September 01, 2016

Dear Parents,

We made it through the first weeks of the year and the school year is fully underway. We are beginning to get into the normal routine and schedule, so please make sure to check your child’s backpack nightly for updates and information about what is happening here at Stratton Elementary.

As you know, with September comes sports. If your child is involved in cheerleading, volleyball or basketball, practices are on the forefront of your mind. The basketball practices are held daily from 5:00 – 6:30. Cheerleading practice is daily from 3:30 – 5:00. Volleyball practice is from 3:30 – 4:45. Volleyball is a little different this year in that the girls are told at the end of each practice whether they will have practice the next day or not. A couple of our girls do both volleyball and cheerleading, so if volleyball and cheerleading both have practice on the same day, the girls who are on both teams just split the time between both sports.

Let’s take a minute to introduce our coaches this year! We are so blessed to have Ms. Lauren Hicks as our Volleyball coach again this year. She is juggling her very busy schedule to make sure our volleyball girls are going to shine on the floor this year! Thanks, also, to Ms. Tausha Morris for being at practices to help the girls hone their skills. We also want to give a shout out to Ms. Ardella Brown for helping out our cheerleaders again this year. They have been practicing and getting ready for our first big game. Lastly, when you see Mr. Gene Nabors, be sure to thank him for working our boys so hard to make a team we will all be proud of! Stratton Bulldogs are going to shake things up on the court this year!!!

Home / Away
September 13 / Hollywood / X
September 15 / SSC / X
September 19 / SSC / X
September 20 / Daniels / X
September 27 / Hollywood / X
September 29 / Crescent / X
October 3 / Mabscott / X
October 10 / Crescent / X
October 11 / Daniels / X
October 13 / Mabscott / X

Below you will find the game schedule for this year. Please come out and support our boys and girls. Let’s show them that all of their hard work has paid off by attending the games. All the games begin at 6:00 and admission is $1.00 for K-5 students, Middle School through adults are $3.00, and children Pre-K and under are FREE.

September is Attendance Awareness Month. Your child should have brought home a flyer explaining a Coin War we have partnered with Sam’s Club to participate in. The money raised is for The Children’s Miracle Network. Sam’s Club has the fundraiser set up so that half of all proceeds go to The Children’s Miracle Network and the other half stays at Stratton to benefit our kids. Students have the opportunity to win other prizes for being in attendance. It is very important to understand that attendance ONLY COUNTS IF IT IS BELL TO BELL (8:25 – 3:20). This means that if a student is tardy OR they are picked up before 3:20, that child doesn’t get credit for having been at school all day. Be sure not to be tardy or sign your child out early (unless it is an emergency or a doctor’s appointment for which you have an excuse) because this not only interferes with instructional time for your child, but also omits their name from the drawings for prizes that are going to be held by Sam’s Club in cooperation with this Coin War. We will also continue our Attendance Incentives at Stratton, so make sure your child is in school so s/he will not miss out!

We are still having popcorn on Thursdays and Slushies on Fridays. We will always have two slushy flavors on Fridays. One will be with red dye and one will be red dye free. This is because many children have a red dye allergy or a red dye sensitivity. A child with a red dye sensitivity will find it more difficult to focus or will become jittery when eating or drinking something with red dye. If your child falls into this category, please just tell your child to be sure to ask for the red dye free slushy option on Friday.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here so far! So many of you have come in to introduce yourselves and to make me feel welcome. I so much appreciate that! If you haven’t made it by to meet me yet, please stop by to introduce yourself. I am so thankful for the honor to get to work with you and your wonderful children each day! It is truly the staff, students and wonderful parents that make Stratton Elementary the amazing place that it is!!!