Northcote Town Hall

189 High Street, Northcote VIC 3070

Ph: 9481 9500 Fax: 9261 4868

ABN 75 815 980 522

Northcote Town Hall’s annual Kris Kringle Night Markets areon again, this year celebrating their tenth year, with a focus on local designs and handcrafts. We are inviting applications from stallholders selling locally hand-madeitems such as designer fashion, accessories, giftware, jewellery, ceramics, woodcrafts, textiles, toys, plants, and other similar items.

This year’s Kris Kringle Night Market season will operate across Northcote Town Hall’s Main Hall and Studio space. Our West Wing foyer and bar will also be open during the season, with an outdoor licensed area for patrons.

The market will run on fourconsecutive Thursdays from 5.30pm – 10.00pm on the following dates:

December 1



December 22


Stall Application Form

Group/Business Name:______

Contact Person:______


______P/Code: ______

Telephone:______(BH) ______(mob)

Email: ______


Site Details

Northcote Town Hall Main Hall and Studio spacewill be the dedicated spaces for this market. Our Studio space is a large room attached to the Main Hall, leading through to our bar/kiosk, which will be open during the season with an outdoor licensed area.

Please fill in your stall site requirements. Payment in advance is required to confirm your stall site.

Indoor Stall @ NorthcoteTown Hall - Equipment Provided

Equipment Includes: 1 trestle table and 2 chairs (strictly one table per stallholder)

Indoor Stall @ NorthcoteTown Hall – No Equipment

No equipment provided, bring your own tables & chairs. Stall must not exceed 2 x 1 metres of display space.

Outdoor stalls will not be available at this year’s Kris Kringle Night Market. All stall holders wishing to trade at the event must apply for an indoor space and ensure that their infrastructure does not exceed the space limits outlined in this form.

Food Vendors - Stall holders selling items such as packaged handmade confectionary etc. can apply with this form.If you are applying to sell take away food/meals at the Market, please contact the venue directly on 9481 9500 or at

Stall / Fees Per Site / Selection / Total Fees
Main Hall - No Equipment / $260 – four week season
Studio space - No Equipment / $240 – four week season
Main Hall - Equipment Provided / $300 – four week season
Studio space - Equipment Provided / $280 – four week season

* NB: We will only be considering stallholders applying for the entire season.


Stall Description

Please give a detailed description of your stall and what you plan to sell:

(Please also attach photographs or a link to an online image gallery. For record keeping and promotional purposes, jpegs are preferred where possible.)


Power Requirements

Do you require Power?Yes No

If you require power, how many amps do you require?______

Please outline the electrical appliances you will be using.

Please Note: You must supply your own power leads and cords. ALL leads must be tagged & tested. If your leads are not tagged and tested, your trading will be held up until we can supply you with our own tagged and tested cords.

*You will be charged $20 CASH if we have to supply you with tagged and tested cords for the day.


Public Liability Insurance

Depending on the nature of your stall, and the potential risks associated with your product line, you may require public liability insurance to $10 million, for any one event. Northcote Town Hall will notify you if your stall will require insurance.

All food stalls will require a current certificate of public liability. If you are unsure of whether you will need insurance, please contact the NorthcoteTown Hall at the or on 94819500.

If you already have a valid certificate of currency from your insurance company please attach a copy to your application form. A certificate of currency showing the expiry date and stamp and signature of the insurer is evidence of your insurance cover. Please note the expiry date must accord with the dates of the Market.


Submitting your application

Applications close 5pm on Friday 7 October 2016

In order for your application to be processed please ensure the following is attached:

  1. Completed Application form
  2. Signed Terms & Conditions Agreement(page 5)
  3. Product image/s
  4. Copy of valid Certificate of Currency of Public Liability Insurance, if relevant (see page 3)
  5. Cheque, cash or card details for total fees payable (Cheques payable to City of Darebin)

Applications should be marked Attention: NTH Marketsand sent by:

Mail / in person:

Northcote Town Hall

189 High Street

Northcote 3070

Fax: 9261 4868



Methods of Payment

NOTE: No payments will be processed or deposited until applicants have been notified of acceptance. Initial notification of acceptance will be given via email. This email will specify the date on which fees are to be processed, so that stall holders paying by card or cheque can ensure sufficient funds are ready for debit. Receipts will be mailed out with a hard copy acceptance notification and stall holder information pack once payments are processed.


Payments in cash, or by cheque(payable to City of Darebin)can be mailed to the Northcote Town Hall with this booking form, or made in person between 9am and 5pm Monday-Friday.


Visa and Mastercard payments can be made by filling out the details below, and submitting this form to us via the details above.Please note that we cannot action your payment and process your acceptance without your signed Terms and Conditions Agreement. Please ensure that this is attached to your form to avoid your application being delayed or disqualified.

Card type: (Please circle) VISA / MASTERCARD

Full name of cardholder: ______

Card number: ______Expiry Date: (M/Y): __ __ / __ __

(All credit details will be kept strictly confidential and will not be kept or used once payment is complete.)


For further information, please contactNorthcote Town Hall on 9481 9500 or


Stall Holder Terms & Conditions Agreement

I acknowledge that:

  • I have read and understood the attached Terms and Conditions (overleaf) relating to the operation of a Stall at the 2016 Northcote Town Hall Kris Kringle Night Markets.
  • Where the Stall holder/Food Vendor is a company or incorporated association, I am authorised by the Stall holder to complete the Application Form on the Stall holder’s behalf.
  • I am personally responsible for ensuring that the Stall holder/Food Vendor complies with the Terms and Conditions and if the Stallholder/Food Vendor breaches any of the Terms and Conditions, Equipment and other ancillary facilities, I will be personally responsible for any such breaches, including any damage.
  • I authorise Northcote Town Hall to process my stall fees via the payment method I have supplied.


Stallholder/Food Vendor Signature


Print Name




Personal information requested such as name and address, is collected for the purpose of registering and administering applications for Kris Kringle Night Markets. The personal information collected will not be used for any other purpose or disclosed except as may be required by law. If you do not provide the information then your application may not be processed. You may access the information collected about you by contacting NorthcoteTown Hall staff on (03) 9481 9500.

This page has been left deliberately blank to enable applicants

to separate and keep the Terms & Conditions overleaf.

Northcote Town Hall

189 High Street, Northcote VIC 3070

Ph: 9481 9500 Fax: 9261 4868

ABN 75 815 980 522


Stall Holder and Food Vendors Terms and Conditions
* Please separate and keep for your reference *

The following terms and conditions apply to stall holders at the City of Darebin’s Northcote Town Hall as part of the Kris Kringle Night Markets 2016.

1.Application requirements:

1.1 NorthcoteTown Hall may accept or reject any application at its absolute discretion. Only applicants who fulfil all requirements of the application process, including payment, will be considered. Preference will be given to Darebin residents, businesses and community groups.

1.2Applications close at 5pm onFriday 7 October 2016.

1.3Applicants will be notified via email of the status of their application no later thanFriday 14 October 2016.

Successful stall holders will be advised in this initial communication of the date that payments will be banked / processed. An acceptance pack will follow via mail once payments are complete. This pack will contain all necessary information for operations on the day, and some promotional material.

1.4Stall holders must provide the following in order to be considered for a place at the Kris Kringle Night Markets:

Completed application form.

Image/s of the product line to be sold.

Signed agreement to abide by these Terms and Conditions (page 5).

Full payment for stall fees (cheques made payable to City of Darebin).

Evidence of public liability insurance if requested.

1.5Stall holders who have not provided the above documentation and payment will not be able to trade at the event.

1.6Stall fees, once processed, are non-refundable, even in the event that the stallholder is unable to attend. Stall holders who no longer wish to participate are advised to cancel their stalls before payments are processed.

1.7We require all stall holders to be environmentally aware when planning their stall/s. This includes providing recyclable packaging wherever possible.

1.8We reserve the right to request cessation of activities/trading of groups or individuals who provide activities or materials which are perceived as offensive or defamatory or in direct conflict with the City of Darebin and/or Northcote Town Hall’senvironmental principles, or who provide for sale goods and/or services deemed inappropriate to the public. Please note that the following items are not deemed suitable for sale at the market: firearms or military items (including toy or replica items), silly string or pornography.

1.9Indoor stall sites are a maximum of 2 x 1 metres of display space, unless stipulated otherwise prior to set up. Stall sites will be marked up prior to the event. Stall holders must keep all stall infrastructure to within their marked stall space. Stall holders may need to hire more than one site if equipment and infrastructure will be larger than this space, however availability of additional sites cannot be guaranteed until applications are finalised.

1.10It is requested that stall holders contain their interaction and activities to the immediate area of their stall and allocated space.

2.Hours of operation and site access:

2.1 Stall holders and food vendors must be open for business from 5.30 - 10pm.

2.2The stall holder will not be able to access the site earlier than 4pm.

2.3The stall holder will set up their stall in the site allocated to them. Stall holders are not permitted to swap stalls without obtaining prior approval.

2.4Stall holders are not permitted to dismantle their stall earlier than the minimum times stated, even if all products have been sold.

2.5No vehicle access to the grounds of Northcote Town Hall will be allowed for the purposes of loading in and out of the venue. All goods must be unloaded at the venue boundary and walked on site. Trolleys and venue staff will be available to assist with loading of equipment.

2.6Stall holders must not share their stalls with other people without obtaining prior approval.

2.7The stall holder must, if requested, take out a public liability insurance policy to the amount of $10 million in respect of any one single event. A certificate of currency of insurance or other satisfactory evidence of payment of the premium must be provided to NorthcoteTown Hall staff prior to the event.

3.Electrical cords and electrical requirements:

3.1Stall holders must be specific in outlining electrical requirements on the application form.

3.2Stall holders using more electrical appliances than outlined on the application form will be required to unplug and cease use of the additional appliances.

3.3Stall holders must provide electrical cords and leads.

3.4Outdoor food vendors must provide their own light source for trading after dark. Northcote Town Hall will provide a source of mains power.

3.4 ALL leads and electrical appliances must be tagged & tested. If your leads are not tagged and tested, your trading will be held up until we can supply you with our own tagged and tested cords. You will be charged $20 CASH if we have to supply you with tagged and tested cords for the day.