The specifications herein are intended for the general descriptions of the work, quality andworkmanship. The specification are not, however, intended to cover the minute details,and the work shall be executed according to the specifications given herein or in itsabsence the relevant CPWD Specification, or the best practice recommended by reputedmanufacturers, or the best Public Works Department practices or to the recommendationsof relevant Indian Standard/International Practice or according to the instructions of the Engineer-in-Charge. The project is registered with GRIHA for Green Building rating of4/5 star, the provision stipulated is GRIHA Manual, will over ride the provisionsstipulated in case of any difference.

Wherever reference to CPWD/Indian Standard Code / NBC and practices is made, theyshall be referred to the latest edition/revision of the same.The tenderer is expected to get clarified any doubts about the specifications etc. beforesubmission of the Tender in writing with the The Corporation in respect of interpretationof any portions of these documents.

Sketches relevant to the specifications of waterproofing treatment, expansion joints, brickcoba roofing treatments, acoustic treatment etc. are enclosed herein and they shall be readin conjunction with the specifications and item descriptions as given in BOQ.

All testing shall be to the best standards offered in the respective specialists’ trade

practice. Detailed shop drawings compatible with BOQ items shall be prepared and got

approved. Mock-ups if necessary shall be prepared and submitted along with site visits tosimilar installations to facilitate proper monitoring of execution to the best standards.

Tenderers to consider all the above and quote their rates accordingly.

The tenderer shall provide a performance guarantee of requisite value to be indicated in

the Bill of quantities/Specifications, to provide for expenses, to cover the risk and cost of

rectification of defect, noticed during guarantee period. Guarantee period to start from

the date of completion of the project. Such performance guarantees shall be provided foranti-termite treatment, waterproofing works and all other works as specified in the tender.The rates quoted by the bidder shall be deemed to include the cost of all such

performance guarantees.


All materials shall be procured and arranged by contractor after approval by the EIC to its qualityand specifications as of tender. Tests for materials shall be carried out by contractor as directed byEIC and costs of all such test shall be borne by contractor. A site laboratory shall be madeavailable by the contractor, which shall have the following :

1. Cube testing machine (hydraulic) with cube moulds

2. Dumpy level/ Auto level

3. Theodolite/Total Station

4. Vernier caliper

5. Screw gauge

6. Full set of sieves (for fine aggregate)

7. Full set of sieves (for coarse aggregate)

8. Slump cone apparatus

9. Weigh balance (5/20 kg.)

10. Sand bulkage apparatus

11. Equipments for testing of cement

12. All other equipments/instruments/apparatus as instructed by EIC.

13. Rebound Hammer

Contractor shall procure sufficient quantities of materials of approved quality, well in

advance to ensure completion in stipulated time. In case material not available locally, theContractor shall arrange from areas with longer leads and shall not be paid any extra onthis account. Also this shall not be considered for granting any extension of time.

1. Materials shall be of the best approved quality and they shall comply with the

respective Indian Standard specifications.

2. Samples of all materials shall be got approved before placing order and the approved

sample shall be deposited with the Architect.

3. In case of non-availability of materials in metric sizes, the nearest size in FPS units

shall be provided with the prior approval of the Architects / EIC for which neither

extra will be paid nor any rebate shall be recovered.

4. If directed, materials shall be tested in any approved Testing Laboratory and the test

certificate in original shall be submitted to the Architects and the entire charges

connected with testing including charges for repeated tests and transportation if

ordered, shall be borne by the Contractor.

5. It shall be obligatory for the Contractor to furnish certificate, if demanded by the

Architects, from manufacturer or the material supplier, that the work has been carried

out by using their material and as per their material specifications.

6. All materials supplied by the employer/any other specialist firms shall be properly

stored and the Contractor shall be responsible for its safe custody until they are

required on the works and till the completion of work.

7. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings or mentioned in the Schedule of Quantities orSpecial Specifications, the quality of materials, workmanship dimensions etc. shall beas specified .

8. All equipment and facilities for carrying out field test and materials shall be provided

by the Contractors without any extra cost.


OPC Cement shall comply in every respect with the requirements of the latest

publication of IS : 269 for 33 grade OPC cement, IS:8112 for 43 grade OPC,IS:12269

for 53 grade OPC .Unless otherwise specified ordinary _alvaniz cement shall be used.

Portland pozzolona cement shall conform to IS:1489 (Part-I).

The weight of ordinary _alvaniz cement shall be taken as 1440 kg. Per cu.m. (90 lbs. Percft) Cement shall be measured by weight and in whole bags, and each undisturbed andsealed 50 kg. bag being considered equivalent to 35 litres (1.2 cft) in volume, care shouldbe taken to see that each bag contains full quantity of cement. When part bag is requiredcement shall be taken by weight or measured in measuring boxes.

No other make of cement but that approved by the Architects will be allowed on works

and the source of supply shall not be changed without approval of the Architects in

writing. Test certificates to show that cement is fully complying the specifications shall

be submitted to the Architects and notwithstanding this the Architects may at his

discretion, order that the cement brought on site and which he may consider damaged orof doubtful quality for any reason whatsoever, shall be retested in an approved testinglaboratory and fresh certificates of its soundness shall be produced. Cement ordered forretesting shall not be used for any work pending results of retest.

Cement shall be stored in weather proof sheds with raised wooden plank floor to prevent deterioration by dampness or intrusion of foreign matter. It shall be stored in such a wayas to allow the removal and use of cement in chronological order of receipt i.e. firstreceived being first used. Cement deteriorated and or clotted shall not be used on workbut shall be removed at once from the site. However, allowing use of warehouse setcement shall be determined by the Architect.

Weekly record of cement received and consumed shall be maintained by the Contractor inan approved form and submitted to Architects./ E.I.C.


Sand shall conform to IS : 383 and relevant portions of IS : 515. It shall pass through a

I.S Sieve 4.75 mm (3/16 B.S.) test sieve, 100% of fine again shall be from natural sourceor crushed stone screenings, if allowed, chemically inert, clean, sharp, hard, durable, wellgraded and free from dust, clay, shale, large pebbles, salt, organic matter, loam, mica orother deleterious matter. The sum of percentage of all deleterious materials in sand shallnot exceed 5% by weight. It shall be washed if directed to reduce the percentage ofdeleterious substance to acceptable limits, sand shall not contain any trace of salt and itshall be tested and sand containing any trace of salt shall be rejected.

The fine aggregate for concrete shall be graded within limits as specified in IS : 383 or asdescribed in Clause of CPWD specification.

The fine aggregate shall be stacked carefully on a clean hard dry surface so that it will notget mixed up with deleterious foreign materials. If such a surface is not available a

platform of planks or corrugated iron sheets or brick floor or a thin layer of lean concrete

shall be prepared.

The grading of sand (fine approach) for masonry mortar shall conform is IS:2116 and thatfor plaster shall be as per IS:1542.


Shall consist of crushed or broken stone 95% of which shall be retained on 4.75 mm IS

test Sieve. It shall be obtained from crushing Granite, Quartzite Trap, Basalt or similar

approved stones from approved quarry and shall conform to IS : 383 and IS : 515 Coarseaggregate shall be chemically inert when mixed with cement and shall be cubical in shapeand free from sift, friable, thin, porous, laminated or flaky pieces. It shall be free fromdust and any other foreign matter.

Gravel/Shingle of desired grading may be permitted as a substitute in part or full in plain

cement concrete if the Architect is otherwise satisfied about the quality of aggregate. Forall R.C.C work the size of coarse aggregate shall be 20 mm and down guage.


All Reinforcement shall be of TMT (Thermomechanically treated) Grade 415D or 500D

conforming to I.S. 1786-2008 unless mentioned otherwise .Mild steel tested quality

conforming to IS : 432 (Part II) Part and any other IS applicable or deformed bar

conforming to IS : 1786 or hard drawn steel wire fabric conforming to IS : 1566 .All steel

shall be TMT of Fe 415 grade unless otherwise specified.In case TMT steel is being

sourced/procured from local rerollers,they must be approved conversion agents of

mainstream suppliers of reinforcement steel Like SAIL,VSL,Tata capable of furnishing

test certificates with each consignment of steel duly endorsed by the principle suppliers

i.e SAIL,TATA,VSL and when required.

All finished bars shall be free from (i) loose mill scales, loose rust and coats of paints, oil,mud or any other substance which may destroy or reduce board cracks, surface flaws,Laminations, Jagged and imperfect edges.

Refer Clause 6.1 of CPWD Specification for columns. The reinforcement shall be clearedby sand blasting or any other treatment as may be recommended.

Design Mix Concrete:

1. The contractor shall be guarantor of quality of concrete used in the construction

and shall carry out the mix design and mix so designate (not the method of design) shall

be approved by the Employer within the limitation of parameters laid down by IS:456-

2000. Mix Design should be prepared as per IS : 10262.

2.The mix shall be designed to produce the grade of concrete having required workabilityand a characteristic strength not less than appropriate values of Table-2 to IS:456-2000.The TARGET MEAN STRENGTH OF CONCRETE MIX should be equal tocharacteristic strength plus 1.65 times the standard deviation.

3.Mix design done earlier not prior to one year may be considered adequate for later workprovided there is NO CHANGE in the source and quality of material

4.While using PPC with flyash,every effort should be made to use cement from approvedmanufacturer containing less than 25% flyash by weight.

Nominal Mix Concrete

1.Nominal Mix Concrete may be used for concrete of M-20 or lower grade. The

proportions of material for nominal mi concrete shall be as per Table 9 of IS:456-2000.

2. The cement content of the mix specified in Table-9 for any nominal mix shall be

proportionately increased if quantity of water in mix has to be increased to over come

placement and compaction so that specified water chemical ratio is not exceeded.


Bricks shall generally comply with IS : 1077 except in size which shall be conforming to

the sizes locally available. Depending upon the quality of bricks, they shall be

_alvanized as 1st and 2nd class. (Class 7.5 & 10 as per IS : 1077-1992). Fly Ash bricks

should be as per IS : 12894 Class 7.5 & 10 as per IS : 12894-1992).

Bricks shall be the best quality locally available table moulded well burnt but not

overburnt have plane rectangular faces with parallel side and sharp right angled edges,

have a fine compact, and uniform texture. The bricks shall be free from cracks, chips,

flaws, stones or lumps of any kind and shall not show efflorescence either dry or

subsequent to soaking in water. It shall emit a clear ringing sound on being struck and

shall not absorb water more than 20% by weight. Common building bricks shall have a

minimum compressive strength of 75 kg./sq. cm. When used as panel in frame structure

and 75 kg/ for load bearing wall construction, unless otherwise specifically stated

in the schedule of Quantities.

List of mandatory test:-Test shall be carried out for dimensions, compressive strength,

water absorption, efflorescence in conformity as tested by methods laid in IS : 3495 or toclause 6.1.3,6.1.4,6.1.5 of CPWD Sub-head 6.0 for brick work.

(f)WATER :

Water for mixing cement/Lime/Surkhi mortar or concrete shall not be salty or brakish andshall be clean, reasonably clear and free from objectionable items of silt and traces of oil,acid and injurious alkali, salts, organic matte and other deleterious materials which willeither weaken the mortar or concrete or cause efflorescence or attack the steel inreinforced cement concrete. Water shall be obtained from sources approved by theArchitect. Potable water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing and curing

concrete, mortar, masonry etc. Where water other than main source is used this shall betested in an approved testing laboratory to establish its suitability. All charges connectedtherewith shall be borne by the Contractor.

For concrete work water quality shall conform to Clause 5.4 read all sub-clauses of


f) STONE :

The stone shall be of the type specified such as granite ,trap, lime stone, sand stone,

quartzite etc. and shall be obtained from the querries as approved. Stone shall be hard,

sound, durable, and free from weathering decay, and defects, that may adversely affect itsstrength and appearance .As far as possible stones shall be uniform in color, quality ortexture. generally stones shall not contain crupst crystalline silica or chart, mica and otherdeleterious materials like iron oxide organic impurities etc.Stones shall be tested for water absorption, transverse strength, resistance to water,durability, in conformity to clause 7.1.1,7.4,7.8,7.9 of CPWD specifications.


Marble shall be hard,sound,dense and homogeneous in texture with crystalline texture asfar as possible.It shall generally be uniform in colour and free from stains,cracks,decayand weathering.Granite shall be of any colour and size as directed and shall be plain machine cut andmirror polished .The stone shall be smooth and even surface without holes or pits.

Criteria for conformity shall be in accordance with table 8.3 and physical properties in

conformity to table 8.2 of CPWD specifications.

Marble/Granite shall be tested for Moisture absorption, hardness, specific gravity in

conformity to Table 8.2/table 8.3

h) STEEL :

Elements such as niobium, boron, vanadium and titanium added singly or in combinationto obtain higher strength to weight ratio and better toughness, formability and weldabilityas compared to unalloyed steel of similar strength level .Structural steel –standard qualityshall conform to IS:228.

Testing for tensile strength, bend test, Flattening test shall be in accordance to IS:1599 ,

IS:1609,IS :2329,IS :2328.Electrodes shall conform to IS:814.

Compliance of following shall be carried out wherever buildings are required to be

certified as green buildings mentioned else where in the tender documents.

SS P1 / Erosion and Sedimentation Control / Preparation and maintenance of gravel pit for all transportati
on site.
Top soil conservation for disturbed areas on site. Stacking,
covering and re-spreading.
Temporary or permanent seeding and mulching for undisturb
No over-loading of trucks is permitted and covering of soil w
appropriate fabric or tarpaulin is ensured for all vehicles
entering or leaving site.
The soil recovered from excavation is either used off-site but
ensure that it never reach to the landfill.
Sprinkling of water on loose soil during construction to chec
wind erosion
Construciton of _alvaniz graded swales and detention pond
check soil erosion through storm water
Compare post development storm water run-off to predevelopment conditions.
Fencing of boundary with filter fabric uptoatleast 3m to cont dust.
Development of erosion sedimentation control plan and follow National Building Code to carry out same.
SS CR 5.1 / Reduced Site Disturbance:
Protect or Restore habitat / Limit site disturbance including earthwork and clearing of vegetation to 40 feet beyond building perimeter, 5 feet beyond primary roadway curbs, walkways and main utility branch trenches, and 25 feet beyond constructed areas with permea surfaces that require additional staging areas in order to limi compaction in the constructed area.
SS CR 5.2 / Reduced Site Disturbance:
Development Footprint / Provide open space (excluding parking and roads) that exceeds the local zoning open space requirement for the site by 25%.
areas with no local zoning requirements, designate open space area adjacent to the building that is equal to the building
SS CR 6.1 / Stormwater Design:
Quantity Control / Implement a storm water management plan that results in a 2 decrease in the rate and quantity of storm water runoff.
SS CR 6.2 / Stormwater Design:
Quality Control / Reduce imperviousness, and promote infiltration. Storm water treatment system designed to remove 80% of Total Suspend
Solids (TSS). Follow NBC (Part, Section 1, Clause5.2 – Storm Water Management & Filtration Techniques.
SS CR 7.1 / Heat Island Effect: Non-
Roof / Provide shade or light colour - high albedomaterials on at least 30%of the non-roof impervious surfaces
SS CR 7.2 / Heat Island Effect: Roof / Provide any one of these:
1. Vegetated roof on a 50% of roof surface. Utilize highreflectance materials for the rest of the roof area.
2. Use roofing material having Solar Reflectance Index equal or greater than 78 for a minimum of 75% of the roof surface.
SS CR 8 / Light Pollution Reduction / Interior Lighting - Design lighting plan such that the maximum candela beam from the perimeter fixtures does not go outside
the transparent or translucent part of the window. OR
All non-emergency interior lighting shall be automatically controlled to turn off during non-business hours. Provide manual override capability for after hours use.
External Lighting - Do not exceed 80% of the lighting power densities for exterior areas and 50%of the building facades a defined in ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004, Exterior light section, without amendments.
WE CR 4.1- 4.2 / Water Use Reduction -
20% OR 30% Reduction / Reducing the amount of water used in the building (excluding irrigation) by using water efficient fixtures (Low flow WCs, taps,
urinals, etc).
MR P1 / Storage and collection of
Recyclables / Allot an area on site that provides a space for the whole build
to store and segregate materials for recycling (paper, cardboard, glass, plastics and metals) both during construction and pos
MR CR 1.1- 1.2 / Building Reuse- Maintain
75% AND 100% of _alvaniz
walls, floors and roof. / Maintain 75% or 100% of existing building structure and shell excluding window assemblies and non-structural roofing
MR CR 1.3 / Building Reuse-
Maintain100% of shell +
50% of non- shell / Maintain 100% existing building structure and shell along wit
50% non shell like internal partition walls, flooring, ceiling
system etc
MR CR 2.1- 2.2 / Construction Waste
Management- Divert 50%
AND 75% from disposal. / Divert 50% or 75% of Construction waste and debris from landfill by recycle, reuse and salvage of the same.
MR CR 3.1- 3.2 / Resource Reuse- 5% AND
10% / Use salvaged, refurbished or reused materials, products and
furnishings for at least 5% or 10% of the building materials.
MR CR 4.1- 4.2 / Recycled Content- 5%
AND 10% ( Post-
Consumer+ Post - Industrial) / Use materials that contain post-consumer + half of postindustrial recycled content that totals up to 5% or 10% of total building materials cost.
MR CR 5.1- 5.2 / Regional Materials- 20%
AND 50% manufactured
regionally / Use materials and products that are extracted within a radius 800km from the site that accounts for 50% of total building
materials cost.
MR CR 6 / Rapidly renewable
materials- 5% of building
materials. / Use materials and products that are rapidly renewable and
account for 5% of total building materials cost.
MR CR 7 / Certfied Wood- 50% of
wood based materials / Use a minimum of 50% of the total wood requirements of the
building with wood from sources that complies with the Fore Stewardship Council criteria.
EQ CR 3.1 / Construction IAQ
Management Plan- During
Construction / Develop and implement an IAQ management Plan for construction period. With this well being of the people working in the premises, materials stored on site and if applicable, filters for Air Handling Units to be used during this time will be taken care of.
EQ CR 3.2 / Construction IAQ
Management Plan- After
construction/ before
occupancy. / Develop and implement an IAQ management Plan for after construction and pre-occupancy time. With this well being of
people working in the premises, materials stored on site and applicable, filters for Air Handling Units to be used during this
time will be taken care of.
EQ CR 4.1- 4.2 / Low Emitting Materials-
Adhesives, Sealants and
Paints / Use products for interiors like adhesives, sealants and paints which have low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) content.
EQ CR 4.3 / Low Emitting Materials-
Carpet / Use carpets that comply with the standards of the Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label Indoor Air Quality Test Programs
EQ CR 4.4 / Low Emitting Materials-
Composite wood & Agrifiber product / Use composite wood and agrifiber product that are free of urea formaldehyde resins and have low VOC content.