Items in Green Reflect changes made in September 2009.

/ Course / ACCT 209, Online Section, Individual and Business Taxes
Instructor / Professor Patricia Davis
Credits / 3 credits
Term / Summer Session 2010
Meetings / Online course

Instructor’s Contact Information

Office Phone / 570 -945-8424
Emergency Contact / In the event of an emergency, contact Becky Berardis 570-945-8433
Office Location / Harris Hall 408
Email Address /
Office Hours / Tuesdays 7-8 pm for online chat using Blackboard.
Syllabus Changes / Instructor's reserve the right to make changes to the syllabus as needed, and you are responsible for keeping up with those changes. Please logon regularly to Blackboard to get the most current information.
Other Information / E-mails will be answered within 24 hours. Assignments will be corrected and returned within 48 hours.

Course Description & Information

Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, & other restrictions / Online Learning Expectations: To be successful academically, online students must be able to navigate & search the internet, use email, attach and upload documents, download & save files, and have access to and use Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint.
Course Description / Introduces the student to the IRS code, covering the basic 1040 and other forms essential to its completion in detail. The course covers the Tax Code as it relates to partnerships and corporations.
Required Readings / Income Tax Fundamentals by, Whittenburg, 28th edition (2010). ISBN 978-11111-22188. H & R Block Tax Cut software is included with the textbook.
Buying Textbooks / Please note that the Keystone College Bookstore has the most complete and up-to-date information about your course textbooks. Be sure you are purchasing the correct edition and receive all the materials you need.
Recommended Readings / Additional Web sites as assigned by the instructor.
Special Software/Hardware / TaxCut software included with the textbook. All students enrolled in online courses are required to have active Keystone e-mail and Blackboard accounts. Students are expected to begin participation in their virtual classroom on Blackboard the first day of the semester. This course requires the completion of an online orientation the first week of class. Failure to complete the orientation will result in the student being dropped from the class. Basic computer skills such as word processing, use of e-mail including sending file attachments and searching the Internet are necessary. Installed software should include a Web browser, Microsoft Office (Microsoft Word/Excel), Windows Media Player, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Some courses may require additional software. DSL or cable connection to the Internet is recommended. Internet connection to Blackboard is only supported using Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher. Note: JavaScript & Cookies must be enabled.
Browser/Plugin/Viewer Info / For standard Browser/Plugin/Viewer visit this page:
Other Required Materials / H & R Block TaxCut software that is included with the textbook.

Course Goals, Objectives/Outcomes

Learning Outcomes / At the completion of this course, students will have sufficient knowledge and experience to prepare an individual tax return using TaxCut software.
I / Students will be able to prepare tax returns for individuals
II / Students will utilize tax preparation software
III / Students will gain an understanding of partnership tax problems and situations
IV / Students will gain an understanding of corporation tax problems and situations
Number / Assessments / Outcomes
1 / Assignments / I, II, III, IV
2 / PowerPoint Slides / II, III. IV
3 / Discussion Board Forum / I. II. III. IV
4 / Tests / I. II. III. IV


Grading (credit) Criteria / There will be an assignment due every Thursday covering one chapter of material. Assignments must be posted by 9:00 pm on Thursday and will be graded within 48 hours. Each assignment is valued at 50 points. There will be a timed test on each chapter of material every Saturday. The tests are valued at 100 points each. There will be a discussion board forum every week that requires your participation (see below). Discussion Board participation is worth 20 points each. PowerPoint slide review each week is worth 5 points. There are a total of 2100 possible points for this course. See breakdown below.
A 1974 94 – 100 % Assignments 600
A- 1890 90-93 % Tests 1200
B+ 1827 87-89 % Discussion Boards 240
B 1743 83-86 % PowerPoint 60
B - 1680 80-82 %
C + 1596 76-79 %
C 1470 70-75 %
D 1365 65-69%
F Below 1365 Below 64 %
Assignments / Assignments for each chapter are due each week on Thursday by 9:00 pm. Online assignments include completion of chapter discussion questions, exercises, and problems. Assignments must be attached to Blackboard by the due date. Please contact me early in the week if you are experiencing software problems. Failure to complete assignments in a timely fashion will not be an excuse for late completion. You can submit assignments before the due date but grading may not occur until all assignments are submitted to prevent sharing of answers.
Discussion Board Criteria / Students will respond to the weekly discussion board forums by Wednesday 9:00 pm. The initial post with substantive response will receive 10 points. You must also respond to at least two other learners with a substantive post by Saturday at 9:00 pm each week. The substantive responses are worth 5 points each. (See attached description of what constitutes a substantive post under Course Documents). Everyone must contribute to the Discussion Board Forums.
Make-Up& Late Work / There is no credit for late or missing assignments unless you contact me with prior computer or software problems. Your failure to complete the work in a timely fashion will not be graded.
Extra Credit / There are no extra credit assignments for this course.
Class Preparation & Participation / Students are expected to log on at least 3 times a week to complete assignments, tests and discussion board forums. This is the minimum requirement for this course.

Course Policies

Make-Up Exams / There are no make up exams for this course.
Extra Credit / No extra credit assignments for this course
Late Work / No credit for work submitted after the deadlines
Special Assignments / No special assignments
Class Attendance / Students will log on to this site at least 3 times a week to complete assignments, tests and discussion board forums. Deadlines will be strictly enforced and failure to complete assignments, discussion board forums, and /or tests by the due dates is not acceptable practice for an online course and will result in a failing grade.
Student Conduct/ Netiquette / For Netiquette information, visit this webpage:
Special Procedures / Tests are timed and must be completed within the period for each exam. Please allow sufficient time to complete the exam before the due date. Prior computer or software problems need to be addressed with the instructor.
Blackboard Support / For Blackboard assistance or e-mail the Blackboard administrator at
For a New Student Orientation to Blackboard, visit:
For tutorials on using specific aspects of Blackboard, visit http://academic/ksussman/blackboard_student_training.htm
Technical Support /
You can gettechnical support or assistance by visiting the Technology Support page here: or by contacting the IT Helpdesk at(570) 945-8778or
Plagiarism & Academic Integrity /
Academic misconduct and dishonesty includes any activity that compromises the academic integrity of the College or subverts the educational process. For information on dishonest acts including plagiarism, cheating, and fraud, consult your Student Information Guide or click on the link below. If you have any questions, talk with your instructor.
Copyright Notice / The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials, including music and software. Copying, displaying, reproducing, or distributing copyrighted works may infringe the copyright owner’s rights and such infringement is subject to appropriate disciplinary action as well as criminal penalties provided by federal law. Usage of such material is only appropriate when that usage constitutes “fair use” under the Copyright Act. As a Keystone College student, you are required to follow the College’s copyright policy. For more information about the fair use exemption, see the Miller Library’s copyright page:
Email Use / Keystone College states that all official student email correspondence be sent only to a student’s Keystone email address and that faculty and staff consider email from students official only if it originates from a Keystone account. This allows the College to maintain a high degree of confidence in the identity of all individuals and the security of transmitted information. Keystone College furnishes each student with a free email account that is to be used in all communication with College personnel.
Withdrawal from Class / The College has set deadlines for withdrawing from courses. These dates and times are published in the course catalog and on the Academic Calendar. It is the student's responsibility to handle withdrawal requirements from any class. You must do the proper paperwork to ensure that you will not receive a final grade of "F" in a course if you choose not to attend once you are enrolled. If you are considering withdrawing from a class, talk with your Advisor and consult the College Catalog.
Academic Grievance Procedures / Procedures for student grievances are found in the College Catalog. Please consult the procedures before taking action.
Please note: The first step in attempting to resolve any student grievance regarding grades, evaluations, or other fulfillments of academic responsibility, is to make a serious effort to resolve the matter with the instructor. The College Catalog outlines any subsequent steps.
Incomplete Grades / According to the College Catalog, an Incomplete (“I”) will only be awarded in the case of exceptional circumstances. Mere inability to submit work on time, or missing the final exam, is not valid reasons for an Incomplete.
Students must make arrangements with the instructor prior to the final exam it they wish to receive a grade of incomplete. (Forms are available in the Office of the Registrar.) The deadline for the completion of the coursework is four weeks into the next semester. If the course work is not completed within the specified time frame, the incomplete grade will become an “F.”
ADA Statement / Keystone College does not discriminate in any of its programs on the basis of disability.
While there is not a deadline for the disclosure of a disability by a student, in order to facilitate the documentation and accommodation processes, students are encouraged to voluntarily and confidentially disclose and disability requiring an accommodation prior to the beginning of class. This disclosure should be made to Owen Conaghan, College Counselor & Coordinator of Disability Services. Students who disclose a disability, and who are seeking an accommodation, ultimately will be expected to provide documentation verifying the disability.
KC Connect /
For information about classes & advisers, to check midterm and final grades or to register for classes, logon to KC Connect.
Tutoring Info / The College does offer tutoring assistance for many courses. For more information or to schedule an appointment, consult the Tutoring webpage here:
Advising & Other Student Support Info /
For information about academic advising, visit the Academic Advising Center homepage here:
For a list of Student Support Services, visit the Support Services webpage here:
Bookstore Info /
Visit the Bookstore at this link:
Library Info / .

Schedule of Assignments Tentative

Module # and date / Modular Learning Objectives / Assignments
Orientation module – # 1 June 7, 2010
Module # 2 The Individual Tax Return – June 7-12, 2010
Chapter 1 / Learn to navigate the online classroom, review the syllabus, and Netiquette requirements.
Meet the other members of the class.
Introduction to Tax Cut Software
Understand history of U/S. tax code
Describe various tax entities
Determine filing status
Determine dependency deductions
Differentiate between standard and itemized deductions
Access and review various Internet tax resources / Follow instructions under Course Documents
Introductions and “Getting to Know Me” on Discussion Board
Install TaxCut software
Complete assignments (50 pts.)
View PowerPoint slides (5 pts)
Complete Discussion Board Forum (20pts)
Complete test ( 100pts)
Access the following Websites: IRS (, TaxCut (, Thomson PPC(
Module # 3
June 13-19, 2010
Chapter 2 Gross Income
and Exclusions / Understand and apply the definition
of gross income.
Calculate the taxable and non taxable
Portions of annuities.
Understand the rules regarding
exclusions for life insurance, scholarships,
health insurance, etc. / Complete assignments (50 pts)
Review PowerPoint slides ( 5 pts)
Complete Discussion Board
Forum ( 20 pts.)
Complete test ( 100 pts)
Module # 4
June 20-26
Chapter 3
Business Income and
Expenses, Part I / Apply tax rules for rental property.
Explain passive income and losses.
Identify deductions for adjusted gross income.
Describe rules for IRA’s, Roth IRA’s, Keough and SEP
Plans, 401(k) plans, and pension rollovers. / Complete assignments ( 50 pts)
Review PowerPoint slides ( 5pts)
Complete Discussion Board
Forum ( 20 pts)
Complete test ( 100 pts)
Module # 5
June 27 – July 3
Chapter 4
Business Income and
Expenses, Part II / Classify self-employed and employee expenses.
Identify requirements for travel expenses, complete Form
Determine home office deduction.
Complete basic Schedule C. / Complete assignments ( 50 pts)
Review PowerPoint slides ( 5pts)
Complete Discussion Board
Forum ( 20 pts).
Complete test ( 100 pts)
Module # 6
July 4- 10
Chapter 5
Itemized deductions / Determine various itemized deductions such as taxes,
interest, medical, charitable, casualty and theft loss, and
Compute itemized deductions for phase-out for high-income
. / Complete assignments ( 50 pts)
Review PowerPoint slides ( 5pts)
Complete Discussion Board
Forum ( 20 pts)
Complete test ( 100 pts)
Module # 7
July 11-17
Chapter 6
Credits and Special
Module # 8
Module # 9
Chapter 7
Accounting Periods
And depreciation / Calculate child tax credit.
Determine the earned income credit ( EIC)
Compute child and dependent care credit form
Apply rules for American Opportunity and lifetime learning
Understand the basic alternative minimum tax calculation.
Reflection at mid-way
Understand the concept of depreciation.
Determine accounting period.
Identify Section 179 property.
Apply limitations for “ listed property” and “ luxury
automobiles” / Complete assignments ( 50 pts)
Review PowerPoint slides ( 5pts)
Complete Discussion Board
Forum ( 20 pts)
Complete test ( 100 pts)
Complete mid-term evaluation and reflection
Complete assignments ( 50 pts)
Review PowerPoint slides ( 5 pts)
Complete Discussion Board
Forum ( 20 pts)
Complete test ( 100 pts) / ( 100 pts)
Module # 10
July 18-24
Chapter 8
Capital Gains and
Losses Module # 10
Module # 11
Chapter 9
Withholding, Payroll
Taxes, and Estimated
/ Define “capital asset:” and holding period.
Calculate gain or loss on disposal of asset.
Compute the tax on long-term and short –term capital assets.
Understand the treatment of Section 1231 assets and recapture
Compute withholding tax from employee wages.
Determine quarterly estimated payments
Understand FICA tax, the federal deposit system, and payroll
Calculate self-employment tax.
Compute amount of FUTA. / Complete assignments ( 50 pts)
Review PowerPoint slides ( 5 pts)
Complete Discussion Board
Forum ( 20 pts)
Complete test ( 100 pts)
Complete assignments ( 50 pts)
Review PowerPoint slides ( 5 pts)
Complete Discussion Board
Forum ( 20 pts)
Complete Test ( 100 pts)
.Module # 12
July 25-31
Chapter 10
Partnership Taxation / Define a partnership for tax purposes.
Understand the basic rules for partnerships and operations.
Understand the application of the at-risk rule to partnerships.
Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of limited liability
Companies ( LLC’s) / Complete assignments ( 50 pts)
Review PowerPoint slides ( 5pts)
Complete Discussion Board
Forum ( 20 pts)
Complete test ( 100 pts).
Module # 13
August 1-7
Chapter 11
The Corporate Income
Tax / Calculate corporate tax liability.
Identify the components of Schedule M-1 and reporting to
Understand how and S corporation is taxed. / Complete assignments ( 50 pts)
Review PowerPoint slides ( 5 pts)
Complete Discussion Board
Forum ( 20 pts0.
Complete test ( 100 pts).
Module # 14
August 8-14
Chapter 12
Tax Planning
Module # 15
Final Evaluation / Identify the organizational structure of the IRS.
Understand the audit process.
Define penalties and application
Describe the rules that apply to tax practitioners and Taxpayer Bill
of Rights.
Understand concepts of tax planning
Evaluate course and learning experience / Complete assignments ( 50 pts)
Review PowerPoint slides ( 5 pts)
Complete Discussion Board
Forum ( 20 pts)
Complete test ( 100 pts).
Complete evaluation survey

“This workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded under Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The solution was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This solution is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use by an organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial purposes is permissible. All other uses require the prior authorization of the copyright owner.”