Minutes of the

Rochester Public Schools

Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) Meeting

6:30 p.m., Jan. 28, 2010, Edison Building

In Attendance:

Parent Members: Sue Palmer, Laurie Laudon, Tammy Bonnicksen, Kristen Stier, Angie Heinrich, John Riebow

Staff Members: Karla Bollesen, Michelle Verna, Jess Reddinger-Litke

Community Agency Members: Becky Fluegel, Beth Honecker

Guests: Jennie Polson, Vesna Sloan, Joni Murray-Petersen, Jennifer Ewen, Mark and Angela Nagele

Excused Absences: Mary Bennett, Maka Boeve

Welcome – Sue Palmer

Chair Sue Palmer called the meeting to order.

·  Sue welcomed members to the meeting and read the purpose of the Special Education Advisory Council. She reminded members of SEAC’s procedures for presenting individual issues: the “SEAC Members Guide to Addressing Concerns” forms are filled out and given to her or Vice-Chair Mary Bennett.


Approval of Dec. 3, 2009 Minutes

Becky Fluegel made the motion to approve the minutes; seconded by Sue Palmer. The motion was passed.

Interim Director’s Update: Karla Bollesen

Karla gave an update about budget reductions that are being considered by the school district. The budget reduction committee is now ready to make its recommendations to the school board. For Special Education, the committee followed the department’s recommendation of reducing three staff teaching positions, a supervisor’s position, legal fees and instructional supplies. The special education staff was polled to find out what cuts they best could handle, Karla said. Overall the district must cut 3.5 percent from its budget; special education’s cut is much less. The department has some protection because of federal mandates.

Karla also reported that the district now has a revenue generating committee looking at different ways to add monies. Sponsorships may be one thing that is considered. The overall budget cut for the district for 2010-11 is about $4.5 million; for the following year it could be $6.1 million or more. Stimulus monies also will be gone in 2011-12.

Community Information Sharing

Sue Palmer asked members if they had information to share regarding related community events.

·  Vesna Sloan reported the movie Temple Grandin (http://www.hbo.com/movies/temple-grandin/index.html) will premier on HBO this month. The movie chronicles the Colorado State University professor’s life with autism.

·  Bear Creek Services and the City of Rochester Adaptive Recreation Division will host an open house for the new Adaptive Afterschool Program. The open house is set from 4 to 6:30 p.m., Feb. 22, at Bear Creek Services. Becky Fluegel reported the new program currently has four students and there has been great feedback from parents and program administrators.

·  “Pancakes and Possabilities” is set for 8 to 10 a.m., Feb. 7, at Applebee’s in the Apache Mall. Cost is $6, with $5 going to Possabilities. A silent auction is part of the event.

·  Uptown Dental Clinic is a new dental office that is taking appointments as of January 25. They take most dental insurance plans including Minnesota Care and Medical Assistance. The phone number for appointments is 206-6780.

Subcommittee Reports

Sue Palmer asked for subcommittee updates. SEAC subcommittees are Protocol, Membership, Outreach and Grant.

·  Membership: Lorna Smith has resigned from the committee so the autism parent position is now open.

Also, Sue attended a Sunset Terrace staff meeting with Jess Reddinger-Litke during Inclusive Schools Week. They talked about SEAC and showed the DVD I’m Tyler, http://www.imtyler.org/. Jess also put a SEAC brochure in each staff member’s mailbox.

·  Outreach: Becky Fluegel reported on the joint meetings of SEAC, the Interagency Early Intervention Committee (IEIC) and the Rochester Community Transition Interagency Committee (CTIC) members. The joint committee, all of which have parent members, has met twice. At the first meeting, they talked about each group’s current projects; at the second meeting they talked about producing an informational brochure about all the groups. They also asked that SEAC inform them of its upcoming informational meeting topics so their members could attend. The members discussed the groups possibly working together on Inclusive Schools Week and the Rochester School’s Education Summit. All SEAC members are welcome to attend the meetings; the next one is set for 11:45 a.m., Feb. 26, in Becky’s office.

·  Outreach: The subcommittee will meet again at 3:45 p.m., Feb. 18, in Jess Reddinger Litke’s room at Sunset Terrace.

·  Grant: Sue Palmer reported on information she received about grants for schools offered by the Lowe’s Foundation. The subcommittee will meet Feb. 4.

Guest Speaker

Jennie Poulson is the Physical Impairments/Traumatic Brain Injury Consultant and Assistive Technology Coordinator for the district. She discussed the process of how a student would receive an assistive technology device.

If the IEP team decides to consider the use of assistive technology, the case manager contacts Jennie. The team then answers questionnaires, which are returned to Jennie for review. The group then meets to discuss possible tools for use. When decided, the student starts by using the device for a trial period.

After the trial period, the data is reviewed and if the tool is effective, the school makes the purchase. If the tool is not effective during the trial, the student may try other tools.

There are assistive technology devices for hearing, vision, positioning and seating, environmental control, activities for daily living, recreation and leisure, math, reading, composing, written materials and communication.


The next meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 25, 2010.

Submitted by Laura Laudon and Tammy Bonnicksen, co-secretaries