Project/Enhancement Evaluation Request

Requestors: This form should be completed for projects and enhancement requests requiring IS&T. Please submit the completed form to . The appropriate team leader will acknowledge receipt and provide a preliminary response within 1 - 2 weeks.

Completed by the Requestor (Page 1)

Project Information
Project / Enhancement Name:
Date of Request:
Project Requestor
Primary Contact Name: / Phone:
Department: / Email:
Title: / Potential sponsor:
Purpose of Project/ Enhancement – Provide a brief description and a summary of the key requirements
Drivers – Describe the customer needs (internal or external) that would be met, What business problem does this solve?
Benefits – State the expected benefits (reduced cost, improved accuracy, reduced processing time, elimination of duplicate entry etc.).
Impact/Risk of not doing the project – Describe the tangible or intangible impact if this need is not addressed
Stakeholders – Identify those affected by this request and their respective roles in the proposed project (e.g., key process owners, service providers, customers, support)
Requested or required date – Identify either the requested or a required date (due to regulatory, compliance or other factors)

Completed jointly by IS&T and the Requestor (Page 2)

Project Cost Estimates – Identify the recurring and one-time costs for developing, implementing, and supporting this project, as well as the additional funding being requested. Please identify costs by categories where possible and if the category is unknown, use the “other costs” category. If more than one solution is being proposed, please provide the cost for each.
One Time Costs / Recurring Costs / Notes/Details
External Resources
Hardware Purchase
Software Purchase
HW/SW Maintenance
Other Costs
* = Salary, Wages and Benefits; include all development costs under ‘one time’
Please identify the additional funding outside the scope of your recurring budget dollars, that will be needed for this project $______.
Projected Effort – For projects identify if the effort is (Small = 6 to 12, Medium = 12+ - 100 or Large = > 100 person months); For enhancements provide an estimate of the number of weeks
Risk Value Tool Scoring – Provide results from Risk Value Analysis Tool (if used)
Value to Business: ______
Risk to Project: ______
Agreed to Solution – Enhancements Only – Describe the agreed upon solution
Request Evaluation: Internal Use Only
Request Assigned to:
□ Approved for further evaluation □ Not able to proceed at this time □ Implement
Next Steps:
Date reviewed: / Date communicated to IS&T-VP Staff:

Instructions for completing this form

1.  This form must be completed for all project and enhancement requests (see below).

  1. Project – Effort that requires greater than 6 person months to complete (for example, 2 people, full-time for slightly over 3 months)
  2. Enhancement – improvement or change to existing functions that requires greater than one week to complete but less than 6 person months.

2.  Requestor completes page one and emails to . Appropriate director or team reviews, assigns and verifies/updates page one (with agreement from requestor). IS&T then assists with completion of page 2. Detailed cost estimates & Risk Value Scoring are only completed for projects.

3.  Questions – send email to .

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