AP Chemistry Name :

Worksheet : Ch. 3-2 Date :


_____ 1. Forms four strong covalent bonds because of its ability to hybridize its four valence electrons, and thereby form long chains by bonding to itself

_____ 2. Highly electronegative, monovalent and is a diatomic gas at room temperature.

_____ 3. Forms colored solutions, can oxidize to form a green coating.

_____ 4. Will form a basic solution when combined with water.

_____ 5. Most abundant element in the earth’s crust, highly electronegative, covalently bonding to other nonmetals to form polyatomic ions.

_____ 6. For which of the following compounds does 0.25 mol have a mass of 18 grams?

a. AlCl3 b. NF3 c. C6H12O6 d. O3 e. C4H8N2O

_____ 7. How many moles are there in 8.8 grams of carbon dioxide?

a. 0.05 mol b. 0.020 mol c. 0.20 mol d. 0.40 mol e. 0.10 mol

_____ 8. How many moles of glucose(C6H12O6) can be formed from 16 grams of O2?

a. 15 mol b. 12 mol c. 0.17 mol d. 0.67 mol e. none of the above

_____ 9. The weight of NaOH in 50.0 ml of a 2.0 molar solution is

a. 4.0 g b. 8.0 g c. 16g d. 32g e. 0.40g

_____ 10. How many grams of glucose (C6H12O6, MW = 180.18 g) contain 32.0 grams of oxygen?

a. 20. g b. 60.g c. 30. g d. 90. g e. 120 g

_____ 11. How many grams of sodium are there in 1.5 moles of sodium carbonate?

a. 35g b. 69g c. 92g d. 110g e. 137g

_____ 12. How many moles of hydrochloric acid are needed to completely react with 13.5 g of aluminum?

a. 1.50 mol b. 1.00 mol c. 2.00 mol d. 3.00 mol e. 4.00 mol

_____ 13. Which of the following compounds has a S:O ratio of 4:3 by mass?

a. SO2 b. SO3 c. SO4 d. S2O3 e. S2O5

_____ 15. Which of the following can be oxidized to form a stronger acid?

a. H2SO 4 b. H2CO3 c. H3PO 4 d. HNO2 e. H3BO3

_____16. When a 50.0 gram sample of limestone was dissolved in acid 4.4 grams of CO2 was generated. If the rock contained no carbonate other than CaCO3, what was the percent of CaCO3 by mass in the limestone?

a. 5% b. 15% c. 20% d. 50% e. 80%

17. The element silver (Ag) has two naturally occurring isotopes: 109Ag and 107Ag with a mass of 106.905 amu. Silver consists of 51.82% 107Ag and has an average atomic mass of 107.868 amu. Calculate the mass of 109Ag.

18. A compound contains only one carbon atom per mole and is 8.69% carbon. What is the molar mass of the compound?

19. Hemoglobin is the protein that transports oxygen in mammals. Hemoglobin is 0.342% Fe by mass, and each hemoglobin molecule contains four iron atoms. Calculate the molar mass of hemoglobin.

20. Give the empirical formula for each of the following compounds (for which the common names are given):

AP Chemistry-ws-3-2

a. Vitamin C, C6H8O6

b. Benzene, C6H6

c. Acetic acid, HC2H3O2

21. The active ingredient in photographic fixer solution contains sodium, sulfur, and oxygen. Analysis of a sample shows that the sample contains 0.979 g Na, 1.365 g S, and 1.021 g O. What is the empirical formula of this substance?

22. Benzene contains only carbon and hydrogen and is 7.74% H by mass; the molar mass of benzene is 78.1 g/mol. Determine the empirical and molecular formulas of benzene.

23. B5H9 can be used as a fuel when it is combined with oxygen in a combustion reaction. The products are water and a compound that is 31.05% boron and the rest is oxygen.

a. What is the formula of the boron containing product?

b. Write a balanced reaction for this reaction.

c. If a total of 1.2 x 10-3 kg of oxygen are used with an excess of B5H9, how much of the boron containing

product is produced and what percentage of the oxygen used ends up in this product?

Answers to selected problems : 17. 108.9 18. 138 g/mol 19. 65,300 g/mol 20a. C3H4O3 20b. CH 21. Na2S2O3 22. C6H6 23. a. B2O3 c.1.09 g, 63%

AP Chemistry-ws-3-2