Last updated: / October 2016


Post title: / Corporate Governance Manager
Academic Unit/Service: / Wessex Institute
Faculty: / Faculty of Medicine
Career pathway: / MSA / Level: / 5
Posts responsible to: / Chief Executive Officer NETSCC, and Assistant Director People and Business Services NETSCC as line manager
Posts responsible for: / Executive Assistant (MSA3)
Post base: / Wessex Institute, Southampton Science Park, Chilworth
Job purpose
To manage and contribute to the development and implementation of the organisation’s business planning, corporate governance and overall strategy. The post holder’s primary focus is to support the NETSCC Chief Executive Officer and Director of Finance & Strategy in creating, reviewing and monitoring the implementation of the annual business plans; ensuring the robust project management, delivery and evolution of the contract review report to the Department of Health (DH) and supporting the CEO by leading the:-
-  Planning and oversight of all major governance and contract monitoring meetings, such as the NETSCC Senior Management Team (SMT); the NETSCC Steering Group and the NIHR/NETS Directors and Chairs. Defining strategic agendas; creating papers and ensuring two-way communication with significant external stakeholders, notably the DH.
-  Development of NETSCC’s corporate governance arrangements including maintaining the Register of Interests; Complaints Management; Management of Policies and Standard Operating Procedures and maintaining the Risk Registers.
-  Project management of the annual NETSCC Contract Review report to the DH, other reporting to the DH, NETSCC Business planning processes and the NETSCC Strategic Goals and Domains.
-  Management of the annual budgets and remit for the NETSCC Directors’ Office on behalf of the CEO of NETSCC.
-  Development and delivery of other strategic activities across NETSCC and/or across NIHR, as required in support of the NETSCC Directors, ensuring plans complement and support the Wessex Institute (WI) objectives of relevance, scientific rigour and values.
-  Provision of strong and visible leadership to the organisation with regards to business planning; corporate governance and development of innovative approaches for the new contract with the DH.
-  Provision of independent expert advice and support to the CEO and SMT on all matters relating to business planning, corporate governance, the formulation of strategy and on the correct and proper conduct of business and meetings.
Key accountabilities/primary responsibilities / % Time /
1.  / In conjunction with the Director of Finance & Strategy, and in the context of the WI business and financial planning and the Faculty of Medicine 1, 3 and 5 year plans, ensure there is a robust, widely understood, clearly articulated, annual process that appropriately engages all parts of the organisation and relevant stakeholders in the development of the annual business plans and which meets all statutory and contractual requirements. The post holder will effectively project manage the annual business planning process including the development and implementation/completion of:
a.  A clear, agreed process for the development and review of service business plans to feed into the overarching NETSCC business plan and monitoring process.
b.  An organisation-wide business planning calendar which clearly sets out for (and is understood by) all involved and which sets out the detailed tasks and key milestones required to ensure the timely delivery of the annual business plan and in year monitoring process.
c.  A set of tools/templates designed to efficiently elicit the timely, appropriate contribution of all service colleagues to create robust stand-alone service business plans which also feed into NETSCC’s overarching planning process/business plan content.
d.  The development and in-year review of service and the overarching business plans through a series of annual workshops and routine meetings. / 30%
2.  / Develop and maintain document control processes for the efficient management and recording of all policies and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure these documents are reviewed, up to date and accessible to staff in a timely manner. / 10%
3.  / Develop and maintain an effective complaints management processes that ensures all complaints are investigated with appropriate thoroughness and impartiality and that all complainants receive a full, high quality and timely response. Provide advice, support and training on complaints management to staff. Ensure that lessons are learnt from complaints. / 10%
4.  / To maintain the NETSCC and WI Risk Registers and ensure they are reviewed regularly by the NETSCC and WI SMTs and relevant monitoring committees including the Finance committee; the WI Information Board and the People Group. Maintain the registers of Declarations of Interest. / 5%
5.  / To provide significant strategic input into the planning and delivery of all key NETSCC governance meetings, ensuring they are managed in accordance with good governance and best practice principals. / 25%
6.  / To lead, manage and contribute to a range of projects, for example the annual NETSCC Contract Review report to the DH, other reporting to the DH (currently being developed by the DH) and the NETSCC Strategic Goals and Domains. This will require the development of innovative new approaches as NETSCC transitions from its current contract into the new contract (due to commence in April 2018). / 15%
7.  / To line manage the Executive Assistant, providing support to ensure well-being, effective working and delivery of objectives in accordance with business needs. / 4%
8.  / No job description can cover every issue which may arise within the post at various times and the post holder is expected to carry out other duties from time to time which are broadly consistent with those in this document and the post holders skills and experience. / 1%
Internal and external relationships /
The post holder will be expected to adopt priorities and engage in activities which promote the effective working of NETSCC, to the benefit of NIHR and in line with the NETSCC strategic goals, values and vision.
The post holder will be expected to liaise with relevant members of NETSCC and with nationally important individuals and organisations, including the NIHR programme directors and chairs, NIHR centre directors and senior civil servants in the Department of Health, as appropriate and with colleagues in the University of Southampton, other institutions and related organisations.
It is expected that the duties will be performed in the light of the relevant activities in Higher Education generally. The post holder will be expected to be aware of the activities and initiatives being formulated nationally within the area of implementing and maintaining Corporate Applications and will be expected to take part in such activities should they be relevant to and of benefit to the work being undertaken locally.
To maintain the relevant level of professional expertise and qualifications to discharge the duties of a professional specialist and to agree with the Chief Executive Officer and Assistant Director People & Business Services on a relevant professional development programme.


Criteria / Essential / Desirable / How to be assessed
Qualifications, knowledge experience / Skill level equivalent to achievement of a professional qualification or postgraduate degree in any subject.
Proven experience of managing strategic and operational business planning and corporate governance, including policy, risk and complaints management
Proven experience of managing complex projects within a health, social care, research or related environment
Proven people management skills.
Proven committee secretariat and governance knowledge and experience
Able to appreciate University priorities and to apply these in managing work outcomes.
Understanding of the health and social care or related landscape.
Fully conversant with Microsoft Office suite. / A professional qualification or postgraduate degree in the health, social care research management field
Awareness of the NIHR infrastructure and policy context
Experience of working in policy-sensitive environments / Application Form / Interview
Planning organising / Able to plan and manage major new projects or significant new activities, ensuring plans complement broader Wessex Institute strategy.
Able to think beyond own area of the research management process to consider and plan for the broader strategic needs of the Wessex Institute, both current and longer term. / Track record in setting up effective systems and workflows / Application Form / Interview
Problem solving initiative / Able to identify broad trends to assess deep-rooted and complex issues.
Able to apply originality in modifying existing approaches to solve problems.
Able to anticipate and respond effectively to challenges and opportunities both within own area of the research management process and more widely. / Demonstrable problem solving skills in a policy-sensitive environment / Application Form / Interview
Management teamwork / Proven leadership experience and able to manage team dynamics, ensuring any potential for conflict is managed effectively.
Able to formulate development plans for own staff to meet current and future skill needs.
Able to provide expert guidance and advice to colleagues to resolve complex problems.
Able to anticipate resource requirements and develop and implement plans that deliver operational priorities effectively and complement wider organisational plans / Matrix management of a wider dispersed team.
Track record in complex programme management
Excellent people management skills, with experience in leading effective teams. / Application Form / Interview
Communicating influencing / Able to persuade and influence in order to foster and maintain positive and productive relationships with multiple stakeholders.
Able to resolve tensions and difficulties as they arise. / Excellent written and oral communication skills / Application Form / Interview
Other skills behaviours / Demonstrate ability to meet and behave in accordance with the WI values: Collaboration; Delivery; Knowledge & Excellence.
Act as an ambassador and role model for the WI Values
Able to work in a pressurised and rapidly changing environment Ability to develop a good understanding of NETSCC’s, Wessex Institute’s and NIHR’s business / Good working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite
Knowledge of health and care sector
Special requirements / Occasional out of hours working may be required where deadlines need to be met.


Is this an office-based post?

☒ Yes / If this post is an office-based job with routine office hazards (eg: use of VDU), no further information needs to be supplied. Do not complete the section below.
☐ No / If this post is not office-based or has some hazards other than routine office (eg: more than use of VDU) please complete the analysis below.
Hiring managers are asked to complete this section as accurately as possible to ensure the safety of the post-holder.

## - HR will send a full PEHQ to all applicants for this position. Please note, if full health clearance is required for a role, this will apply to all individuals, including existing members of staff.

(<30% of time) / Frequently
(30-60% of time) / Constantly
(> 60% of time)
Outside work
Extremes of temperature (eg: fridge/ furnace)
## Potential for exposure to body fluids
## Noise (greater than 80 dba - 8 hrs twa)
## Exposure to hazardous substances (eg: solvents, liquids, dust, fumes, biohazards). Specify below:
Frequent hand washing
Ionising radiation
## Food handling
## Driving university vehicles(eg: car/van/LGV/PCV)
## Use of latex gloves (prohibited unless specific clinical necessity)
## Vibrating tools (eg: strimmers, hammer drill, lawnmowers)
Load manual handling
Repetitive crouching/kneeling/stooping
Repetitive pulling/pushing
Repetitive lifting
Standing for prolonged periods
Repetitive climbing (ie: steps, stools, ladders, stairs)
Fine motor grips (eg: pipetting)
Gross motor grips
Repetitive reaching below shoulder height
Repetitive reaching at shoulder height
Repetitive reaching above shoulder height
Face to face contact with public
Lone working
## Shift work/night work/on call duties

Senior Research Manager – Job Description6