Minute adopted at the ASCC meeting on 18/04/15

Association of Shetland Community Councils

Telephone: 01595 743906, email:


PRESENT: Hazel Anderson Bressay CC

Raymond Mainland Dunrossness CC

Donald Robertson Dunrossness CC

Averil Simpson Lerwick CC

Jim Anderson Lerwick CC

Alan MacDonald Northmaven CC

Maree Hay (Clerk) Northmaven CC

Ian F Walterson Sandness & Walls CC

Iris Sandison Sandness & Walls

James David Garrick Sandsting & Aithsting CC

Yvonne Malcolmson Sandwick CC

Kieran Malcolmson Sandwick CC

John Hunter Scalloway CC

Douglas Anderson Skerries CC

June Johnson Tingwall, Whiteness & Weisdale CC

Joyce Pole Tingwall, Whiteness & Weisdale CC

David Hughson Whalsay CC

Dan Thompson Yell CC

Annette Jamieson Yell CC

EX OFFICIO: Jim Gear, Chairman

Kate Massie, Administration Assistant (minute taker)

In Attendance

Catherine Hughson, Voluntary Action Shetland Executive Officer

Simon Bokor-Ingram – Director of Community Health & Social Care

Dr Sarah Taylor – Director of Public Health, NHS Shetland

Edna Mary Watson – Assistant Director of Nursing (Community), NHS Shetland

Christine Ferguson – Director SIC Corporate Services

Jan Riise – Executive Manager, SIC Governance & Law

Neil Grant – Director SIC Development Services

William Spence – SIC Infrastructure Department

Austin Taylor – Team Leader, SIC Development Plans & Heritage

Luke Brown – Development Plans Officer, SIC Planning

Cllr Michael Stout – Lerwick North

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2014/10/01 APOLOGIES

Apologies were received from Gulberick CC; Delting CC and Mr Alistair Christie Henry Bressay CC Chairman.


The minute of the previous meeting held on 5th April 2014 was adopted on the proposal of Mr Ian Walterson; seconded by Mr Jim Anderson.


3.1 Roads Update

Mr Neil Grant offered to provide an update to the meeting.

Mr Grant said that a list of works had been sent to each Community Council (CC). This was to gather information from each CC area to help the Council priorities essential work. The Council are working within their medium term financial plan, funding remains fairly restricted.

There are plans to introduce a “splitter island” at the Brig o’ Fitch. There has already been some resurfacing work and extra signage provided at this junction. Road safety at this section of road has been of great concern to CCs for some considerable time and they welcome this news. The changes will hopefully make the Brig o’ Fitch section safer for road users. It is also planned to improve signage and road markings at the Black Gaet junction.

Mr Anderson asked what the value was on the current budget. Mr Grant said that 100% is allocated to road maintenance. There is capital funding for infrastructure.

Mrs Christine Ferguson said there is a process of how things are prioritised in the capital programme. She said there is a “borrowing policy” to allow the Council to address urgent issues and this is constantly reviewed.

Mr Jan Riise said that feedback and support from communities is vital to the road works/infrastructure programme. Cllr Michael Stout agreed and reiterated that feedback from community groups is relevant.

The Chairman thanked Mr Grant for his input.

3.2 Update from Clerks meeting

Mrs Kate Massie said that the CC Clerks met on 6th September 2014.

The meeting was once again well attended. It is an informal occasion where there is general discussion/information sharing, and Clerks can raise any problems and issues they may be experiencing within their remit as CC Clerk. It was especially good to meet some the new Clerks this year. As agreed at the April ASCC meeting, I organised an afternoon training session for the Clerks.

Following our meeting in the morning we went on to do a short introduction on how to create an official Facebook page, delivered by Marc Coyne, SIC Adult Learning & Development Officer. Everyone found this helpful and interesting and Marc also offered ICT “trouble shooting” advice and follow up support to the Clerks.

I hope to continue this format for the Clerks meeting and maybe look at having a bi-annual meeting rather than an annual meeting, although this will only happen if the Clerks feel it is of value.


The Chairman introduced Dr Sarah Taylor, Mr Simon Boker-Ingram and Ms Edna Mary Watson. They all spoke on this item and gave the meeting an update on the localities project.

Mr Boker-Ingram said the Community Councils role is important in identifying needs for their area and there is a need to be mindful how budgets and services are divided throughout Shetland. Roles and responsibilities need to be clarified to enhance and strengthen work that is already being done.

The Chairman asked if there were any questions.

Mr Walterson asked if localities include GPs. Mr Boker-Ingram said yes, this was the case. Mr Walterson said if that was the case were they looking in reducing services which were already in place. Mr Boker-Ingram said that would not necessarily be the case. He said that this project is centrally driven and Shetland already works well with joint care and delivery of service. Mr Walterson said it was good that the project was engaging with communities.

Following further discussion the general consensus of those present is that social and health care will be better delivered as a “joined up” service.

Community Councils and the ASCC will continue to monitor this project.

The Chairman thanked Mr Boker-Ingram, Dr Taylor and Ms Watson for attending the meeting.


The Chairman introduced Mr William Spence from SIC Infrastructure and invited him to speak on this item.

Mr Spence gave a brief explanation on Council plans for the upkeep of burial grounds in Shetland. He said that the Council wanted to involve CCs in developing a business model to take this forward. A budget could be made available to CCs, probably in the form of a grant, to enable them to facilitate the work.

Mr Walterson said that this suggestion was worth looking at but pointed out that CCs do not want to become employers. Mr Spence said that to avoid having to employ someone to do the work they could sub contact to another local company/community development group.

Mr MacDonald said that Northmaven CC has close links with the Community Development Group in their area, so there is a possibility they could work together to deliver upkeep of burial grounds. He went on to say that they would need to know in advance what budget would be made available before agreeing to take on this work.

Mr Spence said that Council is looking at getting this underway next year. Cllr Stout said that this is an opportunity for CCs to obtain extra funding. He went on to say that he

would like to see CCs becoming more involved in budget efficiencies as he feels that CCs are able to see what is needed in their area at “grass roots” level.

Mr Jan Riise suggested that a pilot scheme could be introduced to help ascertain if this project would produce budget efficiencies. He went on to say that if CCs receive a grant for the upkeep of burial ground, sports pitch etc. it could possibly give them more autonomy over their own spending.

Further discussion ensued. The general consensus from Community Councillors is positive although further information is required. Mr Spence said that if CCs agree to the proposal then Council decision regarding upkeep of burial grounds would be reversed. It was agreed that CCs will liaise with Mr Spence on this matter.

The Chairman thanked Mr Spence for his contribution and for attending the meeting.


The Chairman introduced Mr Austin Taylor to the meeting.

Mr Taylor told the meeting that the LDP was adopted by the Council on 26th September 2014 and is the established planning policy for Shetland. It sets out the vision and spatial strategy, and is the Council’s established policy on land use throughout the Isles. It recognises existing developments, promotes sustainable economic growth and seeks to conserve Shetland’s natural and built environment.

The LDP has now replaced the old Structural and local Plans which are no longer relevant.

LDPs provide the vision for how communities will grow and develop in the future. They provide certainty for communities and developers about where development should take place and the supporting infrastructure required for growth. It’s a process rather than a thing. There are numerous publications but they follow the same pattern across Scotland.

Mr Taylor told the meeting that the LDP consists of the Plan itself; supplementary guidance documents; supporting documents and local development plan scheme. All these documents may be viewed and downloaded at www.shetland.gov.uk/ldp

The Chairman opened the floor for questions.

Mr John Hunter asked about the planning permission process. Mr Taylor said that the primary consideration is that planning meets requirements.

Mr Jim Anderson said that the LDP is a “live” document and is subject to change. Mr Taylor said that the drive is to move towards developing the main issues. He said that it is important that CCs and stakeholders become involved in this process.

The meeting went on to discuss the LDP. Some CCs feel that there is little protection for communities; they feel the process is made easy for developers. In some cases local CCs have no voice in developments in their area. Mr Taylor said that maybe some areas are not managed as well as they should be. In terms of areas of “best fit” it is what the Council finds is best for that area. There is still a lot of work to do within the LDP, it is a continuous process. The Plan is supposed to be replaced and reviewed every 5 years. The legal requirement is that it is updated and reviewed every year.

In response to questions about the planned housing development at the Staneyhill and CCs concerns about lack of development in rural areas. Mr Taylor said that the Plan is aimed at recognising the diverse needs of Shetland communities. He said that they have to respond to where most need is required.

CCs remain concerned about the lack of available social housing in rural areas. They feel that this needs to be addressed to protect and maintain the population in rural communities.

Following further discussion it was agreed to keep on the agenda for the next meeting.

2014/10/07 AOCB

7.1 Community Council Elections

The Chairman asked Mr Jan Riise to speak on this item.

Mr Riise told the meeting that, as it stands at the moment; eight Community Councils are on the brink of dissolution owing to a shortage of candidates for re-election. He felt it necessary to attend this meeting to outline the seriousness of the situation. By law, unless he has the application in his hand by 4pm on Tuesday 7/10/14, the Community Councils will be dissolved and their assets and liabilities will revert to the SIC. He emphasised this is not a technicality as the deadline for objections is the same.

Mr Riise circulated a document which indicated those CCs who face dissolution.

The Chairman said that these CCs need to make the deadline and ensure that all nomination forms are with Mr Riise on Tuesday.

Mrs Massie was instructed to schedule a press release to be broadcast on Radio Shetland on Monday 6/10/14.

Action: Kate Massie

7.2 Election of Office Bearers at April 2015 ASCC meeting

The Chairman reminded everyone that the Chairman and Vice Chairman’s term of office expired at the above meeting.


Mrs Massie approached the Chair to request that the date of the next meeting be set for later in April rather than the first Saturday in April 2015, as set down in the ASCC Standing Orders. She explained that she has a family event to attend on the mainland.

There were no objections from the Chair or from those CCllrs present and it was agreed, on this occasion, to suspend the Standing Orders with regard to the date of the ASCC meeting.

To this end the date of the next meeting is scheduled for Saturday 18th April at 11am, venue to be confirmed.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 1.30pm

