June 17, 2010

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June 17, 2010



Board Vice President, Dr. Steven Slaton, called the meeting to order at 8:45 a.m.


Roll call was taken by Board Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Gary Levy, with the following results:

Those present:

Steven V. Slaton, DVM Board Vice President

Gary T. Levy, DVM Board Secretary-Treasurer

John C. Prejean, DVM Board Member

Mica F. Landry, DVM Board Member

Michael Tomino, Jr. Board General Counsel

Wendy D. Parrish Board Executive Director

Those absent: William H. Green, DVM, Board President


Bland O’Connor – LVMA

Nicholas Milazo, DVM (11:30am)


A. Board Meeting April 1, 2010

The Board reviewed the minutes from the April 1, 2010 Board meeting. Motion was made by Dr. Prejean to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Dr. Landry, and passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. Financial Reports – March, April 2010

Ms. Parrish and Board Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Levy presented the financial reports for the months of March and April 2010 for review. Motion was made by Dr. Prejean to approve the financial reports as presented, seconded by Dr. Landry, and passed unanimously by voice vote.

B. Budget Forecast FY2010 – Ms. Parrish presented a budget forecast for FY2010 for review and discussion. Revenues were at 100% of budgeted through April 2010. Overages in budget totals on specific expense items were defined, which included increase in internet access due to switch to DSL, increase in computer program applications due to vendor support termination, and increase in CAET course expenses due to double participants from previous years. Ms. Parrish stated that FY2010 Board budget should be close to target. No action was taken on this item.

C. Compliance Questionnaire for Audit Engagement – The Board reviewed the compliance questionnaire for the engagement of the auditor for the FY2010 audit to be performed after June 30, 2010. The compliance questionnaire answers general questions relative to the Board’s actions during the fiscal year. Motion was made by Dr. Prejean, seconded by Dr. Landry to approve the compliance questionnaire as presented. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

D. Telephone System Extended Warranty – Ms. Parrish presented quote for extended warranty on new telephone system for review and approval. Motion was made by Dr. Prejean, seconded by Dr. Slaton, to purchase the extended warranty on the new phone system for the year. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. Case 09-0825.1V – (Respondent A) Robert M. Bell, DVM (10:00am) – Proposed Consent Order – Dr. Levy was introduced as presiding officer for the proceeding. Dr. Slaton was recused as investigating Board member in the case. The respondent waived appearance at the hearing. Mr. Tomino presented the facts of the case, submitted exhibits for review, and a proposed Consent Order for consideration by the Board. Upon conclusion of the presentations and questions, motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Prejean, to enter into executive session for consideration of the proposed consent order presented in the case. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote. The executive session was closed to the public and only those Board members on the panel were present (Drs. Levy, Prejean and Landry).

Motion was made by Dr. Prejean to return to open session, seconded by Dr. Landry, and passed unanimously by voice vote. The meeting was reopened to the public. Motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Prejean to accept the Consent Order as presented for this case. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

B. Case 09-0825.1V – (Respondent B) William B. Baker, DVM (10:00am) – Proposed Consent Order – Dr. Levy was introduced as presiding officer for the proceeding. Dr. Slaton was recused as investigating Board member in the case. The respondent waived appearance at the hearing. Mr. Tomino presented the facts of the case, submitted exhibits for review, and a proposed Consent Order for consideration by the Board. Upon conclusion of the presentations and questions, motion was made by Dr. Prejean, seconded by Dr. Landry, to enter into executive session for consideration of the proposed consent order presented in the case. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote. The executive session was closed to the public and only those Board members on the panel were present (Drs. Levy, Prejean and Landry).

Motion was made by Dr. Prejean to return to open session, seconded by Dr. Landry, and passed unanimously by voice vote. The meeting was reopened to the public. Motion was made by Dr. Prejean, seconded by Dr. Landry to accept the Consent Order as presented for this case. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

C. Case 10-0601R-D (1:00pm) – Proposed Agreement – Motion was made by Dr. Landry to go into executive session to discuss the character and professional reputation issues of the licensee, seconded by Dr. Prejean, and passed unanimously by voice vote.

Dr. Slaton was introduced as presiding officer for the proceeding. Dr. Green (absent) was recused as investigating Board member in the case. The respondent waived appearance at the hearing. Mr. Tomino presented the facts of the case, submitted exhibits for review, and a proposed Agreement for consideration by the Board. Upon conclusion of the presentations and questions, the executive session was closed to all and only those Board members on the panel were present.

Motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Prejean to accept the Agreement as presented for this case. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Motion was made by Dr. Levy to return to open session, seconded by Dr. Prejean, and passed unanimously by voice vote. The meeting was reopened to the public.


A. Nicholas Milazo, DVM – Request for Consideration of DVM CE Credit – (11:30am) Dr. Milazo was introduced to the Board members. He presented information regarding surgery observation with an Alabama veterinary surgeon for consideration of DVM CE credits. The Board requested that Dr. Milazo submit further detailed information regarding the experiences to be provided. Upon conclusion of the presentation, questions and discussion, the guest left the meeting.


A. Policy and Procedure – None at this time.

B. Rule Making –

1. Emergency Rule Deepwater Horizon ER #1 – Mr. Tomino reviewed the current Emergency Rule concerning the Gulf Coast oil spill incident and rescue efforts. No action was taken on this item.

C. Practice Act and Rules/Related Matters/Declaratory Statements –

1. Review of query from Melissa Robert regarding pet grooming and the law – The Board’s response to Ms. Robert will be prepared by Mr. Tomino and mailed after Board review/ approval.

D. General Information/Updates – General information and updates were presented by Mr. Tomino regarding PMP law/veterinarians included; AAVSB resolution on proxy votes submitted by LBVM; wildlife/pets and veterinary care (Drs. Littlefield and LaCour); and recent 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals case on damages/boarded pets.


A. Randy Thayer, DVM – Request for Status Change – Following review of request and documentation submitted by Dr. Thayer, motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Levy, to approve status of Active status upon receipt of all appropriate fees, late fees and CE credits. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. Michael E. Dugan, DVM – Request for Reconsideration of Waiver of Preceptorship Requirement – 2006 graduate of Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Ohio in 2008. The additional documents submitted were reviewed, but did not meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for 90 days immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion was made by Dr. Levy, seconded by Dr. Landry, to deny waiver of the preceptorship requirement. Motion passed by majority vote.

B. Jarvis Timothy Lloyd, Jr., DVM – Request for Waiver of Retake of National Examination and Preceptorship Requirement – 1988 graduate of Tuskgagee University College of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Mississippi and South Carolina. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Lloyd, motion was made by Dr. Prejean, seconded by Dr. Levy to approve waiver of retake of the national examination and waiver of preceptorship requirement as the documents meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for five years immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

C. Jeanine Barile, DVM – Request for Waiver of Retake of National Examination and Preceptorship Requirement – 2000 graduate of Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Washington. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Barile, motion was made by Dr. Levy, seconded by Dr. Prejean to approve waiver of retake of the national examination and waiver of preceptorship requirement as the documents meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for five years immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

D. Brian Sidaway, DVM – Request for Waiver of Retake of National Examination and Preceptorship Requirement – 1998 graduate of Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Mississippi, Arizona, Tennessee and Missouri. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Sidaway, motion was made by Dr. Prejean, seconded by Dr. Levy to approve waiver of retake of the national examination and waiver of preceptorship requirement as the documents meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for five years immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

E. George Edwards, DVM – Request for Waiver of Preceptorship Requirement – 2008 graduate of Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Mississippi, Colorado and PEI Canada. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. George Edwards, motion was made by Dr. Levy, seconded by Dr. Prejean to approve waiver of preceptorship requirement as he meets the criteria for waiver due to full time veterinary employment of not less than 90 days immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

F. Sara Stafford Edwards, DVM – Request for Waiver of Preceptorship Requirement – 2009 graduate of Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Mississippi and Colorado. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Sara Edwards, motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Prejean to approve waiver of preceptorship requirement as she meets the criteria for waiver due to full time veterinary employment of not less than 90 days immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

G. Derek Kopecky, DVM – Request for Waiver of Preceptorship Requirement – 2008 graduate of Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Colorado, Georgia and Texas. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Kopecky, motion was made by Dr. Levy, seconded by Dr. Prejean to approve waiver of preceptorship requirement as he meets the criteria for waiver due to full time veterinary employment of not less than 90 days immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

H. Cara Lisa Field, DVM – Request for Waiver of Preceptorship Requirement – 2005 graduate of University of California Davis, licensed in California, Rhode Island and Connecticut The supplemental documents submitted did not meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for 90 days immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion was made by Dr. Levy, seconded by Dr. Landry, to deny waiver of the preceptorship requirement. Motion passed by majority vote.

I. Raven M. Jackson, DVM – Request for Waiver of Preceptorship Requirement – 2009 graduate of Tuskegee University, noted licensed in any state. The documents submitted did not meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for 90 days immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Slaton, to deny waiver of the preceptorship requirement. Motion passed by majority vote.

J. Michael Ryan Smith, DVM – Request for Waiver of Preceptorship Requirement – 2008 graduate of Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Florida. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Smith, motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Levy to approve waiver of preceptorship requirement as he meets the criteria for waiver due to full time veterinary employment of not less than 90 days immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

K. Shannon Parker Evans, DVM – Request for Waiver of Preceptorship Requirement – 2009 graduate of Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in North Carolina. The documents submitted did not meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for 90 days immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Levy, to deny waiver of the preceptorship requirement. Motion passed by majority vote.

L. Tyler D. Frazee, DVM – Request for Waiver of Retake of National Examination and Preceptorship Requirement – 2004 graduate of Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in New York, Arkansas, Kentucky and Oklahoma. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Frazee, motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Slaton to approve waiver of retake of the national examination and waiver of preceptorship requirement as the documents meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for five years immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote..

M. Jessica Simmons Parker, DVM – Request for Waiver of Preceptorship Requirement – 2009 graduate of Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Mississippi and Colorado. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Sara Edwards, motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Prejean to approve waiver of preceptorship requirement as she meets the criteria for waiver due to full time veterinary employment of not less than 90 days immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.