Purpose of the Impact Statement

ACT Health is committed to improving the health of vulnerable people and to closing the gap in life expectancy between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians. In striving to achieve this goal it is important that the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people be considered at the policy formulation stage. The ACT Health Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Impact Statement (Impact Statement) is a key tool available to assist staff in their work and assist ACT Health, pursue its goal of closing the life expectancy gap.

Not all policy documents require an Impact Statement. Some policies are generic in nature, and affect all staff and clients without significant difference.

The Impact Statement is a requirement of ACT Health’s Policy Management Policy, to be considered for use in the development of all draft plans, policies and strategies requiring endorsement by the Executive Director’s Council (EDC). Staff developing policies, strategies and plans should seek to determine, in consultation with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Unit (ATSIHU), whether or not an Impact Statement is required. If it is required, it must be completed and submitted to the Manager, ATSIHU, prior to submitting the policy document for endorsement.

The Impact Statement is used (along with the draft document) to assess whether the health needs of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are incorporated in the draft document and how this will be evaluated and reported.

Completing an Impact Statement will require:

  • Contacting the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Unit (ATSIHU) for advice;
  • Engaging and consulting with the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, representative bodies and/or community organisations;
  • Obtaining relevant evidence/information on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health;
  • Incorporating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health need into ACT Health policy for implementation, evaluation and reporting purposes;
  • Submitting a draft document and draft Impact Statement to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Unit for assessment and sign off prior to submitting to the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) and the EDC.

Note:Assessing an Impact Statement (and the relevant draft documents) may take up to five (5) working days. Therefore it is important to allow time for clearance by ATSIHU within your development process timeline.

TheACT Health Guide, Engaging and Consulting with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities in the ACT, 2015 has been developed to assist ACT Health staff in the process of consulting,engaging and building partnerships with the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, community organisations and representative bodies.

The Impact Statement and guide are located on the ACT Health policy/clinical guidance register.



1.Title of Draft Plan, Policy, or Strategy document


2.Line area responsible (include details of contact person)



3.When is the draft document due to be submitted to the PAC and EDC?


4.Did consultations occur with any of the following Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanderstakeholders? (please tick)

The ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body (ATSIEB)

United Ngunnawal Elders Council (UNEC)

Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service

Gugan Gulwan Youth Aboriginal Corporation

ACT Torres Strait Islander’s Corporation

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Officers (located Canberra Hospital, Mental Health Justice Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs)

An ACT Health committee containing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives

5.If an ACT Health committee provides community advice on this health policy, plan or strategy, is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community representative included on the committee?



6.Were any difficulties experienced in engaging or consulting with the above ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders? (please tick)

YESIf yes, please describe below.





7.Wasthe guide, Engaging and Consulting with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities in the ACT2015 used to assist in the consultation and planning process? (please tick)

YESIf yes, please describe below.





8.Were comments or outcomes of consultations with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community stakeholders considered or incorporated in the draft document and if so what was done as a result of those comments?

YESIf yes, please describe below.





9.WhatAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health related reports, policy or publicationswere used in developing the draft document? (please list)





10. Have any additional resources (if any)been identified as necessary to addressthe specific health needs of the ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communitieswithin the draftdocument?

YESIf yes, please describe below.





11.Has advice provided by ATSIHU been incorporated into the final draft document?



To be completed by ATSIHU:

Date of initial contact for advice/support: ______

Date submitted for assessment: ______

Final draft document submitted on: ______

Sign Off by Manager ATSIHU



Date approved: ______

ATSIHU Manager Phone Contact: 6207 9172


ACT Health, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Impact Statement 2015

Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register