.0
317 = Wall Plaster 14.5
318 = Washing Machines and Clothes Wringers 18.8
319 = Waste 4.9
320 = Watch and Clock Materials 16.1
321 = Watch Cases 16.1
322 = Watches 16.1
323 = Wheelbarrows 20.5
324 = Whips 6.3
325 = Windmills 18.6
326 = Window and Door Screens and Weather Strip 21.2
327 = Window Shades and Fixtures 21.2
328 = Wire 15.6
329 = Wirework, including wire rope and cable,
not elsewhere specified 15.6
330 = Wood Carpet 9.3
331 = Wood Distillation,
not including turpentine and rosin 12.8
332 = Wood Preserving 9.3
333 = Wood, Turned and Carved 9.3
334 = Wooden Goods, not elsewhere specified 8.3
335 = Wool Pulling 4.2
336 = Wool Scouring 4.2
337 = Wool Shoddy 4.9
338 = Woolen and Worsted Goods 4.2
339 = Canning and Preserving, Fish 1.3
340 = Canning and Preserving, Fish 1.3
341 = Bottling, Liquor 2.2
342 = Tobacco, Stemming and Rehandling 3.0
343 = Manufactured Timber Products, other 8.3
344 = Paper 10.0
345 = Printing and Publishing Music 11.0
346 = Foundry Supplies 15.6
347 = Products of Petroleum and Coal, other 13.2
348 = Plastering, Stuccowork 14.5
ICPSR 9392 35
349 = Monuments and Tombstones 14.6
350 = Stone, Glass, Clay, other 14.6
351 = Brasswork 16.3
352 = Iron, Steel, Products, other 15.6
353 = Lightning Rods 15.6
354 = Drugs and Chemicals 12.3
355 = Bridges 15.2
356 = Celluloid and Celluloid Goods 12.7
357 = Cigar Molds 15.6
358 = Electric Lights 17.4
359 = Fruit Jar Trimmings 14.3
360 = Leather, Tanned or Curried 6.1
361 = Wire 15.6
362 = Calcium Lights 12.8
363 = Iron Work, Ornamental 15.2
364 = Oil, Castor 12.6
365 = Oil, Lard 12.6
366 = Shingles, Split 8.3
367 = Terra Cotta Ware 14.1
368 = Veneering 8.3
369 = Registers, Car Fare 18.1
370 = Leather, Patent 6.1
371 = Steam Packing 1.3
372 = Axle Grease 13.2
373 = Belting and Hose, Woven and Rubber 4.9
374 = Butter, Cheese and Condensed Milk 1.6
375 = Clocks and Watches,
including cases and materials 16.1
376 = Cotton goods, including cotton small wares 4.1
377 = Enameling and Japanning 15.6
378 = Firearms and Ammunition 15.6
379 = Furniture and Refrigerators 9.1
380 = Belting and Hose, Linen 4.9
381 = Pens, Fountain, Stylographic and Gold 21.2
382 = Photographic Apparatus and Materials 21.2
383 = Sewing Machines, Cases and Attachments 18.8
384 = Bicycles and Tricycles 20.4
385 = Silverware and Plated Ware 16.3
386 = Surgical Appliances and Artificial Limbs 21.2
387 = Bone, Ivory and Lamp Black 21.2
388 = Blacking 12.1
389 = Boot and Shoe Uppers 6.2
390 = Brass 16.3
391 = Brass and Copper, Rolled 16.3
392 = Brass Castings and Brass Finishing 16.3
393 = Brassware 16.3
394 = Brick and Tile 14.1
395 = Bronze Castings 16.3
396 = Brooms and Brushes 21.2
397 = Carriages and Wagons 20.5
398 = Coppersmithing and Sheet Iron Working 16.3
399 = Engraving, Steel, including plate printing 15.6
400 = Gas and Lamp Fixtures 15.5
36 ICPSR 9392
401 = Hand Knit Goods 4.5
402 = Hats, Felt 4.6
403 = Hats, Wool 4.6
404 = Kaolin and Ground Earths 14.1
405 = Lithographing and Engraving 11.0
406 = Photolithographing and Photoengraving 11.0
407 = Pottery, Terra Cotta and Fire Clay Product 14.2
408 = Printing Materials 21.2
409 = Rubber and Elastic Goods 7.2
410 = Sugar and Molasses, Refining 1.7
411 = Woolen Goods 4.2
412 = Worsted Goods 4.2
413 = Blacksmithing 15.6
414 = Lock and Gun Smithing 15.4
415 = Wheelwrighting 20.5
416 = All other industries 21.2
417 = Coal Tar 13.2
418 = Lard 12.6
419 = Sash, Doors, and Blinds 9.1
420 = Starch 1.8
421 = Bellows 15.6
422 = Collars and Cuffs, Paper 10.0
423 = Hay and Straw, Baling 1.5
424 = Cars and Shop Construction
by Street Railroad Companies 20.1
425 = Shoddy 4.9
NOTE: Categories 1-338 are from Abstract of the 1914 Census, Table 223, pages
568-714. Categories 339-425 are from Censuses 1880-1909. Each industry title
used in any Census 1880-1909 not matching a category title was added and coded
with the next available numeric code. If comparing years, categories should be
matched, altered, or combined. This has been done for some categories, as
documented in the file description footnotes.
Excluded Industries:
Bicycle and Tricycle Repairing
Dyeing and Cleaning
Electrical Construction and Repairs
Kindling Wood
Painting and Paperhanging
Plumbing and Gasfitting
Sewing Machine Repairing
Typewriter Repairing
Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing
ICPSR 9392 37
1 = Maine
2 = New Hampshire
3 = Vermont
4 = Massachusetts
5 = Rhode Island
6 = Connecticut
7 = New York
8 = New Jersey
9 = Pennsylvania
10 = Ohio
11 = Indiana
12 = Illinois
13 = Michigan
14 = Wisconsin
15 = Minnesota
16 = Iowa
17 = Missouri
18 = North Dakota
19 = South Dakota
20 = Nebraska
21 = Kansas
22 = Delaware
23 = Maryland
24 = District of Columbia
25 = Virginia
26 = West Virginia
27 = North Carolina
28 = South Carolina
29 = Georgia
30 = Florida
31 = Kentucky
32 = Tennessee
33 = Alabama
34 = Mississippi
35 = Arkansas
36 = Louisiana
37 = Oklahoma
38 = Texas
39 = Montana
40 = Idaho
41 = Wyoming
42 = Colorado
43 = New Mexico
44 = Arizona
45 = Utah
47 = Nevada
48 = Washington
49 = Oregon
50 = California
38 ICPSR 9392
1 = New enterprise
2 = Incorporated from existing single unincorporated company
3 = Merged from two or more previously unrelated companies
4 = Merged from two or more companies previously related through
cartel, trust, etc. (includes forming holding company
from trust), also formed directly from a trust
5 = Reorganization of failed company, including receivership
6 = Name change of existing corporation
7 = Other
9 = Unknown or inappropriate
ICPSR 9392 39
1 = New York
2 = Chicago
3 = Philadelphia
4 = St. Louis
5 = Boston
6 = Cleveland
7 = Baltimore
8 = Pittsburgh
9 = Detroit
10 = Buffalo
11 = San Francisco
12 = Milwaukee
13 = Cincinnati
14 = Newark
15 = New Orleans
16 = Washington, D.C.
17 = Los Angeles
18 = Minneapolis
19 = Jersey City
20 = Kansas City, Missouri
21 = Seattle
22 = Indianapolis
23 = Providence
24 = Louisville
25 = Rochester
26 = St. Paul
27 = Denver
28 = Portland, Oregon
29 = Columbus
30 = Toledo
31 = Atlanta
32 = Oakland
33 = Worcester
34 = Syracuse
35 = New Haven
36 = Birmingham
37 = Memphis
38 = Scranton
39 = Richmond
40 = Paterson
41 = Omaha
42 = Fall River
43 = Dayton
44 = Grand Rapids
45 = Nashville
46 = Lowell
47 = Cambridge
48 = Spokane
49 = Bridgeport
50 = Albany
40 ICPSR 9392
1 = A.M. Kidder & Co., New York
2 = American Loan and Trust Company, Boston
3 = Baring, Magoun & Co., New York
4 = Central Trust Co., New York, Jersey City
5 = Corporation Trust Co., New York
6 = Cuyler, Morgan & Co., New York
7 = Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., New York
8 = H. B. Hollins & Co., New York
9 = Hanover National Bank, New York
10 = Henry Clews & Co., New York
11 = Kessler & Co., New York
12 = Knickerbocker Trust Co., New York
13 = Matiland Phelps & Co., New York
14 = Metropolitan Trust Co., New York
15 = New York Guaranty & Indemnity Co., New York
16 = Registrar and Transfer Co., New York, Jersey City
17 = Union Trust Co., Rochester, Pittsburgh
18 = Winslow Lanier & Co., New York
19 = Old Colony Trust Co., Boston
20 = West End Trust Co., Philadelphia
21 = Guaranty Trust Co., New York
22 = Merchants Trust Co., New York
23 = North American Trust Co., New York
24 = Mercantile Trust Co., New York, Boston, Pittsburgh
25 = Adams Trust Co., Boston
26 = Colonial Trust Co., New York, Jersey City
27 = Waterbury National Bank, Waterbury, Connecticut
28 = Merchants Loan & Trust Co., Connecticut, Chicago
29 = Provident Life & Trust Co., Philadelphia
30 = Morton Trust Co., New York
31 = Harvey Fish & Sons, New York
32 = Manhattan Co. Bank
33 = A.F Sampson
34 = Fidelity Insurance Trust & Safe Deposit Co., Philadelphia
35 = Columbia Ave. Trust Co., Pennsylvania
36 = Lawyers Incorporation Co., New York
37 = Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Co.
38 = Equitable Trust Co., Chicago
39 = Central Safe Deposit Co., Cincinnati
40 = Manufacturers Trust Co., Providence, Rhode Island
41 = N.H. Blatchford, Chicago
42 = Chase National Bank, New York
43 = Lincoln Trust Co., St. Louis
44 = Security Trust & Safe Deposit Co., Wilmington
45 = Rhode Island Hospital Trust Co.
46 = New Jersey Registration & Trust Co.
47 = Industrial Trust Co., Providence, Rhode Island
48 = Trust Co. of America, New York
49 = James H. Perkins
ICPSR 9392 41
50 = Land Title & Trust Co., Philadelphia
51 = Pennsylvania Trust Co., Pittsburg
52 = Moreland Trust Co., Pittsburg
53 = Long Island Loan & Trust Co., Brooklyn, New York
54 = Fourth National Bank, Nashville, Tennessee
55 = B.M.C. Durfee Safe Deposit & Trust Co., Fall River, Massachusetts
56 = Union Savings Bank & Trust Co., Cincinnati
57 = New York Security & Trust Co., New York
58 = City Trust Co., New York
59 = Union Trust Co., San Francisco, Pittsburg
60 = Pennsylvania Co. For Insurance On Lives & Granting Annuities
61 = National Trust Co., Toronto, Montreal
62 = Royal Trust Co., Montreal
63 = Nathaniel Norton
64 = EL. Hammatt
65 = International Trust Co., Boston
66 = H.W. Poor & Co., New York
67 = Investment Trust Co., Philadelphia
68 = Manhattan Trust Co., New York
69 = Security Trust Co., Rochester
70 = Real Estate Trust Co., Philadelphia
71 = Illinois Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago
72 = Investment Co., Philadelphia
73 = Alliance Bank, Rochester
74 = New Jersey Corporation Guarantee & Trust Co., Camden
75 = Northern Trust Co., Chicago
76 = Fidelity Trust Co., Newark, Buffalo
77 = New Jersey Corporation Agency, Jersey City
78 = Guarantee Trust & Safe Deposit Co., Philadelphia
79 = Franklin Trust Co., Franklin, Pennsylvania
80 = Title Guarantee & Trust Co., New York
81 = Federal Trust Co., Boston
82 = Kidder, Peabody & Co.
83 = Farmers Deposit National Bank, Pittsburg
84 = Anthracite Savings Bank, Pennsylvania
85 = Girard Trust Co., Philadelphia
86 = Fidelity Title & Trust Co., Pittsburg
87 = Jesse White
88 = St. Louis Trust Co., St. Louis
89 = Continental Trust Co., New York
90 = American Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago
91 = Atlantic Trust Co., New York
92 = American Exchange National Bank, New York
93 = Trust Co. of N. America, New York
94 = A. Iselin & Co., New York
95 = J.P. Morgan & Co., New York