Dear Riding Club Member,

Many of you will have received the email from Laura Sanger, Head of Riding Clubs, and will have heard the presentation at the recent Area Roadshow.

Reactions to the announcement and the method of delivery is now in the public domain (Facebook Group: "Support British Riding Clubs NEC elected committee"). The announcement was made to the NEC on 20th October when the Area Representatives had arrived expecting to attend a meeting. There was no consultation. The NEC was to be replaced with an Advisory Committee of 11, 6 of whom would be existing Area Representatives, filling specialist roles: Safety Officer, Database and Scoring Officer, Competitions Officer, Training Officer,Eligibility and Rules Officer, Facilities and Logistics Officer. It transpired the BHS had been working on this strategy for six months and the reason for not consulting the NEC according to the Chief Executive of the BHS, Lynn Petersen, was that the board had decided the NEC could not be trusted with the information. It also transpired that despite all Area Representatives being given job descriptions and application forms for the six specialist roles, Representatives were privately approached by BRC staff and invited to apply for the posts.

To conduct a restructuring operation in this way without consultation, I do not believe was a good management decision. The BHShas succeeded in alienating a body of people who have given invaluable (unpaid) service to British Riding Clubs.

Some aspects of BRC probably needed re-structuring, however the new structure does have major flaws. For example, Scotland, which differs from other areas because of its geography and legal system, now has no representation at committee level. It was made clear to the Area Representatives at the meeting that the new structure is a ‘done deal’, so not open to revision.

To quote a former Area Representative ‘After many years of the BHS trying to take over British Riding Clubs they have eventually succeeded. Since its inception the BRC has been a democratic organisation with the members having a say at every level. This has now been taken away from us without consultation’.

On Friday 20th November the Area Representatives met to discuss the feedback they had received from clubs and the membership. Those who could not attend submitted statements or appointed a proxy to represent the Area.

The outcome is that there is no immediate desire to see the historical and successful work of many volunteers and dedicated BRC staff being fragmented, disaffiliated or damage caused to a movement that has been so influential in the enjoyment of so many equestrians over the years. Every effort will be explored to work and support the new Advisory Committee creating a movement we can be proud of. It is recognised that each member and club has the right to cease being a member if that is their own or collective wish to do so.

(One club has disaffiliated, six Areas have expressed an interest in setting up an independent organisation).

The view is that the current affiliation system is no longer fit for purpose and leaves clubs/members/Areas and the BHS confused as to how each fits in to the bigger picture that leads to dispute and misunderstandings. The affiliation agreement must now be a formal and transparent written document signed annually by both stakeholders that clearly states the terms and conditions as well as what is expected of all stakeholders to create a harmonious affiliation agreement base on mutual respect and acknowledges the responsibility of all to make it work.

There is still a strong desire to have an area based support network at National level. To reflect this it is proposed that an independent National Liaison Committee will be formed to support the affiliation process and BHS Advisory committee based on the current autonomous Area Liaison Committee system. Funding and development of a National Liaison Committee would be independent of the BHS. This would be no different to how the BHS successfully collaborates with many other external bodies.

Following on from this a request for a meeting has gone to the Trustees, CEO, and Laura Sanger.

If, despite all efforts to retain the BRC structure as we know it, Riding Clubs could become an independent group, with Scottish Riding Clubs possibly looking at a devolved option.

This situation has the potential to affect every BRC member. In order to be aware of the comments of others the Area Representatives encourage everyone to join the Facebook group: "Support British Riding Clubs NEC elected committee".

I will be attending another meeting early in January and would welcome questionsand comments from all members.

Yours sincerely,

Jennifer Rentoul

Area 1 Representative