Sunnyvale PTA - Officer Descriptions


Below is an outline of each member of the Sunnyvale PTA Executive Committee or Officers. The title is listed along with the key attributes necessary for that role. Additionally, a quick overview and some key responsibilities are listed to help you make an educated decision on where you can best serve our students, parents, and teachers.

President (leader, visionary, advocate, communicator)

Do you know what the most important quality our PTA president must have? A passion for our students and schools. That’s it. Having the opportunity to serve our students, parents, and teachers is fun and fulfilling. It is also a good idea to be savvy with email/Facebook/Twitter. The president is the lead communicator! This position requires strong leadership skills along with the ability to make newcomers feel welcome.

Here are a few other things to know:

  • Lead PTA board and membership meetings.
  • Speak at back-to-school functions reminding parents how essential they are to their student success.
  • Recruit and lead Committee Chairs – you cannot do it all on your own!
  • Make decisions that will forever impact our students.

Time Commitment – the time commitment is great, but so is the reward! 1-year term from July 1st to June 30th. Most of this time is communication with the Executive Board and can be accomplished via email, text or phone call.

Vice – President (collaborator, organizer, communicator)

Are you interested in all the PTA has to offer but not quite ready to serve as the president? This is perfect for you! As VP, you serve as the sounding board for the President and serve on the Membership committee. In the event the president is unavailable, you will step in and help. If you are interested in discovering the PTA structure and how it works here at Sunnyvale, this is the BEST way to find out!

Here are a few other things to know:

  • Attend PTA board and membership meetings.
  • Ready to step in for the president, if necessary.
  • Recruit and lead Committee Chairs – you cannot do it all on your own, either!
  • Make decisions that will forever impact our students.

Time Commitment – 4-6 hours per month. You will be copied on most correspondence to keep you informed and allows you to step in, if necessary. You will be asked to contribute your thoughts and ideas.

Secretary (listener, prepared, detailed, resourceful)

As the Sunnyvale PTA secretary, you will be in the know! By the end of the year, you will know all the ins-and-outs of the PTA bylaws and standing rules, agenda, membership, our website and more! If you are a detail oriented person, this is perfect for you!

Here are a few other things to know:

  • Attend PTA board and membership meetings.
  • Notify board members of upcoming meetings.
  • Record the minutes of meetings attended.
  • Keep an up-to-date membership roster
  • Assist Communications Chair in preparing newsletters, communication to parents, flyers, posters, etc.
  • Maintain website, Facebook page, and Twitter(@sunnyvalePTA)

Time Commitment – 2-4 hours per month. Knowledge of Microsoft Word, Google Docs/Drive/Gmail is helpful!

Treasurer (organized, efficient, analytical, computer savvy)

Let’s be real here. The Sunnyvale PTA treasurer has the hardest job. Really, it takes time to be a good treasurer. However, if you have the talents listed above, you will ROCK this job! The Treasurer, along with the President, manages and maintains the budgetfor all SISD campuses. You will execute reimbursement checks for our many events and upon request from volunteers, teachers/staff and Committee Chairs. And the best part is you don’t have to do it alone!

Here are a few other things to know:

  • Attend PTA board and membership meetings.
  • Report on budget and upcoming expenses at meetings.
  • Recruit Treasurer Assistants for each campus – you can’t do it on your own!
  • Retain custody of the PTA checkbook and cash box, make deposits, and send reimbursement checks.
  • Prepare and submit the annual budget with the help from each Committee Chair, Assistant Treasurers, and Officers.
  • Enter and maintain online check register.
  • Assist in obtaining bids when making large purchases.
  • Prepare SISD School Board report.

Time Commitment – 8-10 hours per month. Basic knowledge of accounting is requested, and computer literacy is required. Ability to check PTA boxes at each campus is a plus!