Study Guide – Spring Final

Land Policies, Yazoo Land Fraud

  1. Who originally owned the land given away in the land lotteries?
  2. Why was the Yazoo Land fraud a major scandal?
  3. What was the result of the YLF?
  4. What happened to the land in the YLF that was sold to settlers?
  5. What factors contributed to the growth of the slave population in GA?
  6. Which groups could participate in the land lotteries?
  7. What was the impact of the Headright System?

Boll Weevil, Drought, Great Depression

  1. Which industry was devastated by the boll weevil?
  2. What event precipitated the Great Depression and caused the nickname “Dust Bowl”
  3. What were the causes of the Great Depression?
  4. What were the results of the Great Depression?
  5. Which word best describes GA’s farm economy leading up to the 1930”s.
  6. Why was President Hoover criticized during the Great Depression?

Removal of the Creeks and Cherokees

  1. Why was Alexander McGillivray important?
  2. What did Sequoyah contribute to the Cherokee Indians?
  3. What was the “Trail of Tears”?
  4. What was the case “Worcester vs. Georgia” and who was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court that ruled in this case?
  5. Who was John Ross?
  6. What happened to William McIntosh?
  7. What discovery contributed to the removal of the Cherokee from GA?
  8. Which U.S. President was instrumental in the Indian removal from GA?

Technological Developments

  1. How did the cotton gin impact Georgia?
  2. Who is credited with the invention of the cotton gin?
  3. What is the purpose of the cotton gin?
  4. What invention helped GA ship goods within the state and to the rest of the United States?
  5. Which event gave farmers access to the Mississippi River?
  6. Which field contributed MOST to GA’s economy between the Revolutionary and Civil Wars?

Causes of the Civil War

  1. What was the outcome of the Dred Scott case?
  2. How were the Missouri Compromise, Kansas-Nebraska Act, and Compromise similar?
  3. What were the outcomes of the Missouri Compromise?

Civil War:

  1. What was the significance of Fort Sumter?
  2. What was the bloodiest one day battle of the Civil War?
  3. What was Chickamauga’s importance?
  4. What was the Emancipation Proclamation?
  5. Which action prevented goods from being sold and supplies brought into the South?
  6. Which ports were part of the blockade?
  7. Why did the Confederates not free the slaves as directed by Lincoln?
  8. What was the purpose of Sherman’s March to the Sea?
  9. What was the name of the Confederate prison camp located in GA?
  10. Which railroad hub did the Union army capture after their defeat at Chickamauga?
  11. Which battle was considered the turning point in the Civil War?


  1. What did each of these amendments do?




  1. What was Reconstruction?
  2. Who were the Radical Republicans?
  3. Which African American was elected to Georgia’s state legislature?
  4. Which African American was elected to the U.S. Senate but eventually removed?
  5. Who were the KKK?
  6. This policy was upheld by the Supreme Court as “separate but equal”.
  7. What were the Black Codes?
  8. What is sharecropping?

End of Reconstruction:

  1. Who was known as the “Spokesman of the New South”?
  2. Which group was unfairly represented by the distribution of votes under the County Unit system?
  3. Who was the first woman in the U. S. Senate?
  4. Which Georgian is best described by the phrases “accommodation” and “dignify and glorify” common labor?
  5. What are some of the ways that whites used violence against African Americans?
  6. Why was Alonzo Herndon important?

Spread of Religion and Education

  1. How was UGA different from other universities of the time?
  2. Why was GA’s capital moved from Louisville to Milledgeville?
  3. Why was the GA’s capital moved from Savannah to Louisville?
  4. What did the GA Baptist and Southern Baptist convention’s do?
  5. What was the religious movement of the 1800’s called?
  6. Which group used tent revivals and camp meetings?

Eugene Talmadge

  1. How did Eugene Talmadge begin his service to GA?
  2. Which term, often used by Talmadge, means overruling the state legislature?
  3. Why did Talmadge not serve his 4th term in office?
  4. Which event marked Talmadge’s third term as governor?
  5. Why did the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools remove accreditation from GA’s public universities in 1941?

World War I

  1. Which region of Europe sparked WWI?
  2. What was the major contribution of GA during WWI?
  3. Which event started WWI?
  4. What were the farming trends in GA after WWI?
  5. Who were the allied countries during the war?

New Deal

  1. Describe the following New Deal programs:
  1. Agricultural Adjustment Act
  2. Civilian Conservation Corps
  3. Rural Electrification Act
  4. Works Progress Administration
  1. What is an extreme low point in the economy called?

Post WWII Development

  1. Which Supreme Court case ended segregation in public schools?
  2. Why was the Sibley Commission formed?
  3. What were the significant results of Carl Vinson’s work?
  4. What was Ted Turner’s importance to GA?
  5. Who was called the father of aviation in GA?
  6. What was passed to guarantee protection from segregation and discrimination?
  7. Who was GA’s first African American mayor?
  8. Which former President from Georgia won the Noble Peace Prize?
  9. What event in 1996 helped strengthen GA’s economy and caused money to be invested in the state?
  10. What does Georgia-Pacific manufacture?
  11. What is an entrepreneur?

Civics and Government

  1. In GA, people are not allowed to register to vote if______.
  2. What are the duties of the General Assembly?
  3. What are the powers of the Governor?
  4. What does “delinquent behavior” describe?