John Craig Present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades and David Jobson Writer their, Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds revenue from Martinmass 1779 to Martinmass 1780


Decr 3 / To Balance of last Accounts / 49.10. 5½
Cash from Francis Gibson Ballc of his & Deacon Young’s Bill given up in Arrear last Accots / 9. 0. 0
From him for @rent dues thereon / 3. 3. 6
Feu Duties & Stent of Blackscroft
John Greig one years due at Marts 1779 / 2.10. 0
John Lyon two years due at Marts 1780 / 6. 3. 4
John Smith two –do- / 3. 0. 0
For Rope Walk one –do- / 1.10. 0 / 13. 3. 4
N.B. The Rope Walk & Land on the South side thereof wee Feued out to Chas Drummond Shoemaker to be entered at Mar 1780 for which he was to pay £113 of price & 5etl of yearly Feu duty after that Term so that the rent of John Smith’s Land & the Rope Walk is his property after that Term.
Cash from the said Chas Drummond as the price of the sd Feu / 113. 0. 0
Follows rents of the Shops below the Hall
From Mr Strachan one years rent of the New Coffee House form Lambas 1779 to Las 1780 / 20. 0 .0
From Miss Greenhill one years rent for her Shop due Marts 1780 / 13. 5. 7
From Alexr Mclagan one years rent of his Shop due said Term / 6.11. 0
Alexr Riddoch one years rent of his Shop due said Term / 14.15. 0
From him for additional rent for repairs which he pays annually during the tack / 13. 3 / 55. 4.10
Cash from Convener Keith for the use of the Hall for a Concert of music / 6. 6. 0
From Convener Keith as new Convener / 1. 0. 0
From David Syme Glover & Francis Gibson Weave new Deacons / 1. 0. 0
Dues of Entrys among the Trades & Fund Meall brought from the other Book / 32.16. 8½
Follows Cash received for two pence on the Boll of Meall from the respective Trades
Decr 4 / Deacon Turnbull for the Hammerman for Findlators, Mr Lyon & Panmures Meall crop 1777 / 2. 4. 5½
Cordiners for 60 Bolls Thos Drummonds / 10. 0
Hammerman for 15 –do- / 5.10
Waukers for 175 B of Findlators Crop 1777 / 1. 9. 2
9 / Glovers -do- / 1. 9. 2
Jany 12 / Bakers from 44 Bolls of Thos Drummonds 1778 / 7. 4
13 / Waukers for 25 -do- / 4. 2
28 / Hammerman for 35 the last half of Thomas Drummonds Cropt 1778 / 5.10
Feby 3 / Bonnetmakers for Meall Cropt 1777 / 2. 5. 2
Novr 30 / Deacon Duff for Meal delivered the Taylor Trade Cropt 1777 / 2.19. 0
From -do- for 87 T of Drummonds Cropt 1778 / 14. 6
Bakers for 20 T of Davidson Cr due 12th July 1780 / 3. 4
Glovers for 10 -do- / 1. 8
Hammermen for 70 Bolls / 11. 8
Waukers for 30 -do- / 5. 0
Cordiners for 60 T –do- / 10. 0
Tailors for 40 T –do- / 6. 8
Weavers for 188 T –do- / 1.11. 4
-do- for 137 T of Drummonds Cropt 1778 / 1. 2.10
Surplus uplifted from the Trades over paying the Fraught &c of Stewarts Meal / 8. 1
18. 2. 0½
From Fleshers for Meal Cropt 1779 which was presently Compounded by the Found & which the Flesher Trade are to pay Annually during the remaining year of the agreement / 1.10. 0 / 19.12. 0½

Discharge of the preceeding Charges

Rent sums due / @rents pd
To Pnll sum due John Boyack Sailor / 100. 0. 0
One years @rent thereof paid to Whits 1780 at 4% / 4.10. 0
Pnll sum due John Duncan / 50. 0. 0
One years @rent thereof pd to Whits 1780 / 2. 5. 0
Pnll sum due to James Rennet / 50. 0. 0
One years @rent thereof paid to 15th Octr 1780 / 2. 5. 0
Pnll sum due Peter Kidd Mercht / 60. 0. 0
One years @rent thereof paid to 26 Novr 1780 / 2.14. 0
Pnll sum paid to Benjamin Nicoll / 100. 0. 0
One years @rent thereof paid 26th Novr 1780 / 4.10. 0
Omitted in last years Accots upon one years @rent paid him 26th Novr 1779 / 2. 0. 0
Pnll sum due John Ferguson Soldier / 27. 0. 0
One years @rent thereof paid to 30 Mar 1780 / 1. 0. 8
Pnll sum due to Andw Sword in Hillton / 10. 0. 0
One years @rent thereof paid to Whit 1780 / 9. 0
Pnll sum due to David Smart Baker / 40. 0. 0
One years @rent thereof paid to Marts 1780 / 1.16. 0
Pnll sum due Alexr Watt Dyer / 60. 0. 0
1¼ @rent paid him to 16 Augt 1780 / 3. 7. 6
Pnll sum due John Milln / 32 .0. 0
One years @rent thereof paid him to Whits 1780 / 1. 8. 9
Pnll sum due Agnes Nicoll on Hilltoun / 26. 0. 0
One years @rent thereof paid her to Whits 1780 / 1. 3. 4
Pnll sum due Kirk session of Auchterhouse / 25. 0. 0
One years @rent thereof paid them to Whits 1780 / 1. 2. 6
Pnll sum due Robert Hamilton Mason / 32. 0. 0
One years @rent thereof paid him to Whits 1780 / 1. 8. 9
Pnll sum due John Johnstone at Auchterhouse / 50. 0. 0
One years @rent thereof paid him to 10th June 1780 / 2. 5. 0
Pnll sum due Margt Lesslie / 50. 0.0
One years @rent thereof paid her to Whits 1780 / 2. 5. 0
Pnll sum due Fraternity of Porters / 50. 0. 0
One years @rent thereof paid them to 25th Septr 1780 / 2. 5. 0
Pnll sum due Andw Ratrie at Drybrough / 10. 0. 0
One years @rent thereof paid him to 1st Octr 1780 / 9. 0
Pnll sum due John Patullo in Craigie / 200. 0. 0
One years @rent to Mart 1780 paid him / 9. 0. 0
Pnll sum due Barbara Kydd in Kirkmylie / 23. 0. 0
One years @rent thereof paid her to 2nd Decemr 1779 / 1. 0. 0
Pnll sum due Margt Patrick / 27. 0. 0
One years @rent thereof paid her to 17th July 1780 / 1. 4. 0
Pnll sum due Isobel Tullo / 30. 0. 0
One years @rent thereof paid her to Marts 1780 / 1. 7. 0
Pnll sum pad Convener Bisset in part of the Ballance of his Accot of the Hall / 30. 7. 6
Ballce of that Sum due him by Bill / 55. 0. 0
Paid him @rent due Thereon to 3 Decr 1780 / 3. 4. 9
1009. 0. 0 / 183. 8. 8

Follows the Disbursements for the General Fund

Decr 3 / Spent at clearing last Accots / 1.19. 6
By our Clerks Sellarie for uplifting the Trades Meall from Marts 1779 to –do- 1780 / 3.15. 0
April 8 / Paid for Advertising the Roup of the Rope Walking / 3. 6
By Stamp paper, Drawing the Articles of Roup, attending the same & Servant for Writing –do- / 15. 6½
Spent with the purchaser &c / 6. 0
29 / Paid King’s Duty on the price being £113 @3% / 1. 9. 8
May 9 / By two sheets St paper & Drawing Disposition to Chas Drummond the Purchaser & Extracts of he Sederunt impowering the Conveener & Boxmaster to Sign the Disposition & Sert for writing –do- / 1.12. 1
Spent at signing these papers / 3. 0
18 / Paid James Nicoll Mason pr Accot / 19. 5
June 5 / Paid Doctor Small for Stipend payl out of Blackscroft Cropt 1779 / 0. 9½
N. B. The Fund pays Cropt 1780 & Chas Drummond Cropt 1781 & succeeding Cropts
27 / Paid From Treasurer two years feu or Tiend duty of Blackscroft to Whitsunday 1780 / 3. 0
Septr 26 / Spent at receiving the Leits / 3. 0
Octr 9 / -do at clearing Conveener Bissets Accots & Bookings / 2. 0. 0
11 / Paid Premium of Insurance on the Hall & Carriage / 1. 0. 6
Novr 11 / Paid George Innes one years Sellarie due Marts 1780 / 5. 0. 0
Paid Conveener Keith for Shoes to him / 10. 0
Paid Robert Nicoll for this Book / 8. 3
Given Conveeners Officer for the List of the Fund meall / 1. 0
By our Clerks Sellarie as Cashier to the Fund from Marts 1779 to -do- 1780 / 1. 0. 0
By Ballce of the price of Rope Walk &c due by Conveener Keith & Chas Drummond pr Bill bearing @rent from Marts 1780 / 60. 0. 0
Paid Conveener Bisset pr Accot / 4. 5.11½
Given my Clerk for writing out the Accounts / 2. 6
Cash given to the Severall Deacons to divide among their Poor No 184 at 4/- each / 36.16. 0
306.18. 0½

Dundee 7th Decemr 1780. The proceeding Accounts were perused & Examined by the Managers of the General Found and approven of and found a balance due to the said David Jobson pf Three pounds one Shilling and Two pence Sterling which they appoint him to take Credit for in his next Accounts and therefore the said Accounts are discharged.

Willm Keith: Wiliam Skirling: Wm Webster: Wm Corsar: Alexr Watt: David Syme

James Ivory Present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades and David Jobson Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1780 to Martinmas 1781


The principal sum in Conveener Keith & Chas Drummond / 60. 0. 0
To one years annual rent thereof to Marts 1780 / 3. 0. 0
Follows the Dues of Blackscroft
From John Greig one year to Marts 1781 / 2.10. 0
John Lyon one year due Marts 1781 / 3. 1. 8
Charles Drummond at –do- / 5. 0 / 5.16. 8
Follows payments of the Rents of the Shops below the Hall
Mr Strachan one years Rent of the Coffee House due Lambas 1781 / 20. 0. 0
Miss Greenhill –do- due Marts 1781 / 13. 5. 7
Alexr McLagan -do- / 6.11. 0
Alexr Riddoch –do- / 15. 8. 3 / 55. 4.10
Follows Cash borrowed
June 15 / David Neave in Hilltoun at 4% / 10. 0. 0
18 / James Clark Servant to Lord Airly / 50. 0. 0 / 60. 0. 0
Deacon Gray Cordiner, James Mullo Taylor John Thornton Waulker, New Deacons / 4.10. 0
Dues of Entries & Fund Meall brought from another book / 57. 9.10½
Follows Cash received for two penyes the Boll of Meal from the respective Trades
From them for 120 Bolls of Drummond’s Meal due 20th April 1781 / 1. 0. 0
-do- for 88 of Stewart & Coy due 9th Marc h 178111 / 14. 8
-do- for 11 of Johnstones 6th May 1781 / 1.10
-do- for 40 of Drummonds 12th Decr 1780 / 6. 8
-do- for 37 –do- 27th Septr 1781 / 6. 8
-do- for 40 of Gilies 13th July 1780 / 6. 8
-do- for 41 of Shinners 16th July / 6.10
-do- for 48 of Blacks 31 Octr 1781 / 8. 0
-do- for 80 of Johnstones –do- 1781 / 13. 4
-do- for 80 of Gilies 16 Novr 1781 / 18. 4 / 4.17. 6
From them for 100 of Stewarts due 10th Jany 1781 / 16. 8
-do- for 163 of Drummonds 20th April 81 / 1. 7. 2
-do- 52 of Stewarts 9th March 81 / 8. 8
-do- 116 of Johnstones 6th May 81 / 19. 4
-do- of 79 Drummonds 12th Decr 80 / 13. 2
-do- for 60 of –do- 27th Septr 1781 / 10. 0
-do- for 68 of Gillies 26th Octr 81 / 11. 4
-do- for 129 of Shinners 13th July 81 / 1. 1. 6
-do- for 119 of Blacks 31st Octr 81 / 19.10
-do- for 120 of Johnstones 7th Octr 81 / 1. 0. 0
-do- for 107 of Gilles due 16th Novr 81 / 19.10 / 9. 5. 6
From them for 22 of Drummonds due 20th April 81 / 3. 8
-do- 6 of Stewarts 9th March 81 / 1. 0
-do- 12 of Drummonds 27th Septr 81 / 2. 0
-do- 30 of Gilles 26th Octr 81 / 5. 0
-do- 12 of Shinners 13th July 81 / 2. 0
-do- 14 of Blacks 31 Octr 811 / 2. 4
-do- 27 of Johnstones 7th –do- / 4. 6
-do- 21 of Gilles 16th Nor 811 / 3. 6 / 1. 4. 0
From them 97 of Stewarts 10th Jany 81 / 16. 2
-do- 80 of Drummonds 28th April 81 / 13. 4
-do- 100 of Stewarts 9th March 81 / 16. 8
-do- 66 of Johnstones 6th May 81 / 11. 0
-do- 120 of Drummonds 12th Decr 80 / 1. 0. 0
-do- 199 of -do- 27th Septr 81 / 16. 6
-do- 79 of Gilles 26th Octr 81 / 13. 2
-do- 60 of Shinners 13th July 81 / 10. 0
-do- 154 of Polacks 3331st Octr 81 / 1. 5. 8
-do- 81 of Johnstones 9th -do- / 13. 6
-do- 85 of Gilles 16th Novr 81 / 14. 2 / 8.10. 2
From them for 68 of Drummonds due 20th April 81 / 11. 4
-do- 73 of Stewarts 9th March 811 / 12. 2
-do- 22 of Johnstones 6th May 81 / 3. 8
-do- 39 of Drummonds 27 Septr 81 / 6. 6
-do- 40 of Gilles 26th Octr 81 / 6. 8
-do- 7 of Shinners 13th July 81 / 1. 2
-do- 55 of Blacks 31st Octr 81 / 9. 2
-do- 57 of Johnstones 7th Decr 81 / 9. 6
-do- 40 of Gilles 16th Novr 81 / 6. 8 / 3. 6.10
From them for 64 of Stewarts due 10th Jany 81 / 10. 8
-do- 141 of Drummonds 26th April 81 / 1. 3. 6
-do- 47 of Stewarts 9th Mar 81 / 7.10
-do- 32 of Johnstones 6th May 81 / 5. 4
-do- 98 of Drummonds 12th Decr 8 / 16. 4
-do- 46 -do- 27th September 81 / 7. 8
-do- 54 of Gilles 26th Octr 81 / 9. 0
-do- 124 of Shinners 13th July 81 / 1. 0. 8
-do- 29 of Blacks 31st Octr 81 / 4.10
-do- 78 of Johnstones 7th -do- / 13. 0
-do- 30 of Gilles 16th Novr 81 / 5. 0 / 6. 3.10
From them for 194 of Stewarts 10th Jany 80 / 1.12. 4
-do- 283 of Drummonds 20th April 81 / 2. 7. 2
-do-205 of Stewarts 9th March 81 / 1.13.10
-do- 209 of Johnstones 6th May 81 / 1.14.10
-do- 240 of Drummonds 12th Decr 80 / 2. 0. 0
-do- 106 of Gilles 26th Octr 81 / 17. 8
-do- 77 of Shinners 13th July 81 / 12.10
-do- 206 of Polacks 31st Octr 81 / 1.13.10
-do- 205 of Johnstones 7th –do- / 1.14. 2
-do- 200 of Gilles 16th Novr 81 / 1.15. 4 / 16. 0. 0
From them for of Stewarts due 10th Jany 1780 / 6. 8
-do- 50 of Drummonds 20th April 81 / 8. 4
-do- 21 of Stewarts 9th March 81 / 3. 6
-do- 24 of Johnstones 6th May 81 / 4. 0
-do- 55 of Drummonds 27th Septr / 9. 2
-do- 29 of Gilles 26th Octr 81 / 4.10
-do- 15 of Polacks 31st –do- / 2. 6
-do- 36 of Johnstones 7th –do- / 9. 4
-do- 41 of Gilles 16th Decr 81 / 6.10 / 2.15. 2
Conveener Keith
From him for 108 Gilles due 26th Octr 17811 / 18. 0
-do- 21 of Blacks 31st –do- / 3. 6
-do- 87 of Gilles 16th Novr 81 / 14. 6 / 1.16. 0
From the Flesher Trade their Two pences pr Agreement / 4.10. 0
298.10. 4½

Discharge of the preceeding Charge

Decr 7 / By ballance of last Accot / 3. 1. 2
Follows Principall Sum due by the General Fund & annual rents paid thereon
Principall sum due John Boyack Sailor / 100. 0. 0
By one years @rent thereof to Whity 1780 / 4.10. 0
Principall sum due John Duncan / 50. 0. 0
By one years @rent thereof to Whitsy 1780 / 2. 5. 0
Principall sum due James Rennet / 50. 0. 0
By one years @rent thereof to 15th Octr 1781 / 2. 5. 0
Prinll sum due Peter Kidd Mercht / 60. 0. 0
By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1781 / 2.14. 0
Prnll sum due to John Ferguson Soldier / 27. 0. 0
By one years @rent thereof to 30th March 1781 / 1. 0. 8