2015-2016Fontbonne Hall Academy
AP Physics 1Quarter I-II
Instructor: Mrs. A.TandilashviliStudy Guide #2
Topic: Motion in a Straight Line
Needed Equipment: A scientific calculator, a metric ruler and graph paper
a) Learning objectives / b) Learning activities1. Define a force as an interaction between two object and identify corresponding force pairs / Text:p.76, section 4-1
2. Utilize free-body diagram to identify forces exerted on an object / Text: read: p. 87 - 92, section 4-7
Do: p.102 # 21, 22
3. Define mass and inertia and explain the meaning of Newton’s 1st Law / Text: read: p.76 –78 sections 4-2 and 4-3
Do: p.98 questions 1 - 5
Review Book:p.41 #55-57
4. Write and solve Newton’s 2nd Law equations corresponding to given free-body diagram. / Text: readp.78-80
Do: p.101-102 #11, 20
Review Book: p.41 #61, 62, 64, 68
5. Predict the motion of an object due to multiple forces by applying Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion / Text: p.78-80
Do: p.101 # 1, 3-16
Review Book: p.41-42 #58-60, 63, 65
9. Explain the meaning of Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion / Text: read p.81
Review Book: p. 42 #69
6.Define friction and distinguish between static and kinetic friction; determine the coefficient of friction for two surfaces / Text: readp.93-96
Do: p.103-104 # 36-39, 40-42, 44, 49(a), 51
Review Book: p.55-56 #116-123, 127-133
7. Calculate parallel and perpendicular components of an object’s weight to solve ramp problems. / Textbook: read p.97
Do: p.103 #39, p.52, 53-58
8. Analyze and solve basic Atwood Machine problems using Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion. / Text: do p.104 #47
Additional problems might be assigned
The following questions must be answered and submitted when the objectives of the study guide are complete:
- Can an object exert a force upon itself? Explain with an example.
- Design at least two separate experiments to measure the acceleration due to gravity on Earth’s surface using Newton’s 2nd
- For the following situations, identify the appropriate force pair: Batter hitting a baseball; Moon orbiting Earth; tree falling toward the ground; a skydiver falling at terminal velocity
- Design an experiment to determine both the kinetic and static coefficients of friction between two surfaces. Try it for a number of surfaces. Do any of the result surprise you? Explain.
c) Evaluation
Test – 40%
Quizzes – 20%
Lab – 25%
HW – 15%
d) Time Line
3 cycles