Name______AP Statistics

AP Statistics Summer Assignment

Read through the Explorations Activities and familiarize yourself with the calculator. Work on each activity as written and make sure you know how to use the functions on your TI-83+/84+.

Using the activities as a guide, use the data below to create the graphs and charts requested. This should be handed in on the first full day of class. On the first full Friday of school, you will have a quiz to test your knowledge of the graphing calculator; more will be explained when school starts. Good luck – email me if you have questions at

1.  The following table displays the IQ scores of 60 fifth-grade students chosen at random from one school:

145 / 139 / 126 / 122 / 125 / 130 / 96 / 110 / 118 / 118
100 / 142 / 134 / 124 / 112 / 109 / 134 / 113 / 81 / 113
123 / 94 / 100 / 136 / 109 / 131 / 117 / 110 / 127 / 124
106 / 124 / 115 / 133 / 116 / 102 / 127 / 117 / 109 / 137
117 / 90 / 103 / 114 / 139 / 101 / 122 / 105 / 97 / 89
102 / 108 / 110 / 128 / 114 / 112 / 114 / 102 / 82 / 101

Enter the data in your graphing calculator and save it as a list named IQ. Use the data to answer the following on a separate page. Use graph paper and be neat!

a)  On a separate page, construct a frequency table for these IQ scores, with a class width of size 10.

b)  Calculate the relative frequencies for each class and list them in the next column on the frequency table.

c)  Calculate the cumulative relative frequencies for each class and list them in the final column on the table.

d)  Draw a relative frequency histogram for the data.

e)  Draw a cumulative relative frequency graph (ogive) for the data.

f)  Draw a stemplot (stem-and-leaf plot) for the data.

g)  Draw a boxplot (box-and-whisker plot) for the data. List the 5-number summary.

Copy this chart onto a separate page to answer parts 1 a-c.

Class / Frequency / Relative Frequency / Cumulative Relative Frequency

2.  The following table gives data on average per capita wine consumption and heart disease death rates in 19 countries.

Country / Alcohol from wine (liters/year) / Heart disease death rate (per 100,000) / Country / Alcohol from wine (liters/year) / Heart disease death rate (per 100,000)
Australia / 2.5 / 211 / Ireland / 0.7 / 300
Austria / 3.9 / 167 / Italy / 7.9 / 107
Luxembourg / 2.9 / 131 / Netherlands / 1.8 / 167
Canada / 2.4 / 191 / New Zealand / 1.9 / 266
Denmark / 2.9 / 220 / Norway / 0.8 / 227
Finland / 0.8 / 297 / Spain / 6.5 / 86
France / 9.1 / 71 / Sweden / 1.6 / 207
Germany / 2.7 / 172 / Switzerland / 5.8 / 115
Iceland / 0.8 / 211 / United Kingdom / 1.3 / 285
United States / 1.2 / 199

a)  Construct a scatterplot for these data on graph paper. Describe the relationship between the 2 variables.

b)  Determine the equation of the least-squares regression line for predicting heart disease death rate from wine consumption using these data. Interpret the slope and y-intercept in the context of the problem.