May 28, 2008

Glendale Community College

Room HTC1-124

1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

TLC Voting Members: / DO-Darrel Huish (Co-Chair), DO-Earl Monsour, PC-Darren Everingham, GCC-Doreen Kessler, GWCC-Jose Candanedo (Co-Chair), MCC-Bill DeHaan, SCC-Dustin Fennell, RIO-Ed Kelty, SMCC-Mike Lewis, CGCC-Victor Navarro, PVCC-Paul Golisch, EMCC-Rich Marmon
Meeting Objectives / Agenda
1:00 – 1:30
TLC Subcommittee, ITS Updates,
College Updates / District Departments:
·  Executive Update – Darrel Huish
o  Darrel attended a Blackboard (Bb) meeting that conflicted with TLC – no executive update provided.
o  Colleges commented they would like to have Steve Creswell attend next TLC meeting to discuss business process since SIS registration is now taking much longer to complete (steps to input).
·  Infrastructure and Customer Support – Earl Monsour
o  New organization chart provided to TLC for Infrastructure and Customer Support
o  Enterprise Infrastructure and Technology Support Services update provided. Key discussion points:
1.  Airpark Data Center – desired completion October/November 2008. There is approximately 2700 sq. ft. of “raised floor” space. Awaiting final network budget approval which will include 2nd connection, dual ISP, redundancy. While it is not anticipated to be in full use for 2 years, Rod Marten has planned for maximum occupancy concerning rack space, network, storage, power. The desire is to begin meeting with colleges within 2-3 weeks for discussion of needs. District Office will be responsible for Racks/Connectivity and Colleges will be responsible for hardware.
2.  Shared Storage for New Date Center – a subcommittee (TLC membership) has been formed to discuss and build an ITAC proposal for shared storage to be used in the new facility.
3.  Reminder for the June 21 power shutdown.
·  Instructional/Business Systems – Steve Creswell
TLC – Currently Active Committees
·  ITAC – Victor Navarro / Rich Marmon
o  Ed mentioned his recent approval for an ITAC budget request for the replacement of the Audio Conferencing System. Rio has supported the District in this regard for many years – most recently heavily used for the SIS project implementation. Rio will be covering the operational budget costs after year 3. The proposal is scheduled for review by the Governing Board in June and if approved, it is hopeful the new equipment will be up and running within the next 60 days. May look to integrate MS LiveMeeting in the future to help reduce travel. May be able to build a District Wide Sandbox for other virtual meeting testing tbd.
·  Contact Center - TBD
·  MIRA – Doug Harper
·  ASC – Rich Marmon
·  Media Leadership Group – Mike Poplin
Mike was introduced as the new representative for this Committee
·  Shared Storage for Airpark Data Center – Ed Kelty
1:30 – 1:50 / IBM presentation – Presentation made by Neil Campbell and Chris Lucier.
·  Working with Darrel Huish on a proposed engagement to review college email infrastructure and archive. The proposed engagement would contain:
o  Understand the client business environment, business requirements, and solution objectives
o  Assess the impact of applicable regulations
o  Analyze the current IT environment and technical objectives
o  Define a high level solution strategy
o  Analyze opportunities, constraints, and risks
o  Recommend enterprise type solution for email archive (while IBM provides services the engagement would be vendor neutral. Companies they often work with include: Symantec Veritos, CA BrightStar, IBM DB2 Common Store and EMC Legato Email Xtender)
·  Interviews would be setup (directed by Darrel) with each college to gather information regarding their environment. Tentative timelines would be during July/August. A questionnaire would be provided prior to the meeting and expectation would be 3-4 hours one-on-one.
·  Numerous questions from colleges regarding retention policies, student/employee email exchange and archival rules, governing rules of civil responsibility and electronic discovery.
·  Slides of presentation and Federal Rules of Civil Procedure documents to be sent to Darrel for further distribution.
·  Colleges commented they currently have/use Netscape, Exchange, and MEMO email infrastructures.
1:50 - 2:05 / VoIP Update – Martin Gang (from ITAC Meeting Minutes proposals for June funding vote)
·  NEC
o  Marty shared copies of the Capital Expenditure Request for DSSC NEC PBX Upgrade, along with an upgrade cost comparison between NEXUS and NEC Unified. Equivalent equipment and services have been quoted, but NEC Unified’s overall costs are almost twice as high as Nexus.
Ø  Nexus $166,000 capital; Operational costs $42,000 (maintenance and support - years 4 and 5).
Ø  Need to maintain no more than two telephone systems (NEC IPX and Cisco VoIP), which can be integrated in call accounting and voicemail, since DO has only three telephony personnel on staff.
Ø  ITAC proposal, in ITAC format, will be posted on the SharePoint site (week ending 5/23) for the June vote.
§  Voicemail
Ø  Full, unified messaging system will cost at least $750,000. Includes: voicemail in email, chat notification, call accounting/tracking, and ACDs.
Ø  Limited integration into existing Memo email system can be done, with a bit of education on storage, but will lose advanced functionality, depending on how much one hopes to integrate.
Ø  RSC mentioned they did not purchase all modules, so costs may not have been within this same range.
§  Starter Pack
Ø  Approximate cost $87,000 per individual college, includes at least 25 phones, Cisco publisher and subscriber, and new centralized call accounting software.
Ø  Can be managed centrally through DO.
Ø  Best method is to parallel previous NEC deployment, to provide centralized support with independent functionality. If we follow the same format and Cisco model for DO VoIP, we can put out a publisher, subscriber, and other tools at each school.
Ø  Would work with individual colleges to help design network modifications, provide advice, QOS assistance, and verify bandwidth availability.
Ø  Practical model example for starter pack is similar to CGCC.
Ø  NEC support available over next five years.
Ø  Beyond the five years, if the college doesn’t choose to use Cisco, they will need to research alternative systems for their environment. Keep in mind; not using the Cisco option would mean DO telecom support for telephone, voicemail and five-digit dialing would not be available, which would drive overall telephony costs up for the college.
·  Discussion: Colleges are already moving ahead on voice messaging options; RSC already moved to a new solution, GWC almost complete with Unified Messaging, SCC piloting product called Sphere, MCC with VoIP options. Rio mentioned they have had no complaints about the “no red light indicator” since changing messaging options. Employees love the ability to have messages in email.
·  Colleges commended the direction for the VoIP project to move forward.
2:05 – 2:30 / eGCC presentation – KC Hundere
KC presented GCC’s program for Computer Builds – their eGCC computing program (extension of Palette – name change). Applications (approximately 167 depending upon role based authentication) through the network using Softgrid software. They did evaluate Altiris and Citrix some years back but found they were expensive. GCC believes they still have the 2006 comparison charts and will provide those to TLC. Questions arose concerning staffing and whether or not GCC would be willing to share their knowledge with other campuses. Currently GCC has:
DB Admin
OYO Assistant
HD Staff 2-3
Network Manager
Additional handouts were made available to TLC (2008 GCC Computer Builds, Managing your eGCC Computing Resources, eGCC Technology G.P.S)
iTLC Update / Jose mentioned that Veronica Diaz would be sending a survey soon with proposed meeting time changes for next year.
SharePoint Update / Ed updated TLC on the discussion for My Sites on the new District Wide SharePoint Setups for all colleges. He has confirmed that employees can have this space and hopes it will be available in the next week or two. Ed also indicated that Matthew Milliron is working to build a district wide sharepoint users group. If you wish to participate please let Matthew and/or Ed know.
Additional Discussion / Discussion: Concerns about VP’s of Admin setting direction for technology related decisions. There is currently no District Wide Technology Strategic Plan to help set direction. TLC should work together (perhaps include VP’s of Admin) to build a technology strategic plan on areas they can agree rather than disagree in meeting the Chancellor’s One Maricopa goals. One Maricopa doesn’t necessarily mean centralized to some. Should determine where to minimize standards and where to focus efforts jointly. Operational Funding models should be addressed for projects to succeed. An example project discussed was the subcommittee being formed to review “shared” storage at the new Airpark Data Center.
Action Items
Who / When
TLC Members / Create a monthly update about what you (your college) is doing at your campus. This will be a first step in increasing a collaboration. / Monthly
Ed / Setup workflows on the TLC site to remind the members to post updates every month / TBD
Jose / Invite Steve for June Meeting to Discuss SIS Business Process / June Meeting
Issue Bin:
Meeting Rules:
Start on time, end on time, Stay on track, Monitor your own participation, Limit side conversations, Respect each other’s ideas and work, One speaker at a time – don’t interrupt, Be an active listener, Honor confidentiality, Disagree and clarify when appropriate, Be willing to invest the time for inquiry when appropriate, Consider the entire system, Build shared meaning, Keep an open mind, Have deliberate patience and Have Fun.
Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 at Estrella Mountain