One Voice Annual General Meeting Minutes

2nd July 2013 – OasisAcademy, Immingham

In Attendance

Elaine Norton (Chair)

Brian Duke (Community Rep/Treasurer)

Corinna Duke (Older PersonsRep)

Paul Gilbert (Stallinghborough PC)

Jean Keyworth (Habrough PC / Older Persons Rep)

Shane Linford (Oasis Chaplain / Churches Rep)

Pc Chris Walker(Humberside Police)

John Willis (NELC)

Janet Cowan, (Focus on Community)

Kevin Gallagher (Oasis)

Jan Wilson (Health Trainers)

Annie Farrow Smith (NELC)

Deborah Cooper (Resident)

Sandra Chandler (Resident)

Alex King( Resident)

John Scott (Resident)

Sarah Baker (Humberside Fire)

Deborah Cooper(Community Rep)

Martin Hanslip (ABP)

Natasha Stanley (Resident)

Thomas Horton (Resident)

Thomas Plaskett

Liz Foulds (Community Rep)

Apologies Received

Discussion Item / Action
Introduction / EN opened meeting by welcoming everyone and explained the format of the evening would be Acceptance of the previous minutes, then the AGM followed by Any Other Business.
EN explained ‘house rules’ including emergency procedures and location of toilet facilities.
Previous Minutes / The minutes of the previous meeting were circulated and agreed as an accurate record.
Chair’s Report / ENpresented a report in which she thanked those members of the committee and other volunteers for their work supporting One Voices activity within the community during the last year, and added that it is important that One Voice continues to support the community in addressing issues of concern as well as community needs.
The report in power point format detailed the achievements in delivery of the aims of the group, including improved communications through its website, local media, and social media, as well as the development of funding processes which support local organisations.
Successes have included the skate park skate schools,
Immingham 100 event, Kids and Cops, HomesteadPark love parks event, lobbying for faster broadband for the villages, continued activity of Studio 1 Cinema and other initiatives. Sevearl of these activities had been delivered in partnership with other organisations such as Immingham Town Council, NELC Young Peoples Support Services, VANEL, Humberside Police as well as supporting other initiatives such as In Bloom and Fair Trade.
Challenges for the coming year include increasing the people to people engagement, identifying creative ways in which One Voice can support it’s partners and promotion and support for local groups accessing funding.
Copies of the Annual Report will be made available and will be posted onto the OV website.
Financial Report. / BD explained that during the year healthy balances have been maintained and that via its funding processes One Voice has supported numerous organisations, and added that in general One Voice events were self financing.
The Cinema continues to provide opportunities for the local community and thanks should be noted to D Bury Immingham for there support in resolving some technical issues together with the small committee which supports the cinema activity.
One Voice has achieved charitable status with a great deal of support from CERT .
Accounts will require audit, current balances---
Legacy Fund –
One Voice Funds ---
Adoption of Management Committee / EN explained that the existing Management Committee would be required to resign and that the role of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary would be elected
  • Chairman – EN advised that it was her intention to stand for re-election. There were no other nominations. ENwas proposed by Brian Duke and seconded by Debprah Cooper, and carried unanimously and EN was elected.
  • Vice Chairman – EN explained that only one nomination had been received, Lisa Brighton was proposed by Elaine Norton and seconded by Corrina Duke, and was elected unanimously.
  • Treasurer – BD expressed that he was willing to stand and with no further nominations, he was proposed by Jean Keyworth and seconded by Shane Linford and was re-elected with a unanimous vote.
  • Secretary – EN explained that there had been one expression of interest from Natasha Stanley, who was proposed by Elaine Norton and seconded by Jean Keyworth and elected with a unanimous vote.
  • Nominations for resident representatives were as follows;
Sandra Chandler proposed by Elaine Norton seconded by Jean Keyworth
Liz Foulds proposed by Brian Duke, seconded by Jean Keyworth
Deborah Cooper proposed by Elaine Norton, seconded by Jean Keyworth
All were elected unanimously
Nominations for Older Peoples Representatives
Corinna Duke proposed by Shane Linford, seconded by Jean Keyworth
Jean Keyworth proposed by Elaine Norton and seconded by Liz Foulds
Both were elected unanimously
  • Nominations for Young Persons representatives were as follows;
Stephen Nualls proposed by Elaine Norton, seconded by Shane Linford.
Thomas Plaskett proposed by Elaine Norton, seconded by Corrina Duke.
Both were elected unanimously.
  • Business Representative- EN informed the meeting that a new business representative has been identified from within ABP, Martin Hanslip, and that Natalie ………...
  • Immingham Town Council RepresentativeNo Immingham Town Council representative has been nominated.

Proposed Amendments to Constitution
And agreement of new funding process. / EN proposed twoamendments to the constitution. Amendment 1.Section 5. Sub section-Voting Rights Existing Voting Rights The right to vote on any resolution will lie only with those members of the committee carrying voting rights as listed in App.1 (AppendixA) of this document. In the case of an equality of votes, the Chair shall be entitled to a casting vote.
Proposed Change The right to vote on any resolution will lie only with those members of the committee who reside in Immingham, Habrough and Stallingborough. Only residents who are appointed to the committee will carry voting rights. In the case of an equality of votes, the Chair shall be entitled to a casting vote.
Amendment 2. Appendix A
Existing inclusion 3x Resident Representatives.
Proposed Change 4x Resident Representatives
JW advised that as there is requirement that suggested changes to the constitution must be proposed at least 28 days in advance of the next scheduled committee meeting this is to be an agenda item at the next meeting, when the above and amendments to the proposals can be considered.
AOB / Annie Farrow Smith presented an award on behalf of
Rotary Club to Thomas Horton in recognition of his work in the community.
EN then closed the meeting which was followed by the July monthly meeting.

Signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting



