2015-2016Fontbonne Hall Academy

AP Physics 1Quarter I-II

Instructor: Mrs. A.TandilashviliStudy Guide #2

Topic: Motion in a Straight Line

Needed Equipment: A scientific calculator, a metric ruler and graph paper

a) Learning objectives / b) Learning activities
1. Define a force as an interaction between two object and identify corresponding force pairs / Text:p.76, section 4-1
2. Utilize free-body diagram to identify forces exerted on an object / Text: read: p. 87 - 92, section 4-7
Do: p.102 # 21, 22
3. Define mass and inertia and explain the meaning of Newton’s 1st Law / Text: read: p.76 –78 sections 4-2 and 4-3
Do: p.98 questions 1 - 5
Review Book:p.41 #55-57
4. Write and solve Newton’s 2nd Law equations corresponding to given free-body diagram. / Text: readp.78-80
Do: p.101-102 #11, 20
Review Book: p.41 #61, 62, 64, 68
5. Predict the motion of an object due to multiple forces by applying Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion / Text: p.78-80
Do: p.101 # 1, 3-16
Review Book: p.41-42 #58-60, 63, 65
9. Explain the meaning of Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion / Text: read p.81
Review Book: p. 42 #69
6.Define friction and distinguish between static and kinetic friction; determine the coefficient of friction for two surfaces / Text: readp.93-96
Do: p.103-104 # 36-39, 40-42, 44, 49(a), 51
Review Book: p.55-56 #116-123, 127-133
7. Calculate parallel and perpendicular components of an object’s weight to solve ramp problems. / Textbook: read p.97
Do: p.103 #39, p.52, 53-58
8. Analyze and solve basic Atwood Machine problems using Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion. / Text: do p.104 #47

Additional problems might be assigned

The following questions must be answered and submitted when the objectives of the study guide are complete:

  1. Can an object exert a force upon itself? Explain with an example.
  2. Design at least two separate experiments to measure the acceleration due to gravity on Earth’s surface using Newton’s 2nd
  3. For the following situations, identify the appropriate force pair: Batter hitting a baseball; Moon orbiting Earth; tree falling toward the ground; a skydiver falling at terminal velocity
  4. Design an experiment to determine both the kinetic and static coefficients of friction between two surfaces. Try it for a number of surfaces. Do any of the result surprise you? Explain.

c) Evaluation

Test – 40%

Quizzes – 20%

Lab – 25%

HW – 15%

d) Time Line

3 cycles