Planning for next steps: LA Action Plan Template

LA Name:
Total Funded Places / KS2 English / KS2 Maths / KS3 English / KS3 Maths / KS4 (NC) English / KS4 (NC) Maths
1731 / 1731 / 1311 / 1311 / 159 / 150

Key Milestones

Started Autumn* Term 2009 / Started Spring Term 2010 / Started Summer Term 2010 / Total allocation 2009-10
Tuition Places KS2 English / 500 / 1000 / 231 / 1731
Tuition Places KS2 Maths / 500 / 1000 / 231 / 1731
Tuition Places KS3 English / 250 / 750 / 311 / 1311
Tuition Places KS3 Maths / 250 / 750 / 311 / 1311
Tuition Places KS4 (NC) English / 59 / 100 / 159
Tuition Places KS4 (NC) Maths / 50 / 100 / 150
Summer Term 09 / Autumn Term 09 / Spring Term 10 / Summer Term 10
Tuition Places KS2 English / 900 / 500 / 1000 / 231
Tuition Places KS2 Maths / 900 / 500 / 1000 / 231
Tuition Places KS3 English / 250 / 750 / 311
Tuition Places KS3 Maths / 250 / 750 / 311
Tuition Places KS4 (NC) English / 59 / 100
Tuition Places KS4 (NC) Maths / 50 / 100

*Complete each column with details of the number of tuition sessions you expect to have started during that term. Pupils should not be noted more than once, even where their sessions span 2 terms. E.g. if a pupil has tuition in English which starts in the Autumn Term and is completed during the Spring Term they should be included in the Autumn Term only.

Planning for next steps: LA Action Plan Template

KEY - Red are QA measures and that blue indicates added since July 09

Action Planning

/ Implementation /
Locating tuition strategy clearly within LA integrated support plan.
Called the Learning Improvement Plan or LIP / Action
Identifying exactly which reference, team and impact statement is appropriate / Detailed Action
5. At the end of KS2, 81% of pupils achieve L4 in English and mathematics, 90% make 2 levels of progress in EN and 88% make 2 levels of progress in maths
6 At the end of KS3, 77% of pupils achieve L5 in English and mathematics, 67% make 2 levels of progress in Ma and 35% make 2 levels of progress in EN.
7. At the end of KS4, 58% of pupils achieve 5+ A* to C grades including En and Ma
Further statements are 11, 12, 18, 20, 23 The gaps in attainments between disadvantaged areas and the rest of Lancashire are reduced at all key stages, 25, 26, 33 The attainment of LAC is improved at all key stages, 35, 40,
Those statements detailed are ones which 121 will have a significant impact within, those enumerated are ones where the tuition strategy is a factor but not significant. / Target Date
Summer 2010 / Actual Date Completed / Lead
Senior advisers in the LA at all Key Stages. / Impact Measure
Stated / Evidence: Progress to Impact Measure
All LA regular and rigorous processes to identify improvement and maintain it, also those to identify early failing and to seek to quickly support and improve.
LA Name:
Total Funded Places / KS2 English / KS2 Maths / KS3 English / KS3 Maths / KS4 (NC) English / KS4 (NC) Maths

Key Milestones

Started Autumn* Term 2009 / Started Spring Term 2010 / Started Summer Term 2010 / Total allocation 2009-10
Tuition Places KS2 English / 500 / 1000 / 231 / 1731
Tuition Places KS2 Maths / 500 / 1000 / 231 / 1731
Tuition Places KS3 English / 250 / 750 / 311 / 1311
Tuition Places KS3 Maths / 250 / 750 / 311 / 311
Tuition Places KS4 (NC) English / 59 / 100 / 150
Tuition Places KS4 (NC) Maths / 59 / 100 / 59
Summer Term 09 / Autumn Term 09 / Spring Term 10 / Summer Term 10
Tutor Numbers KS2 English / 100 / 100 / 200 / 45
Tutor Numbers KS2 Maths / 100 / 100 / 200 / 45
Tutor Numbers KS3 English / 45 / 145 / 52
Tutor Numbers KS3 Maths / 45 / 145 / 52
Tutor Numbers KS4 (NC) English / 6 / 20
Tutor Numbers KS4 (NC) Maths / 5 / 20

* Complete each column with details of the number of tuition sessions you expect to have started during that term. Pupils should not be noted more than once, even where their sessions span 2 terms. E.g. If a pupil has tuition in English which starts in the Autumn Term and is completed during the Spring Term they should be included in the Autumn Term column only

Action Planning

/ Implementation /
Priority / Action / Detailed Action / Target Date / Actual Date Completed / Lead / Impact Measure / Evidence: Progress to Impact Measure /
1Roll Out / SM briefings
Head Teacher and Project Lead Briefings / Presentation to Secondary Strategy Managers with Key Actions for September emphasised.
Head Teachers targeted through invitation to briefings via portal
Liaison to commence re allocation to Special and Short Stay Schools / June 26th and 30th 09
September 009
June 09 / HK
HK.SEN Adviser / All targeted schools fully briefed re project with detailed information about initiative by Xmas 2009 / Numbers attending SM briefings
All schools understand what key actions must be taken
No of portal communications opened
No of queries/further info contacts made and satisfied.
No of acceptances to September briefings.
Information Pack sent to al ‘untouched’ schools by Xmas 2009
2 Information Pack to support implementation / An information pack to be prepared for guidance for Project Leads.
Project Lead Networks
Website / Pack to include details of pilot models, HR implications, model pay policy, governor advice and info on recruitment of tutors, PA reps advice
Based on local and any relevant national pilot recommendations
Sessions at various items and venues to be offered to support roll-out for school leads.
A dedicated website with al relevant information and guidance form national and local sources to assist schools to implement and develop good practice in 121. / September 4th
3 termly, 2009-2010
Instigated September 09 / HK
HK/admin / Pack effective in supporting schools
By July 2011 fewer than 10% of LA schools requesting continuation of network
80% of schools access and use website / Percentage positive sample evaluations in progress of implementation
Noted queries and resolutions, adjustments made to pack [on-line version]
Attendance at networks diminishes over terms, due to confidence in managing alone
Initial national guidance and local case studies up
Pilot authority good practice up
Case studies added
Materials added for tutors
Dates and training added regularly
Updates added at regular intervals.
Measured by increasing number of hits on site.
Priority :
Staffing Needs / Action / Detailed Action / Target Date / Lead / Actual Date / Impact measure / Evidence to impact measure /
Steering Group / Instituted / Group comprises professionals representing all interested parties who can take strategic decisions for the LA / April 09 and ½ termly / Secondary Strategy and Primary Strategy Managers Alison Hartley [AH] and Paul Duckworth [PD]
Summer term 2009 initially.
From Autumn 2009 tba / April 09 / Steering Group has acted as an effective critical friend in establishing and rolling out an effective global LA model for 1 2 1 / Measurable, regular, decrease in identified issues that are unresolved over project lifespan
Project Lead / In post / project leader to strategically manage the day to day implementation of the LA support / July 2011 / PD/AH / May 09 / Tuition Strategy over 90% successful in raising desired attainment in LA by 2011
Tuition Strategy is seen as fundamental in Closing the Gap
Project Leader is not needed as schools self- managing the strategy
Tutors to match allocated places in the Authority’s schools / TDA base details supplied to schools on website under data protection protocols
Tutor recruitment proceeds at a rate in line with or exceeding milestone trajectory / HR to screen arrangements, ICT to support in providing all schools with a password and user name to access the base.
Project lead to monitor DCSF data collection site regularly to assure the trajectory is matched. Action to be taken if trajectory falls
LA screening in place to allocate induction to tutors already in schools or starting to take up tuition / 100% of tutor places filled by end of 2 years.
By 2011, data from schools highlights performance of students improved against the 121 selection criteria and is contributing meaningfully to ‘Closing the Gap’
All schools confident and able to operate the strategy independently. LA support valued as good or better in 90% of schools / Measurable and regular increase in tutor places through individual tutor places recorded.
Measurable decline in queries and unresolved issues form LA schools
Regular reviews of LA support move towards good or better in regular measurement of evaluations.
Consultant ratio to assist and support 1 2 1 project. / Proportion of consultant time in primary secondary maths and English allocated to support the project / Consultants deployed to
design and deliver tutor training at all levels both centrally and individually
Consultants to assist schools to identify appropriate students in their IS schools
Consultants to assist with issues and solutions in schools other than their own IS within their 121 ratio
Consultants to support the QA process / 24th September and then regular review and action as an agenda item within whole team meetings
Throughout the year to follow agreed processes and review regularly
As needed. / HK/Sarah Watson, Principal Primary Strategy Consultant / 121 support in all aspects becomes established part of consultant support to LA schools
Fewer than 5% of unresolved issues by end of 2010
None by 2011 / Review demonstrates increasingly positive responses by consultants to their increased workload
Issues reported by schools resolved increasingly quickly and with confidence by consultants
Fewer issues reported to steering/lead as year progresses
Administrative Staff / Appoint the staff / Mainscale staff to deal with day to day admin arising from the project
Senior to identify and design processes to facilitate the project and to manage the website and moodle
Senior to manage work of main scale post
Senior to be very well briefed in all aspects of the initiative so that comprehensive support can be given to 500+ schools form office daily.
Project lead and admin staff have regular review and planning meetings
Admin staff to attend various support sessions when possible / ASAP / AH/PD/JP / Admin is proactive and effective / Number of reactive incidents is gradually reduced over 2 years
40% in year 1
50% in year 2
One-to-one Tuition Lancashire February 2009 /
1. Recruit a Strategic Lead person to oversee One-to-one tuition Strategy for Lancashire plus additional consultants using the funding for LAs( £392 541)
2. Initial information to be given to all schools through the Primary Heads’ Forum , Secondary Strategy Managers’ briefings plus letter to Heads via the portal – schools to recruit own tutors / February 2009 – intial information for secondary schools through the Strategy Managers’ briefings
3. Primary ATLs plus Area Teams / Secondary Team / Secondary Strategy Management Team : need to determine number of pupils per school / February 2009
4.Liaison with / provide information to:
·  Personnel
·  Legal Services
·  Other teams(LAC / SEN / GRTP / R &R / other ? etc)
·  Governor Services through publication / input at their training
·  Unions
·  Parent Partnership Team
·  SIPs / Secondary Advisers / Consultants
·  LTA
·  Information on LancsNGFL website (parents / pupils / schools /etc)
5. Consider recruitment agencies eg LTA
·  How can we most effectively help them to support schools?
6. Information sessions for schools with specific guidance including HR guidance and what should be expected of schools / tutors
7. Set up training sessions for tutors regarding what is expected in their role?
·  Primary
·  Secondary
8.Initial pilot in summer term – for secondary since not involved in spring term 09
9. PFS Centres and Burnley Springfield ?
·  Resource centres for tutors ( probably not Burnley due to size)
10. Consider schools who may need maximum support with the initiative eg due to staffing
·  Consider venues
·  How specialist schools might support
11. Quality assurance of tutoring to be provided by:
·  School?
·  LA one-to-one team?
Priority / Action / Detailed Action / Target Date / Actual Date / Lead / Impact measure / Evidence to impact measure /
Assisting the recruitment of tutors / LA to establish processes to support schools in recruitment and training of tutors / Advertising campaign linked to national one in various venues. Admin to design and cost poster dedicated to LA.
Contact likely sources of tutors and discuss LA requirements and their requirements:-
U3A, NQTs, LTA, EMASS, individuals and build up LA database.
Schools advised on processes and sources available.
Model support form agency negotiated with Lancashire Teaching Agency / Christmas 09 / HK/ADMIN / Advertising campaign designed and evident in targeted venues and providing a value for money response.
LA data base established with comprehensive details enabling schools to supplement their own tutors.
Alternative sources of tutors Quality Assured and schools have access to data base.
No issues from HR by 2011 / LA database growing regularly and is a regular and approved by users using feedback processs source of tutors for schools.
Decreasing queries in HR resulting in none by 2011.